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[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood Reviews

[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood Reviews

Kingdom: The Blood turns Netflix’s hit Korean zombie show into a shallow action game

SHOULD I PLAY KINGDOM: THE BLOOD? If you’re a huge fan of Netflix’s Kingdom and are looking for a lightweight, grindy action game, this one might be worth checking out. Kingdom: The Blood adapts the mix of historical thriller and zombie horror from that streaming series into a fairly basic action game where you move through levels slicing up zombies, performing combos, and taking on powerful bosses. What’s here isn’t bad by any means, but it feels very stripped-down and bare-bones at the moment, so if you’re interested in something deeper, it may leave you wanting.
Kingdom: The Blood turns Netflix’s hit Korean zombie show into a shallow action game
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood

Ghost of Toshima Fans, Our Search is Over!!!

Good News for all the Ghost of Toshima Fans out there... Our search is over!!! I've been searching for a mobile game that have the Gameplay, Story and Graphics  that can match G.o.T. for a very long time...and now my search is over. Gameplay, Skill Set, Story,Combo, Even the "Wind" quest guide. Its absolutely a blissful sight to see. I wont explain no more its up for you to decide. I dont have enough time to write dincr im too exfited to play this game... Btw* beheading is also availablr on your combo. So you know.  Peace..
Ghost of Toshima Fans, Our Search is Over!!!
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood

The hack-and-slash combat and AAA graphics looks promising | Beta Review - Kingdom: The Blood

✨Overview Kingdom: The Blood is an upcoming third person ARPG developed based on the popular Netflix miniseries Kingdom. Set in ancient Korea during a zombie apocalypse, the game combines historical elements with undead mayhem ‘Jiangshi’ to create unique setting. Kingdom: The Blood features AAA-level of graphics, hack and slash combat, and live service elements. The game is currently on a beta testing phase here on TapTap that will run from Feb 5 to March 4, 2024, with the game also scheduled to release in March 2024. I totally watched the Netflix series when it came out, both seasons and currently waiting for the third, so now I'm stoked to discover that a game is being developed based on the series. Aside from Mobile, the game seems to be coming out for PC too, judging from the in-game tooltips, and true enough, when checking online, the game is also listed on Steam.
The hack-and-slash combat and AAA graphics looks promising | Beta Review - Kingdom: The Blood
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood

[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood News

ARPG Kingdom: The Blood Announced for Mobile and PC
Kingdom: The Blood  Playtest will be available on Steam and Android on Dec. 5th ~ 11th!
Kingdom The Blood Gameplay Android PC CBT
Slaying Zombies In Korea Brings  A Fun PC And Mobile Experience

I Can't Get Enough of Kingdom The Blood, But Will It Last?

Kingdom The Blood has captured my attention with its Soulslite combat and unique roguelite twists, but I'm feeling the grind lurking beneath the surface. Dive into my experience across the story campaign and find out if the action, strategic growth, and current monetization model of this Kingdom adaptation keeps me coming back for more or leaves me disconnected from its potential. Let's dissect what works and what needs improving in this beta-stage game.
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood


遊戲名:李尸朝鮮(尸戰朝鮮:血脈) 平臺:iOS/Android 標籤:朝鮮|黑魂like|動作冒險|喪尸 | 劇情 | 電影改編 你能想到【朝鮮+喪尸+黑魂】這幾個元素湊在一起能誕生出怎樣神奇的遊戲麼?今天就讓你見識見識!由Action Square 根據 Netflix 系列影集《屍戰朝鮮》改編的手游《李尸朝鮮》(尸戰朝鮮:血脈),之前8月份進行了一次測試,本來看名字還以為會是“血獅”這種引人一笑的爛作,結果是我膚淺了!遊戲採用黑魂like的硬核戰鬥操作,並且每個角色招式相當豐富,畫面相當棒,光影渲染把末世氛圍直接拉滿。話不多說,趕緊來看看! 【網飛人氣劇集改編,朝鮮爆發瘟疫,啃著辣白菜演喪尸】 Netflix劇集中的《屍戰朝鮮》講述的是老皇上感染疫情,啥藥都用了就是治不好,於是流言四起。結果不久,全城開始大面積爆發瘟疫,正吃著辣白菜呢就變喪尸出來跑圈了。於是王子開始帶人調查,同時也成為了朝鮮王朝最後的希望。
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood


