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The Elder Scrolls: Castles Reviews

The Elder Scrolls: Castles Reviews


遊戲名:Elder Scrolls Castle 平臺:Android 類型:放置 模擬經營 這遊戲開局就是 國王被暗殺 王后和國王的情婦都可以競爭王位 看上去都很有殺人動機 貴族們擁護國王剛成年的兒子繼位 新國王,也就是玩家 需要守住自己的王位👑 同時查明老國王被害真相… 然後這遊戲吧 只有想不到,沒有做不到 為了鼓舞人心 我先安排鐵匠和紡織工結婚💘 全員歡慶,對我的滿意度++++ 但很快我就發現,廚子也很不快樂 既然鐵匠閑著 我就安排鐵匠和廚師共度良宵💞 沒想到啊,紡織工立刻到我面前告狀 說鐵匠出軌💢 要我嚴懲不怠 我思來想去,決定罰鐵匠一筆錢 再讓鐵匠去床上安撫一下前任💓 沒想到啊,廚子也來告鐵匠出軌💢 啊這,既然如此 那就輪流安撫,多多罰錢 國庫不就充盈起來了嗎~ 我簡直是個天才~😋 遊戲裡結婚和上床不限性別也不限血緣 一起工作很容易發展出 超越友情的關係 為了培養王國的繼承人 我經常和兒子一起外出征戰 沒想到有一天,我兒子就對我表白了 雖然此時我已經和我的老丈人約炮數次了 但想到我們優秀的基因可以結合出強大的繼承人 我還是履行了身為一國之君的職責🥰 沒想到啊,我老丈人竟然來指責我出軌💢 胡說八道!一國之君哪有出軌 只有後宮三千!
The Elder Scrolls: Castles
The Elder Scrolls: Castles

I no longer want to live in the real world - I want to be a king in The Elder Scrolls: Castles

SHOULD I PLAY THE ELDER SCROLLS: CASTLES? The Elder Scrolls: Castles is an excellent game for anyone into base management or anyone who’s ever wanted to be an absolute ruler with complete authority! Like Fallout Shelter before it, Castles takes the sometimes complex management genre and makes it easy to grasp. Though it has some frustrating lag problems, I had loads of fun building up my castle and putting my subjects to work; it felt like being in an episode of
I no longer want to live in the real world - I want to be a king in The Elder Scrolls: Castles
The Elder Scrolls: Castles
The Elder Scrolls: Castles

Interesting Base Builder with Reign mechanics - TES: CASTLES // QUICK REVIEW

The Elder Scrolls Castles have unique touch to the base building game mechanics. You will have to reign and make choices that can lead to different outcomes up to your ruler being assassinated. Build your base, equip your subjects and keep them happy. Balance is everything. This video review of Mobile/ PC/ Console Game will show you some gameplay and help you to decide if you should invest your time into this game, we will discuss game mechanics, combat, progression, mechanics and f2p or p2w aspect of the game made in 2023. ❤️ HELP ME REACH 10 000 FOLLOWERS 🔔 FOLLOW FOR MORE GAME REVIEWS 🌲 LINKTREE (ALL THE LINKS):
Interesting Base Builder with Reign mechanics - TES: CASTLES // QUICK REVIEW
The Elder Scrolls: Castles
The Elder Scrolls: Castles

The Elder Scrolls: Castles - SURPRISE! New Elder Scrolls Game!

🎮 Game: The Elder Scrolls: Castles 🍭 Platform: Android ✨ Genre: Base Building | Single Player | PvE | Survival | Choices Matter 🛡️The Elder Scrolls: Castles just appeared out of nowhere, and well, this game is basically Fallout Shelter but with an Elder Scrolls skin on it. If you have played Fallout Shelter, then you will know what is to be expected in this game. You choose your ruler, and you must make choices for your kingdom. You must also expand your castle, and add new items for crafting. All while trying to keep your people alive.
The Elder Scrolls: Castles - SURPRISE! New Elder Scrolls Game!
The Elder Scrolls: Castles
The Elder Scrolls: Castles

