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Project Mugen
How marketing a game can make it looks better , let's talk about Ananta .😎

How marketing a game can make it looks better , let's talk about Ananta .😎

131 View2024-12-14
This isn't a gameplay rating but a hype rating.
Without any doubt this game , has the amazing rating of 5 star. I should not be explaining why we all have seen their trailer showing the beauty of their city, the fact that we can freely go all around the city with something like Spider-Man webs. And also the fact that , every single character have their own unique Mechanic,  makes me want to play them. So this game without any surprise, is a first in my hype rating.
And this rating can change depending on the trailer that the game will suhow, because so far we didn't really see a proper trailer featuring battle images, we just saw limited images, uh, showing battle mode.Sir, i'm just looking forward for battle.
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