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Tarisland Reviews

Tarisland Reviews

Tarisland Global - Registration Opened, Claim the Rewards | Pre-view

Hey folks! Ready to dive into the mystical world of Tarisland, a land teeming with ancient ruins, mystical creatures, and hidden treasures? 🏰🐉 Today, we explore a game that merges the excitement of real-time battles with the joy of uncovering hidden lore and crafting your own unique story. Whether you're dueling dragons or forging alliances, every choice carves out your legacy in this sprawling fantasy world. So, let's strap on our boots, ready our spells, and see what adventures await in the enchanting realms of Tarisland!
Tarisland Global - Registration Opened, Claim the Rewards | Pre-view

Tarisland Final Beta Review: Best Mobile MMORPG Ever? | with @SpidMMO

Tarisland is going to be the best cross-platform MMORPG in 2024, and perhaps the best that's ever been released for mobile. Following the final round f beta testing, let's dive in with @SpidMMO for an overview of Tarisland's PvE, PvP, crafting, exploration and everything you need to know before you start playing.
Tarisland Final Beta Review: Best Mobile MMORPG Ever? | with @SpidMMO


Embark on an epic journey in Tarisland, a non-Pay-to-Win MMORPG on PC and mobile. Choose from diverse races, each with unique skills, and customize your character with over 40 talents from two specializations. Confront challenging dungeons and bosses, either solo or with allies, and make choices that shape your destiny. Explore a vast world filled with mysteries, diverse civilizations, and random puzzle events. Tarisland ensures a fair gaming experience with a no-Pay-to-Win approach and introduces new content every season, fostering a dynamic game ecosystem. Enjoy cross-platform play with full interaction between PC and mobile devices. Delve into the magic, myths, and adventure of Tarisland in 120 seconds! This video review of Mobile/ PC/ Console Game will show you some gameplay and help you to decide if you should invest your time into this game, we will discuss game mechanics, combat, progression, mechanics and f2p or p2w aspect of the game made in 2023. ❤️ HELP ME REACH 20 000 FOLLOWERS 🔔 FOLLOW FOR MORE GAME REVIEWS 🌲 LINKTREE (ALL THE LINKS):

Tarisland News

Tarisland's Second Beta Test Is Here: Are You Ready?
(Global ) CN release schedule (Tarisland) 6.19 - Tencent information
TARISLAND come BETA TES China Region
Tarisland Gameplay MMORPG For Android/iOS 2024

Choose between two distinct skill setups

From the moment I looked into Tarisland, I was immediately struck by its visually stunning landscapes, which seemed to blend elements from popular titles like World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy, and Albion Online. Despite its vastness, one surprising feature of Tarisland is its compatibility with mobile platforms, ensuring that players can embark on epic adventures regardless of their preferred device.
Choose between two distinct skill setups

Ah $!@# Pay To Win Again... Is Tarisland actually P2W?! 🤑🤡

Well like I said in my last video. We'll be the judge of their claims of being a "non-P2W MMORPG". Let's talk about it. Follow me on Twitch https://twitch.tv/Zellidon Description contains affiliate links. 00:00 Tarisland is P2W?!? 01:22 The "Diablo Immortal" dilemma 02:42 The Crafting Issue 05:01 Blown out of Proportion?
Ah $!@# Pay To Win Again... Is Tarisland actually P2W?! 🤑🤡

Second Closed Beta Test is live now! | CBT Impressions - Tarisland

Tarisland embarks on a journey to capture the magic of classic MMOs while introducing its own twists. it currently has an on-going second closed beta test that runs from November 16 and will last for at least two weeks. As of this CBT, there are nine characters to choose from: Barbarian Fighter,  Ranger,  Paladin,  Warrior, Phantom Priest, Mage, Priest, including the two new characters for this beta test phase:  Shadow Swordsman, and Phantom Necromancer.  Which is a pretty solid class lineup so far and probably covers all bases as far as player preferences go. I was able to try both the Mage and Paladin classes, to get a feel of both the Melee and Ranged combat, so far, it really adopts a classic MMORPG style of gameplay, opting for a more grounded style of combat with moderate animations and less focus on movement.  You're free to rotate the camera, from a close-up third person view to a zoomed-out isometric style of play. It's possible. Although there is a fixed camera setting option for those who prefer it.
Second Closed Beta Test is live now! | CBT Impressions - Tarisland

New & Upcoming MMORPG for Mobile Platform! Tarisland CBT Quick Review!

According to its developers, Tarisland is a non-pay-to-win MMORPG that aims to bring players a World of Warcraft-like game to mobile devices everywhere. As its second beta test begins, and the game builds its stepping stones for its eventual release, here are our thoughts regarding Tarisland. Full Review: Download and Follow me on TapTap: YouTube Channel: #mmorpg #review #beta #nonp2w #rpg
New & Upcoming MMORPG for Mobile Platform! Tarisland CBT Quick Review!