Will you be able to REIGN WELL and Survive? TES: CASTLES // 30 SEC REVIEW

Learn Everything you need to know about The Elder Scrolls: Castles in 30 secs. This video review of Mobile/ PC/ Console Game will show you some gameplay and help you to decide if you should invest your time into this game, we will discuss game mechanics, combat, progression, mechanics and f2p or p2w aspect of the game made in 2023. ❤️ HELP ME REACH 10 000 FOLLOWERS 🔔 FOLLOW FOR MORE GAME REVIEWS 🌲 LINKTREE (ALL THE LINKS):
Will you be able to REIGN WELL and  Survive? TES: CASTLES // 30 SEC REVIEW
The Elder Scrolls: Castles
The Elder Scrolls: Castles


🪄基於上海愛麗絲的《東方Project》的官方衍生遊戲,以上海愛麗絲原樂團原創故事為基礎的熱門奇幻東方Project世界為背景,幻想鄉因前所未有的新存在而陷入混亂,住在那裏的「女孩」們有了自己的想法並開始行動。 🪄彈幕與策略兼具,技能特效演出華麗,角色之間對話以及射擊過程中互動,即使不擅長射擊也能輕松體驗破壞彈幕的樂趣。 🪄眾多角色可收集,每個角色都有自己專屬故事,將以全程語音多角度地講述襲擊幻想鄉的新災難。 🪄高自由度的角色養成,通過技能習得、強化、覺醒等方式提升角色能力。 - 🎮遊戲名:東方幻想日食 🕹️平臺:iOS


👉🏻一款彈幕射擊角色扮演遊戲。 🪄基於上海愛麗絲的《東方Project》的官方衍生遊戲,以上海愛麗絲原樂團原創故事為基礎的熱門奇幻東方Project世界為背景,幻想鄉因前所未有的新存在而陷入混亂,住在那裏的「女孩」們有了自己的想法並開始行動。 ‼️喜歡彈幕射擊、角色扮演的,🉑️下載體驗啦 - 🎮遊戲名:東方幻想日食 🕹️平臺:iOS ✅二次元|日系|彈幕射擊|角色扮演 🪄 🌟 彈幕與策略兼具,即使不擅長射擊也能輕松體驗破壞彈幕的樂趣。 ⭕️ 每個角色都有自己專屬故事,將以全程語音多角度地講述襲擊幻想鄉的新災難。 🌀 角色之間對話以及射擊過程中互動,使遊戲體驗更具戲劇性。 💗 高自由度的角色養成,通過技能習得、強化、覺醒等提升角色能力。

The Elder Scrolls : Castles || Android - iOS Gameplay

🎮 Gameplay : 📌 Check Out My Channel For Other Android Mobile Gameplay : Thank You For Your Support ♥️ =============================================== 📌About This Games The Elder Scrolls Mobile Game APK is the mobile version of the game from Bethesda Game Studios, a classy developer with famous titles like Skyrim and Fallout Shelter. This game allows players to go on a journey to build and manage their own castle, family, and dynasty in a world full of magic and adventure.
The Elder Scrolls : Castles || Android - iOS Gameplay
The Elder Scrolls: Castles
The Elder Scrolls: Castles

Elder Scrolls Game At Your Fingertips.

Wanted a Fallout: Shelter game set in an Elder Scrolls unverse? No need to worry since this game is the answer for that. Here are following information you should know about the game: [🛠️Game Mechanics🛠️] This is a base building along with managing your resources and people just like Fallout: Shelter. You build certain rooms that will benefit you are your people. Be mindful with your resources and make sure you have enough to sustain everything. If you lack resources, you will encounter some problems with the castle. Also, your king or queen will also make some decisions and you will be the one to decide. Please note that decisions is something you should pick wisely as it have a huge effect in-game like:
Elder Scrolls Game At Your Fingertips.
The Elder Scrolls: Castles
The Elder Scrolls: Castles

