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DUCKSIDE - Persistent World Survival Gameplay

Game: DUCKSIDE Genre: Persistent World Survival Gameplay: DUCKSIDE GAME Welcome to DUCKSIDE: persistent world survival... on QUACK Over 10 million ducks get killed per year by hunters, a statistic that would be much lower if ducks were combat trained. Enter DUCKSIDE, a persistent world survival game like DayZ or Rust… but you’re a duck, and so is everybody else. It’s a hard Duck life Put those webbed feet to use or take flight across an expansive island, where valuable resources and treasures await any ducks fortunate enough to discover them. But remain vigilant, as both fellow player ducks and the featherless (who refer to themselves as "humans") will stop at nothing to prevent you from laying your wings on any valuables at their expense. Get your ducks in a row Harvest resources, craft weapons and tools, and build shelters to protect your loot and your life. How do Ducks even hold weapons and tools, you ask? Who cares? With a crafting system as deep and robust as this, they were wise to adapt, else they’d just be hanging around in ponds all day waiting to be added to that “10 million” statistic. The sky(box) is the limit Are you really a Duck if you can’t fly? No, you’re a penguin or something. So in order to fully immerse you in your role of a duck, we’ve introduced a groundbreaking player controller with sophisticated flight mechanics allowing you to glide, hover, accelerate and dive, even whilst shooting and fighting! A world of fowl play An alive Duck can keep his gear safe and his teammates alive. A dead duck however, is much less useful. So get yourself equipped, build nests for safety, storage, survival, and strategic advantage, but be warned: nothing is truly safe. Every structure can be destroyed, every stash of loot raided, and every migration could end in death. There’s no such thing as too many ducks Play alone or create a flock with other ducks to build, explore, fight, and survive together. Ducks are fiercely territorial, so encounters with opposing ducks can and will often result in some feathers being ruffled. Not to mention all those “humans” stationed around the island that don’t seem to think it's as fun being shot at by ducks as it is shooting ducks, you’ll need to deal with them too. Are you a chicken? No, you’re a DUCK. DUCKSIDE isn't just about surviving; it’s about getting into the mind of a duck. Being a duck. Feeling the cold steel of a machine gun on your feathers. And the peace of mind that comes with settling down after a long day, in a house you built out of trash that you’d looted off some guy's corpse. ARE YOU GONNA BE A SITTING DUCK, OR A BIRD OF PREY? DUCKSIDE BETA.
DUCKSIDE - Persistent World Survival Gameplay

Coffee Tales Gameplay - Android iOS

Game: Coffee Tales Genre: RPG/Simulation Gameplay: COFFEE TALES GAME Design Your Coffee Shop Start small, dream big! Build and customize a magical coffee shop. Customize decor, create enchanting landscapes, and turn your coffee shop into a canvas for imagination! Diverse Characters Await Meet pixies, beasts, demons, and more! Befriend them, unlock tasks, and dive into captivating stories of the dreamy town. Manage & Prosper Assign companions to roles, develop unique dishes, and watch your coffee shop thrive. Exquisite Art Style Immerse yourself in a visually stunning world. Our beautiful art designs ensures an enchanting gaming experience. Adventure Explore the surroundings! Discover resource points, unlock new areas, and embark on exciting adventures. Shared Memories Connect with friends! Invite them to your coffee shop, interact with characters, and create your unique story together. Ready to explore the wonders of Coffee Tales? Join us now and share warm, entertaining memories with the residents of our dreamy town. Your magical journey awaits!
Coffee Tales Gameplay - Android iOS
Coffee Tales
Coffee Tales


Coffee Tales 是一款充滿想象且溫馨的像素風經營遊戲,玩家將與異界惡魔簽訂契約接手一家咖啡小店,迷人的小鎮風景,新奇的劇情設計,從超多裝飾設計到獨特的菜餚開發,玩家有機會釋放自己的創造力,盡情發揮想象將咖啡小店建造的更具魅力。除了咖啡店的經營管理,玩家還可以探索小鎮周邊,收留寵物、獲取資源、解鎖新區域等,快點去體驗吧。 🎮遊戲名:Coffee Tales ✅ 模擬 | 經營 | 休閒 作為一款模擬經營遊戲,不是只有手忙腳亂的出餐送餐,沒有去盯著客人滿意度,隨心搭配好看家具裝飾,還能探索美麗的小鎮,順手帶回小貓咪放在店裡招財,陸續解鎖的劇情更是讓整個咖啡小店的存在都更加真實,遊戲體驗簡直太讚了!這才是休閒遊戲該有的樣子。 👀時間管理大師,合理利用時間分配角色,讓咖啡小店蓬勃發展; 🧩可愛像素風格,超多裝飾家具自由搭配,擺放最溫馨咖啡店; 👿異界角色身懷絕技,精靈、獸人、惡魔超多生靈應聘店員,參與小店經營; 🎯冒險探索小鎮,收留寵物、解鎖新區域,探知超多異界奇聞; 🍹療癒系音樂,身臨其境感受咖啡閒暇時光;
Coffee Tales
Coffee Tales

Game News

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ITS TIMEEE !!!  The Nintendo Switch 2 will be announced in the second half of 2024 🔥
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Coffee Tales

Fun game, story was little confusing to me but nothing damaging, gameplay wise amazing love the whole concept of decorating and expanding my cafe, kept me on for hours recommend if you like this type of game Does have a gacha system if your wondering
Coffee Tales
Coffee Tales

美術超讚的像素畫風休閑經營 收集超多好看家具!

⭐️最近上手了這款休閒類的模擬經營遊戲,整體體驗真的很不錯!無論是像素風的遊戲風格還是劇情內容都有相當高的品質,雖是模擬經驗,卻不輸RPG的可玩性🎉喜歡的大大們一定不要錯過! 🎮游戲名:Coffee Tales ☑️平臺:Android/IOS 🔥像素|模擬|經營|RPG|休閑 ✨在遊戲中成為一家咖啡館老闆,開店賺錢,購買傢俱,讓店面變得越來越好看! ✨隨心所欲的自由放置,超多的豐富家具,發揮腦洞,創作家居設計! ✨豐富角色設定與精彩的遊戲劇情,沒想到像素遊戲也有這麼好看的人物立繪! ✨多種遊戲模式還有挑戰關卡,給夥伴升等! ✨和好友互動,偷偷觀察他們裝修的咖啡館,有沒有比自己的更好看。
美術超讚的像素畫風休閑經營 收集超多好看家具!
Coffee Tales
Coffee Tales

duck with. guns

Pretty much what the title says and its fun too

You business in geme!

Have you always wanted to open your own business in the game? Then this is for you an anime lover. In this game, you play as a madam who works in a coffee shop. She and her friends or family are doing their business. Grow cocoa beans, necessary plants, your own garden, and so on. I have not found any disadvantages in the game yet, but I will be careful. And bye to everyone, 🤫🧏♂️
You business in geme!
Coffee Tales
Coffee Tales
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