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Lost Potato Reviews

Lost Potato Reviews

Lost Potato: Premium - CBT Gameplay (Android/iOS)

Game Mode: offline Total Size: 170 MB Download: Watch Gameplay & Get the Download links Reflect bullets, eliminate enemies, and help the potato escapes the jungle. Lost Potato is a minimalistic top-down roguelite where you can't damage enemies directly. Push them into spikes, reflect bullets, and help a young potato find its way out of a jungle filled with man-eating tribes! 【Features】 ◆ Randomly generated levels and upgrades to choose from
Lost Potato: Premium - CBT Gameplay (Android/iOS)
Lost Potato
Lost Potato


Lost Potato
Lost Potato


遊戲名:Lost Potato 平臺:Android     iOS 類型:roguelike 俯視角動作 ✨ Blobfish把他們的又一部土豆遊戲搬到了手機上! ✨輕度動作肉鴿,快速殺穿全場,不然死的就是自己! ✨擊殺敵人解鎖更多職業 遊戲裡玩家扮演一個手無寸鐵的土豆 誤入了食土豆族部落,要想辦法逃出去! 擊敗敵人的主要方式是,把他們推到陷阱裡 或者反彈敵人的子彈 每通過三關都可以從隨機升級中選擇一個 提升自己的屬性或者增加陷阱 隨著關卡的提升,敵人會越來越多,還會出現新的攻擊方式 後期想逃出生天基本靠反應力了! 趁開局前短暫的佈局時間跑到一個有利的攻擊位置 一巴掌蓋下去先讓對方死一片再說 如果敵人沒有死得飛快,死的就是自己啦! 很容易迅速通關也很容易暴死的遊戲 死了又想重開🤣非常上頭!
Lost Potato
Lost Potato

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👉🏻一款創意小遊戲能有多沙雕?咱就說一個傻傻的小土豆能玩出什麼花樣,玩過這款小遊戲,你一定會感歎自己見識短淺!這是一款非常非常簡單,簡單到只要控制方向走動,加上隨便按哪裡都是出拳打人的遊戲。你扮演一個小土豆,看見敵人就重拳出擊,但其實誰都打不死~你需要利用到小小地圖里各種機關去殺死敵人,比如草叢裡的尖刺,帶著扇頁刀片的小子彈,或者讓敵人碰上“吃豆人”口裡吐出的泡泡。簡單、歡樂、上頭,一玩就能玩一上午! - 🎮遊戲名:Lost Potato Premium ✅標籤:动作|休閒 | 益智 | Roguelike - 別看遊戲畫面簡陋,好像是個五毛錢就能做出的小品,但它卻是個味道十足的Roguelike哦~每局通過後都能二選一成長能力,或者解鎖一些機關。比如你可以讓自己打人的胳膊變長,速度加快,也可以選擇讓場地裡多一些地刺、刀片子彈或是吐泡泡的“吃豆人”等等,有助於把敵人打到機關上殺掉。可是一旦碰到敵人致死,就會一夜回到解放前,但是會保留一些成長或機關,不至於完全從頭再來。 - 👀關卡隨機生成,各種關卡隨機佈置~ ☄️利用打拳,把敵人推到機關上幹掉。 🏹Roguelike二選一成長,每局都有絕對新感覺。 🎯每局1-2分鐘,一不小心就玩一下午。 🧩機關種類多樣,有很多叫人捧腹大笑。 🔮越到後來越考驗操作,敵人越來越多,看你能堅持到第幾關。
Lost Potato
Lost Potato

LOST POTATO - Man-Eating Tribes vs. One Smart Spud // QUICK REVIEW [Mobile/PC]

"Lost Potato" takes you on a minimalistic yet thrilling journey through a top-down roguelite adventure, where direct combat is a no-go, but your wit is your greatest weapon. In this quick 2-minute review, dive into the world of a young potato navigating through a jungle teeming with dangers, where the environment is both your adversary and ally. Uncover the connection to Brotato and enjoy a fast-paced experience with runs that last just a few minutes, randomly generated levels, and a plethora of upgrades and hats that not only enhance your style but also your survival strategies. This video review of Mobile/ PC/ Console Game will show you some gameplay and help you to decide if you should invest your time into this game, we will discuss game mechanics, combat, progression, mechanics and f2p or p2w aspect of the game made in 2024. ❤️ HELP ME REACH 20 000 FOLLOWERS 🔔 FOLLOW FOR MORE GAME REVIEWS 🌲 LINKTREE (ALL THE LINKS):
LOST POTATO - Man-Eating Tribes vs. One Smart Spud // QUICK REVIEW [Mobile/PC]
Lost Potato
Lost Potato


