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Bright Memory Mobile Reviews

Bright Memory Mobile Reviews

Bright Memory Mobile (BETA) Review.

Bright Memory, also known as Bright Memory: Episode 1, is a first-person shooter action video game developed by Chinese-based FYQD Personal Studio. Bright Memory: Mobile won't be remembered for long with its brief run time and poor storytelling. Bright Memory: Mobile is an impressive graphical spectacle that manages to cobble together a few decent gameplay elements, but it falls far short of being a 'must play' game
Bright Memory Mobile (BETA) Review.


👉🏻一款第一人稱動作射擊遊戲。 🪄這是一款由1人團隊在業余時間開發的遊戲,講述自然科學研究組織(SRO)調查員舒雅(Shelia)的冒險故事。在遊戲中,可控製不同風格的特殊能力,並通過技能組合創造一組華麗的連擊。 ‼️喜歡動作、射擊的,🉑️下載體驗啦 - 🎮遊戲名:光明記憶 (測試版) 🕹️平臺:iOS/Android ✅女性主角|冒險|動作|射擊|科幻|開放世界 🪄 在一次文物調查行動中,SRO提取出能喚醒死者的物質。 SAI便企圖奪取,通過修改坐標來到一個充滿遠古生物的空中大陸。 為此,調查員舒雅前往阻止SAI,並調查其中的真相。 🪄 🌀 除使用槍和劍外,還可使用超自然能力攻擊,如意念和能量爆炸。 ⭕️ 將不同的攻擊技能進行組合,打出華麗連擊。 💪 角色技能的增強和新能力的解鎖都需要經驗值。 🧩 除了戰鬥外,部分的區域还有解謎玩法。

It's a 《 Fortnite like 》game

This game looks so good ! It gives me 3D , open world vibes with post apocalypse feelings.  I'll try it out asap and tell you if it's worth or not !!! 👾 Update, it's a good game for people who like fortnite , call of duty and all game like that . It's a battel royal , Go try it out !

'Bright Memory Mobile' impression

Graphics are amazing for a mobile game, would recommend to play. Too sad it's only a playthrough though..

Bright Memory Mobile

As an English speaker I had no issues with this. I think it uses Unreal Engine. Very nice graphics. Gameplay was pretty good, the cut scenes are in Chinese, the control schema was easy to pick up. Looks like a lot of effort went into this

'Bright Memory Mobile' review

Graphics are very good i like it 👍


ithas best graphics in it I actually run it on my Google pixel 3 with Snapdragon 845 I got great results playing this game and it is so smooth and it is like console type graphics I actually love this game in the graphics is

An Underrated PVE Masterpiece, Remained Boxed

A brilliantly executed notion went on the making of this game, unfortunately will, unlikely see the light . Still I preserve hope that maybe someday, the corporation would finally publish the full version of the game and I am ever, so prone to give this piece a shot . 🕹️ Controls:  Wouldn't say fluid or sluggish just alright . 🎮 Gameplay:  Puzzling trail mixed with exciting fights . 📖 Storyline:  Great, although the extent currently, players can explore isn't enough to determine its pros and cons but from how it initiated, I believe it be exciting.

'Bright Memory Mobile' impression

It's looks fun and enjoyable.

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Best game

This game actually shows how much potential is there in mobile gaming for AAA titles but unfortunately companies are greedy, but finger crossed lets see one day we might get the full game.


Amazing and phenomenal experience. The smooth gameplay and UI matched with the hyper realistic graphics really help to immerse you deeply within the game . Would completely recommend 👍👍👍.

'Bright Memory Mobile' impression

i want to play this game for its cool graphic and story played the beta and it was a banger just a lil bit short so i have many expectations.
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