Interesting Base Builder with Reign mechanics - TES: CASTLES // QUICK REVIEW

The Elder Scrolls Castles have unique touch to the base building game mechanics. You will have to reign and make choices that can lead to different outcomes up to your ruler being assassinated. Build your base, equip your subjects and keep them happy. Balance is everything. This video review of Mobile Game will help you to decide if you should invest your time into this game, we will discuss game mechanics, combat, progression, mechanics and f2p or p2w aspect of the game made in 2023 for Android and iOS.
Interesting Base Builder with Reign mechanics - TES: CASTLES // QUICK REVIEW
The Elder Scrolls: Castles
The Elder Scrolls: Castles

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New gacha game (東方幻想エクリプス) from Touhou series. Twitter -- https://twitter.com/GuitarRock69 Follow Me On Twitch -- https://twitch.tv/GuitarRock69 Discord Channel : https://discord.gg/27aC9bh Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GuitarRock69/ For Business Inquiries : [email protected]

The Elder Scrolls: Castles - First Impression: Let's BUILD A CASTLE!

The Elder Scrolls: Castles released recently and I did enjoy playing it. The game is pretty fun and if you enjoyed played Fallout Shelter, you will enjoy this game.
The Elder Scrolls: Castles - First Impression: Let's BUILD A CASTLE!
The Elder Scrolls: Castles
The Elder Scrolls: Castles


遊戲名:东方幻想日食(東方幻想 Eclipse) 平臺:iOS/Android 標籤:彈幕射擊|橫版|二次元|東方 | 養成 兒時無法忘記的超經典彈幕射擊遊戲《東方Project》又要上新作啦!這次是上海愛麗絲以“東方”原創故事為基礎,搞了個衍生作品《东方幻想日食》,故事還是充滿東方幻想的味道,戰鬥同樣讓妳眼睛毫秒不離身體前1釐米,而養成則用各種卡片玩出了花活,讓老玩家們最難忘的音樂自然也會保持一貫的高水平。快來一起看看各位東方小姐姐,在新作裡到底有什麼精彩的發揮吧! 【東方味十足的故事劇情,戰鬥中依然能把每個人的故事刻畫深入】 故事發生在名為“幻想鄉”的地方,這是日本深山的某處,被遺忘之人聚集之所,與世隔絕。人與怪物本來和平生活,但是“他們”突然出現,給幻想鄉帶來了混亂與災難,住在這裡的“女孩們”有了自己的想法,並且開始了行動,一場偉大的變革就此開始,同時,一切幻想隨之破滅。 幻想、幻滅、妖怪,故事依舊“東方味”十足,而且每個角色都有各自的故事,甚至在戰鬥中也會觸發各種劇情,看起來很像角色眾多的多幕劇,所有人不同的命運都有精彩演繹,共同繪成一個充滿了絕望與抗爭的大世界觀。


👉🏻一款王國建設管理模擬遊戲。 🪄本作為《上古卷軸》IP 衍生手機遊戲。遊戲中,妳負責城堡和王國的建設管理,在必要時候做出妳的決策,妳所做的決策將會影響王國日後的發展。管理臣民,見證歲月的流逝、家族的成長及新的君主繼位。 ‼️喜歡的話就趕緊下載體驗啦! - 🎮遊戲名:The Elder Scrolls: Castles ✅橫嚮卷軸|角色扮演|模擬|經營 🪄 💡 管理和訓練妳的臣民、王位繼承人等,可幫助妳的王國繁榮發展。 🌟 必要時還要對王國事務做出關鍵決策,妳的選擇會影響王國日後發展。 🔺 透過建築各項功能設施,給臣民安排工作,有序生產,維持王國的日常運作。 🏰 自訂專屬的城堡,擴建房間搭建樓梯,用精美的裝飾物佈置起來。 ⚔️ 組建軍隊,為士兵們打造裝備兵器,派遣他們出徵冒險。
The Elder Scrolls: Castles
The Elder Scrolls: Castles
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