今天推薦的這款同詩級別的MMO遊戲,堪稱魔獸世界的鏡像版!浩瀚龐大的世界觀,末日中各大種族的聯合與紛爭,眼花繚亂的魔法,震撼人心的多人副本,可以說絕對稱得上魔獸世界的最強平替,它就是——塔瑞斯世界! - 🎮遊戲名:塔瑞斯世界 🕹️平臺:iOS/Android/PC ✅關鍵詞:MMORPG|動作 | 開放世界 | 劇情 | 魔獸世界 ⏰發佈情況:測試期(內測結束) - 🔮遊戲特點: 🖼融合了LOL畫風的美術,擁有驚艷的角色和場景,甚至還有點原神味~ 🎬各大種族禍亂紛爭的史詩劇情,很有《權利與遊戲》的感覺,戰爭與手腕交相輝映。 🤼♀️各類多人聯機副本,令人意想不到的BOSS戰演出。 🗡8大職業,每種都有2套天賦,在戰鬥中隨時切換,操作扎實流暢 🌄開放大世界,各種隱藏任務和隨機事件等你發現。 💰測試版中真的不氪,付費主要是皮膚、坐騎,希望正式版保持住。 ⚒可以自由打造裝備,附加隨機詞條,刷刷刷超上癮! - 🪄不要懷疑,你玩的絕對不是魔獸世界,但真是目前市面上最有WOW味道的作品。龐大開放,戰鬥華麗,聯機過癮,最主要是三端互通,PC手機全能玩📱建議喜歡大型MMO遊戲的你一定要來試試看,一起蹲發售!

雙端互通 激情團戰 把WOW搬上手機

作為一個擁有10年wow遊戲齡的玩家來說,mmo在我心裡只分為魔獸世界和其他,所以在看到塔瑞斯的時候會異常的關注,從形到核的相似,讓很多死去的記憶開始攻擊我。 僅從網路上透露出來的訊息看,製作組應該是有很大的野心想要做一款媲美魔獸世界的手遊的。首先,手機和PC互通,操作的上限就增加了,其次,基於UE4引擎做了高品質的美術,這讓塔瑞斯在端遊也有了一戰之力。 mmo在我看來,最重要的就是PVE內容了,不管是任務、探索還是各類副本,塔瑞斯確實想要去學習魔獸世界在這方面的頂尖設計。 ✨足夠優秀的副本設計 在一眾以課金、掛機為主的mmo中間,塔瑞斯的副本設計算得上出類拔萃了,有機制設定、團隊配合、技能循環,讓副本成為遊戲的樂趣,而不是負擔。在魔獸中,副本的從來不是為了存在而存在的,各類機制充滿想像力,配合劇情、任務,讓人能真的沉浸其中,那些經典的副本台詞仍記憶猶新。 ✨多職業流派和專精 與魔獸一樣,同一職業下,有不同的專精天賦,用來體驗不同的技能流派,不至於因為單職業而玩得枯燥,在操作手感上,相信職業的設計也是參考了wow中的職業定位,不過畢竟還在測試階段,不管是天賦自由度還是數值,都還有很大的提升空間。
雙端互通 激情團戰 把WOW搬上手機

Curiosity led me to this game

I've checked online that this game is known for its immersive gameplay and captivating worlds. It has previously been released on PC and mobile platforms, offering players the opportunity to explore and engage in various adventures. The game may feature elements such as quests, character progression, and possibly multiplayer components -- I'm too excited to try this!
Curiosity led me to this game

Tarisland gameplay mmorpg For Android/iOS/pc Crossplatform 2024

🎮 Gameplay 👇👇
Tarisland gameplay mmorpg For Android/iOS/pc Crossplatform 2024

Want to ride rhinos and visit magic libraries? Tarisland is a mobile MMO you don't want to miss

SHOULD I PLAY TARISLAND? MMO fans will definitely want to keep an eye on Tarisland, especially if they’ve been looking for a game they can play on the go. During the closed beta, I had the chance to test the game on Android and PC, and both versions are shaping up to be really solid. From its vibrant open world to its simple but addictive gameplay, it’s easy to get lost in Tarisland. Tarisland will have an open beta in the future, so if you want to try this fantasy MMO for yourself, make sure to
Want to ride rhinos and visit magic libraries? Tarisland is a mobile MMO you don't want to miss

Fun & Not Pay-To-Win? New Upcoming MMORPG: Tarisland CBT Review!

According to its developers, Tarisland is a non-pay-to-win MMORPG that aims to bring players a World of Warcraft-like game to mobile devices everywhere. With 9 different classes you can choose from, ranging from classics like Priest and Mage to non-traditional like Phantom Necro, you will surely have a class that suits your taste. After playing the game, I can say that Tarisland is not as hardcore as its console/PC counterparts. Still class building and speccing is pretty simple yet intuitive. It may not have as high of a ceiling in terms of skill and data crunching as other MMORPGs, but Tarisland’s straightforward nature lends itself well to the mobile platform.
Fun & Not Pay-To-Win? New Upcoming MMORPG: Tarisland CBT Review!