👉🏻一款喪屍題材動作遊戲。 🪄Action Square根據Netflix系列影集《屍戰朝鮮》(韓文:킹덤;英文:Kingdom)IP打造的全新動作遊戲,妳將在韓國古代這個喪屍肆虐的王朝裡,從包括李昌、阿信(雅信)等電視劇主角中,選擇自己喜歡的角色使用,參與一場又一場的殘酷戰鬥,並為實現各自的目標而奮戰。 ‼️喜歡的話就趕緊下載體驗啦! - 🎮遊戲名:屍戰朝鮮:血脈 ✅動作|角色扮演|喪屍 🪄 ⭕️ 以3D畫面重現《屍戰朝鮮》原作中的歴史場景,包括人物、傳統服裝及建築風格等。 🌀 遊戲的模式將會以5分鐘的戰鬥為主,分故事模式、多重Boss戰和PvP對戰等,挑戰感拉滿。 ⚔️ 採用實時戰鬥方式,可使用各種技能組合,在還原劇中場景的場地中進行生存戰鬥。 🔺 每個角色各有6種基本攻擊及9種特殊攻擊,依據條件發動12種攻擊,還能搭配25種擁有特殊效果的技能。 🌟 體驗多人模式和對戰模式,與好友合作組隊挑戰強力BOSS,或與他人1V1攻防戰。
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood

Kingdom: The Blood Review - Live the Netflix Series by Surviving Joseon!

Survive Joseon where zombies emerged! It is an action game based on a popular TV series. Zombie-infested Joseon, experience a fierce battle. ■ Threatening and scary zombie battle ■ Zombies suddenly appear, and they rush here and there. Never confront them and run away when they're running in droves! To survive a zombie, you must nimbly avoid powerful biting attacks. ■ Various special attack patterns■ In addition to zombies, there are enemies with unique movements and patterns. Experience a thrilling taste through the new enemies every time you smash the difficulty level. ■The fun of control-based action■ Meet the overwhelming and desperate action implemented in Unreal. The thrilling hand taste felt by manual control and the different level of hitting increase immersion. Create your own action by combining various skills. ■ From multi to PVP! Pouring battle mode ■ You can compete with other players in one-on-one battles, or you can join forces to defeat the overwhelming boss. If you want to be strong, try training that allows you to earn extra. You can be as strong as you've experienced.
Kingdom: The Blood Review - Live the Netflix Series by Surviving Joseon!
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood

Kingdom The Blood : Beta Impressions (Mobile/Steam PC)

EMAIL ► [email protected]
Kingdom The Blood : Beta Impressions (Mobile/Steam PC)
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood

Each mode provides a unique experience!!

This is one of those games that has a variety of game modes catering to different preferences. It has a plot-driven story mode, challenging conquests, intense boss battles, or competitive PvP. Diversifying gameplay across all modes ensures a well-rounded and enjoyable journey in this game. Additionally, the game features traditional Korean clothing and martial arts styles, adding a unique cultural flair to the gaming experience.
Each mode provides a unique experience!!
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood

Kingdom- The blood walkthrough Gameplay Android/iSO part -1

👍 Pros: best pc level graphics, smooth Gameplay, unique story line 👎 Cons: should be open world..that would be more awesome 🎮 Gameplay: smooth, sometimes stuck due to internet issues but overall smoth gameplay 🕹️ Controls: Good 👍
Kingdom- The blood walkthrough Gameplay Android/iSO part -1
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood

Kingdom: The Blood - There Is Zombie and Samurai ?

My Device📱: Redmi Note 13 Pro Plus 16GB RAM + 16GB VRAM Graphic :❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ This game offers a similar experience to Dark Souls or Elden Ring. The game is visually stunning, with impressive graphics that can be enjoyed at 60fps even on high-end devices. However, I found that my phone was unable to handle the graphics at max settings, so I had to lower them in order to achieve a smooth 60fps experience.
Kingdom: The Blood - There Is Zombie and Samurai ?
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood

Kingdom: The Blood [CBT] - A GORGEOUS Zombie ACTION RPG

🎮 Game: Kingdom: The Blood 🍭 Platform: PC (Steam) | Android | ✨ Genre: Blood | Action | Action RPG | Zombie | 3D | 🧟Kingdom: The Blood is out now in Closed Beta for both PC and Android devices and I thought I'd give this game a go. While the gameplay was fun for the most part, and the visuals were great. I found the combat to be a bit repetitive. Even with the ability to customize your skill set, I found myself button mashing majority of the time anyway.
Kingdom: The Blood [CBT] - A GORGEOUS Zombie ACTION RPG
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood


