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Screenshot 5 of Миф: Боги Асгарда 1.5.1
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Миф: Боги Асгарда
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Глобальный ОБТ уже доступен! Myth: Gods of Asgard — тщательно разработанная ролевая игра, основанная на скандинавской мифологии.
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Initial release Jun 01, 2023
Войдите в скандинавский мир и станьте воплощением скандинавских богов! Испытайте предельную эстетизацию насилия в битвах. Myth: Gods of Asgard — тщательно разработанная ролевая игра, основанная на скандинавской мифологии. Участвуя в эпических войнах и побеждая легендарных могущественных БОССОВ, включая Нидхёгга, Фенрира и Ёрмунганда, вы насладитесь невероятным волнением Hack 'n' Slash, сражаясь против судьбы Рагнарока! ЧРЕЗВЫЧАЙНАЯ ЭСТЕТИКА НАСИЛИЯ - руби-и-руби с правдоподобным ощущением рубящего удара и великолепными эффектами умений, делающими каждое из твоих сражений бессмертным. - Ваш боевой талант определяет исход. Ключ к победе над БОССОМ заключается в гибком уклонении и правильном выборе времени атаки. - Боевая система, идентичная компьютерным играм, обеспечит превосходное качество в любое время. - Сотни карт испытаний принесут вам новые впечатления в каждой экспедиции. НЕПОБЕДИМЫЙ С СОТНЯМИ МИЛЛИОНОВ СТРОЕНИЙ - Питайте Иггдрасиль, который соединяет Девять Миров с драгоценными листьями. - Система талантов огромна, как галактика, зажгите ее, чтобы усилить. - Разнообразие божественных уз, которые вы можете создать, и каждая комбинация порождает невообразимую силу, тем самым значительно увеличивая вашу боевую мощь. - Руны, содержащие мудрость и тайну, дают могучую силу различных атрибутов на выбор. - Найдите затерянный в Девяти мирах древний сверхъестественный артефакт, который поможет вам победить на поле боя. ВОСПРОИЗВОДИТЕ СКАНДИНАВСКУЮ МИФОЛОГию И ОСТАНОВИТЕ РАГНАРОК С ТОРОМ - Сюжеты основаны на различных шедеврах, включая Эду, Песнь о Нибелунгах, Беовульф и Евангелие от Локи живо восстанавливая подлинный скандинавский мир. - Воплотите себя в образе известных персонажей, таких как Валькирия, Зигфрид, Тор, Уллр и Фрейя, чтобы постепенно исследовать неизведанное в этом мире. - Превратите сотни прекрасных историй в божественные карты и сформируйте сильнейшую силу, чтобы вместе сразиться с Рагнароком! Свяжитесь с нами Если у вас возникнут какие-либо проблемы во время игры, свяжитесь с нами через внутриигровой центр обслуживания клиентов. ▶Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/goa.managene ▶Discord: https://discord.com/invite/GKhhEWfqKq ▶Почта поддержки: миф[email protected]
What’s new

Новый бесплатный персонаж Хела раскрыта Хела — дочь Локи и великанши, изгнанная Одином в Преисподнюю, чтобы стать богиней смерти, отвечающей за Преисподнюю. Хела унаследовала половину черт своих родителей, обладая как божественно красивой женской внешностью, так и гротескной, чудовищной гигантоподобной формой, устрашающей своим внешним видом. Разблокируйте его бесплатно, войдя в игру прямо сейчас!

Additional information
Official Website
Official Website
In-app Purchases
English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Thai, Italian, German
Current Version
497 MB
Last Updated on
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System Requirements
Android 5.1 +
Content Rating
out of 10