1️⃣玩法頗具創意,不能直接觸碰到敵人,只能通過尖刺、彈跳鐵球等陷阱或機關來打敗敵人。 2️⃣遊戲講究戰術,可嘗試多種不同的策略,可采取主動,把它們踢到陷阱上,也可蹲守在機關旁守株待兔。 3️⃣每一個關卡都是隨機生成的,包括陷阱、機關的位置、敵人和你的站位,連所獲得的能力升級也是不同且未知的。 so,創意、策略和隨機多重趣味元素集於一身,是款品質優秀的獨立小遊戲,值得一玩!
Lost Potato
Lost Potato

LOST POTATO - No Direct Damage, No Problem // GAMEPLAY [Mobile]

"Lost Potato" takes you on a minimalistic yet thrilling journey through a top-down roguelite adventure, where direct combat is a no-go, but your wit is your greatest weapon.  Dive into the world of a young potato navigating through a jungle teeming with dangers, where the environment is both your adversary and ally. Uncover the connection to Brotato and enjoy a fast-paced experience with runs that last just a few minutes, randomly generated levels, and a plethora of upgrades and hats that not only enhance your style but also your survival strategies. This video review of Mobile/ PC/ Console Game will show you some gameplay and help you to decide if you should invest your time into this game, we will discuss game mechanics, combat, progression, mechanics and f2p or p2w aspect of the game made in 2024. ❤️ HELP ME REACH 20 000 FOLLOWERS 🔔 FOLLOW FOR MORE GAME REVIEWS 🌲 LINKTREE (ALL THE LINKS):
LOST POTATO - No Direct Damage, No Problem // GAMEPLAY [Mobile]
Lost Potato
Lost Potato


遊戲的操作極其簡單但有一定策略性,不能主動攻擊敵人,只能靠靈活利用周遭環境(機關陷阱)讓敵人「自投羅網」。稍有不慎就會game over……考驗即時反應的同時同樣考驗心態!!此外,遊戲還結合輕度肉鴿元素,隨機的地圖關卡,以及通關後獲得隨機升級選項,大大提升了耐玩性,讓你反復遊玩,越死越上癮。
Lost Potato
Lost Potato

稍有不慎就會Game Over🔺操作極簡但通關有點難

👉🏻一款休閑輕Rogue闖關遊戲。 🪄在遊戲中你不能直接傷害敵人,需要把敵人推到尖刺裏,反彈子彈,幫助年輕的土豆找到出路,走出食人部落叢林。遊戲的操作極其簡單但有一定策略性,十分考驗即時反應,稍有不慎就會game over。 ‼️喜歡的話就趕緊下載體驗啦! - 🎮遊戲名:Lost Potato: Premium ✅休閑|輕度Rogue|動作 🪄 🗺️ 隨機生成的關卡地圖,階段性通關可獲得隨機升級的選擇。 🌟 無需主動傷害敵人,靈活利用陷阱或小機關,將敵人打敗即可通關。 🔺 共可解鎖14頂帽子,或許能讓你進入新的開始狀態,也有可能是個陷阱。 🌀 快節奏而又緊張,考驗即時反應和策略應對能力,每局遊戲時長約3-5分鐘。
稍有不慎就會Game Over🔺操作極簡但通關有點難
Lost Potato
Lost Potato


剛玩上不久,由於遊戲過於上頭,差點無暇評價。🤣 就在評價前幾分鐘,我還在忙於應對各種奇奇怪怪的敵人,除了目的性極強地「想碰瓷」外,還有會向你發射光束的敵人和會掉落大便的敵人💩 遊戲每局時間超短,適合殺時間,勝負往往就在那幾秒,導致我玩的時候相當緊張,但這也是遊戲有趣的地方。 同時,隨機帶來的升級選擇(二選一),讓遊戲每一關卡都產生了不一樣的戰局變化,可以專門建造能射出子彈的炮塔,也可以在該區域建造更多的尖刺。這種肉鴿玩法所帶來的策略性,實在讓人樂此不疲。 不說了,我得趕緊再開一局🤭
Lost Potato
Lost Potato
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