The next big MMO for PC and Mobile? | CBT Review - Tarisland

✨Overview Tarisland, a highly anticipated MMORPG from developers Level Infinite and publisher Tencent, emerges as a bold contender for the next big MMO, both for Mobile and PC, which is a pretty massive undertaking. Heavily influenced by the iconic World of Warcraft, Tarisland embarks on a journey to capture the magic of classic MMOs while introducing its own twists.  Access-wise, this game has eluded me for quite some time now, and I wasn’t able to try it in the past few beta tests. Finally, with this ongoing second closed beta test that runs from November 16 and will last for at least two weeks, I have gained access and am now able to try it and share my thoughts about it.
The next big MMO for PC and Mobile? | CBT Review - Tarisland


Embark on an epic journey in Tarisland, a non-Pay-to-Win MMORPG on PC and mobile. Choose from diverse races, each with unique skills, and customize your character with over 40 talents from two specializations. Confront challenging dungeons and bosses, either solo or with allies, and make choices that shape your destiny. Explore a vast world filled with mysteries, diverse civilizations, and random puzzle events. Tarisland ensures a fair gaming experience with a no-Pay-to-Win approach and introduces new content every season, fostering a dynamic game ecosystem. Enjoy cross-platform play with full interaction between PC and mobile devices. Delve into the magic, myths, and adventure of Tarisland in 120 seconds! This video review of Mobile/ PC/ Console Game will show you some gameplay and help you to decide if you should invest your time into this game, we will discuss game mechanics, combat, progression, mechanics and f2p or p2w aspect of the game made in 2023. ❤️ HELP ME REACH 20 000 FOLLOWERS 🔔 FOLLOW FOR MORE GAME REVIEWS 🌲 LINKTREE (ALL THE LINKS):

Tarisland - An UPCOMING PC/Mobile MMORPG That Has HUGE Potential!

🎮 Game: Tarisland 🍭 Platform: PC | iOS | Android ✨ Genre: MMORPG | Cross Platform | RPG | 3D | Fantasy | Open World Tarisland is an upcoming MMORPG that will be available on both Mobile and PC. With its diverse classes and builds to choose from, you should have a lot of fun with whatever role you decide to play. Enjoy an immersive interactive main story and team up with others for the fun and exciting dungeons! Collect all the mounts and outfits as well! There's plenty of fun to be had in Tarisland!
Tarisland - An UPCOMING PC/Mobile MMORPG That Has HUGE Potential!

Tarisland Guides

Tarisland gameplay Best mmorpg no auto combat /no auto quest
Tarisland Gameplay CLASS Bard
Tarisland All Classes In CBT2
How To Add Friends on Tarisland

Tarisland SAVED?! Reacting to Spid's P2W Video | More Thoughts on Pay to Win

BREAKING NEWS! CBT Card Disabled!? Tarisland P2W controversy continues. Let's talk about it. Shoutsout to @SpidMMO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8dMyIQ7DCs&t=0s Follow me on Twitch https://twitch.tv/Zellidon Get faster pings with ExitLag! https://www.exitlag.com/refer/837654 Description contains affiliate links. Tarisland SAVED?! Reacting to Spid's P2W Video | More Thoughts on Pay to Win
Tarisland SAVED?! Reacting to Spid's  P2W Video | More Thoughts on Pay to Win

Compelling game that offers a rich, immersive gaming experience | Tarisland Gameplay

Tarisland, a role-playing game that has been making waves in the gaming community, is a journey into a mystical island filled with enchanting landscapes, intriguing characters, and a plethora of quests. The game's premise revolves around exploring the island, unraveling its secrets, and overcoming challenges that test your strategic and problem-solving skills. Pros: 1. Engrossing Narrative: Tarisland's storyline is its crowning glory. The plot is well-crafted, with unexpected twists and turns that keep players engaged and invested in the game. 2. Character Diversity: The game features a wide array of characters, each with unique abilities and distinct personalities. This diversity adds a layer of complexity and richness to the gameplay. 3. Visually Appealing: The graphics in Tarisland are nothing short of stunning. The attention to detail in the game's design creates a visually immersive experience that enhances the overall gameplay. 4. Gameplay Variety: Tarisland offers a balanced mix of combat, exploration, and puzzle-solving, catering to a wide range of player preferences. Cons: 1. Complex Mechanics: The game's complexity, while appealing to seasoned gamers, can be overwhelming for beginners. A more detailed tutorial could help ease new players into the game. 2. Technical Glitches: Tarisland, like many games, suffers from occasional bugs and glitches. These can sometimes interrupt the flow of the game and detract from the overall experience. 3. Lengthy Quests: Some of the quests in Tarisland can be quite long, which may lead to a sense of drag for some players. In conclusion, Tarisland is a compelling game that offers a rich, immersive gaming experience. Despite a few hiccups, it's a game that promises adventure and intrigue at every turn. 🎮🌟 -------------------------------------------------------- My gameplay and even editing of my video are all done on my phone. So, liking and subscribing will help me and my small channel grow. Thank you very much, and I'll see you in the next video. Follow and subscribe to me on YT: https://youtube.com/@GameM8?si=nnYVlb... FB: https://tinyurl.com/yeymwnsv Tiktok: @Omzkie Bigo: omar921
Compelling game that offers a rich, immersive gaming experience | Tarisland Gameplay
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