Скриншот видео Pokémon Champions
Скриншот игры Pokémon Champions
Скриншот игры Pokémon Champions
Скриншот игры Pokémon Champions
Скриншот игры Pokémon Champions
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Pokémon Champions

Pokémon Champions

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БольшеGet ready to experience everything you love about Pokémon battles all in one place—in Pokémon Champions. This new, battle-focused game will feature familiar mechanics such as Pokémon types, Abilities, and moves, creating an environment conducive to rich and varied strategies for new and experienced Trainers alike. It’s not just familiar mechanics—you’ll be able to bring in classic Pokémon from Pokémon HOME, too! Look forward to cross-platform battles alongside your favorite Pokémon on Nintendo Switch and mobile, with a variety of different modes available for your desired experience.

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Игроки говорят...

  • 🔍️ Pokémon Champions focuses on competitive battles, offering a deep strategic experience for fans.
  • 🎨️ Visually stunning with well-designed battle arenas and smooth Pokémon animations.
  • 🔄️ Repetitive battle animations could use more variety to keep things fresh.