another Pay to Win game but... play or pass
Total Size 828 MB, Idle RPG action adventure with the theme of Greek mythological gods (sorry if this is wrong). ---------⚠️⚠️⚠️WARNING ⚠️⚠️⚠️------------ This game is one of the pay to win games. ---------⚠️⚠️⚠️ WARNING⚠️⚠️⚠️----------- 👍 Pros: This game has benefits for new players. 👍 Pros: The hero obtained with the first top up also has a trial mode, so that players find out their abilities and get items after completing them. I think this is a good sales strategy.
Myth: Gods of Asgard Reviews
Myth: Gods of Asgard - Trying Freya In The Roguelike Mode
OMG! A suspicious bug in Myth! Everyone has a Precious Divinity
Myth: Gods of Asgard - Trying Freya In The Roguelike Mode
Watch More Reviews On My YT Channel Myth: Gods of Asgard - Hype Impressions Enter the Norse world and become the Norse Gods' incarnation! Experience the ultimate aestheticization of violence in battles. Myth: Gods of Asgard is an elaborately developed action RPG based on Norse mythology. By participating in the epic wars and defeating legendary powerful BOSS including Nidhogg, Fenrir, and Jörmungandr, you'll enjoy the ultimate exhilaration of Hack 'n' Slash, fighting against the fate of Ragnarok!
Myth: Gods of Asgard - Trying Freya In The Roguelike Mode
OMG! A suspicious bug in Myth! Everyone has a Precious Divinity
Action role-playing games are one of the most difficult types of games since it requires both meticulous build strategy and smooth operations. An insignificantly improper combination of them will ruin the battles in the end, so the player needs to take both of them into consideration. Myth is quite ingenious since players could get 100 Draws for FREE by being online. Several days after its regional release, everyone has got more than one Precious divine power. Some players even doubt that there might be some bugs otherwise there won't be so wonderful experiences. However, why is the game so generous? There might be some deeper reasons.
OMG! A suspicious bug in Myth! Everyone has a Precious Divinity


Newcomers are Amazed by How you Play the Immortal Hero, Siegried!
Hey, mighty warriors of Asgard! If you are looking for an Action RPG, and your dearest wish for a game includes "Has fast paced combat where I can kill enemies easily", "Can gain AFK rewards even only after a short away", "Lets me play as superheroic characters", "Has my favorite rouge-like elements", and “If the game is f2p-friendly, then it’ll be perfect"... congratulations! Myth:  Gods of Asgard will fulfill your every wish! I’m your guiding angel, Veir, and today I will be talking about the Dragonslayer, Siegfried.
Newcomers are Amazed by How you Play the Immortal Hero, Siegried!
Myth: Gods of Asgard Guides
Newcomers are Amazed by How you Play the Immortal Hero, Siegried!
Choose the character correctly, clear the battles easily
Master the Strongest Valkyrie—Brynhild and Become a True Hero!
Character introduction - Hel
Choose the character correctly, clear the battles easily
The operation techniques are of great importance in the action role-playing games, but the features and occupations of the characters also matter a lot. Players need to know both aspects in order to deal with different battle scenarios. Many Norse Gods in Myth with different features are waiting for your command. For example, Thor not only could generate huge and powerful AoE damage but also survive for a longer time, making him a better choice for tough battles.
Choose the character correctly, clear the battles easily
Master the Strongest Valkyrie—Brynhild and Become a True Hero!
Hey, mighty warriors of Asgard! If you are looking for an Action RPG, and your dearest wish for a game includes “Has fast paced combat where I can kill enemies easily", "Can gain AFK rewards even only after a short away”, “Lets me play as superheroic characters”, “Has my favorite rouge-like elements”, and “If the game is f2p-friendly, it’ll be perfect”... Congratulations! Myth: Gods of Asgard will fulfill your every wish! I’m your guiding angel, Veir, and today I will be talking about the bravest Valkyrie in Norse Mythology—Brynhild.
Master the Strongest Valkyrie—Brynhild and Become a True Hero!


What is the latest version of Myth: Gods of Asgard? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of Myth: Gods of Asgard is 1.5.1, updated at 2023-07-25.

what's new in the latest version of Myth: Gods of Asgard?icon

New Free Character Hela Revealed
Hela is the daughter of Loki and the Giantess, banished by Odin to the Underworld to become the goddess of death in charge of the Underworld.
Hela inherited half of her parents' traits, with both a divinely beautiful female appearance and a grotesque, monstrous giant-like form that is intimidating in its appearance.
Unlock it for free by logging into the game now!

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Myth: Gods of Asgard is MANAGENE GAMES.

Can I play Myth: Gods of Asgard on Android/iOS?icon

Now Myth: Gods of Asgard is available on Android.

What languages are supported by the game?icon

Myth: Gods of Asgard supports 7 languages including English,French,Spanish,Portuguese,Thai,Italian,German etc.

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