🪄本作為基於Netflix電視劇《屍戰朝鮮》改編的動作RPG,講述了朝鮮半島上爆發的殭屍瘟疫的故事,妳將可體驗《屍戰朝鮮》劇集中的故事和角色,甚至還能在名場面中戰鬥。 🪄遊戲的模式將會以5分鐘的戰鬥為主,分故事模式、多重Boss戰和PvP對戰等,挑戰感拉滿。採用實時戰鬥方式,可使用各種技能組合,在還原劇中場景的場地中進行生存戰鬥。 🪄每個角色各有6種基本攻擊及9種特殊攻擊,依據條件發動12種攻擊,還能搭配25種擁有特殊效果的技能。還可體驗多人模式和對戰模式,與好友合作組隊挑戰強力BOSS,或與他人1V1攻防戰。
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood


《屍戰朝鮮:血脈》是一款深受玩家喜愛的恐怖末日喪屍劇情冒險遊戲。這款遊戲以其獨特的喪屍冒險劇情、豐富多彩的RPG玩法以及高度還原同名影視劇的內容而備受矚目。 首先,遊戲中的喪屍冒險劇情非常吸引人。它帶給玩家一個充滿未知與危險的末日世界,玩家需要在喪屍橫行的朝鮮半島上求生,並揭開背後的故事。劇情緊湊且扣人心弦,不斷推動著玩家向前探索。 其次,遊戲的RPG玩法也非常出色。玩家可以自由選擇超過百種裝備,通過收集道具和培養角色,打造出各具特色的戰鬥團隊。精心設計的副本關卡和眾多支線劇情,為玩家提供了豐富的遊戲內容和挑戰。玩家需要解鎖更多喪屍消滅的任務,不斷提升角色的戰鬥力,才能在這個末日世界中生存下去。 最後,遊戲高度還原了同名影視劇中的內容。這對於那些喜歡該劇的粉絲來說,無疑是一個巨大的驚喜。遊戲中的場景、角色以及劇情都緊密貼合原作,讓玩家仿佛置身於影視劇的世界中。 總的來說,《屍戰朝鮮:血脈》是一款非常出色的恐怖末日喪屍劇情冒險遊戲。它擁有吸引人的劇情、豐富的RPG玩法以及高度還原的影視劇內容,為玩家帶來了一個充滿刺激與挑戰的末日世界。如果你是喪屍題材和RPG玩法的愛好者,那麼這款遊戲絕對值得一試。
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood

Kingdom: The Blood [CBT] - A GOREY ZOMBIE Hack & Slash Adventure

Overall I did enjoy my time in Kingdom: The Blood. While it isn't completely my type of game, the overall experience was still fun. But like I said, I felt that the combat did get a bit repetitive after a while, which caused me to get bored after a few hours of gameplay. The bosses were fun though, but getting to them felt like a bit of a slog. Because of that, I felt like the game deserved an overall score of 7/10. Not the best, but it's not terrible either.
Kingdom: The Blood [CBT] - A GOREY ZOMBIE Hack & Slash Adventure
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood

Kingdom: The Blood [ MOBILE ]

It Is a live K-drama live-action based on the popular webtoon series My Gameplay on YouTube 📖 Storyline: It is set in a historical version of the Korean Joseon Dynasty (that would be modern Korea) around 1600 AD.  here a special herb was created capable of resurrecting the dead and transforming them into ferocious zombies to successfully resist the invasion from Japan.  But of course the existence of this herb will cause havoc even after the battle.  Here comes the crown prince, Lee Chang, of Joseon, who will attempt to investigate the mysterious illness that has recently afflicted the king, only to find himself trapped in the middle of a deadly epidemic that will devastate his kingdom, but while trying to save him will trace back to a political conspiracy in turmoil with the intent to take over the throne.  Unfortunately, in a kingdom defeated not only by corruption and famine, the crown prince, framed for treason and desperate to save his people, will embark on a journey to reveal what evil hides in the darkness.
Kingdom: The Blood [ MOBILE ]
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood
[BETA] Kingdom: The Blood
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