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Initial release May 12, 2016
《天天愛消除》是一款以“消除煩惱,治愈心靈”為主題的萌系治愈向消除手游,陪伴玩家度過了8個寒暑!輕劃手指,將三個相同的小動物旗子連成一行或一列,即可完成一次消除哦!巧妙安排消除時機,靈活運用消除道具和關卡機制,為你的消除旅程插上翅膀吧!開發組目前精心製作了將近3000個關卡,120多種豐富逗趣的關卡元素,更有冒險模式、經典模式、換裝玩法、家裝玩法、塔防玩法等多種遊戲模式等你體驗!新的遊戲玩法還在不斷地推出中!徜徉在奇妙夢幻的夢境雲海裡,和暖萌國民IP大使喵星星、黃豆豆、琦琦熊、果果兔一起,運用消除的力量,把人們夢裡的煩惱和愁雲都清理掉!在消除聯萌的暖心守護下,一起做一些甜甜的美夢吧!遊戲特色: 【冒險闖關】 綿延無盡的夢境浮島上,百來種關卡元素,數千個關卡難題等你來攻克!巧妙利用關卡道具和機制,獲得星星能量吧~! 加油萌友們,我們在世界的盡頭等你! 【趣味週賽】 踏上隨機生成的道路,向著終點的獎勵進發!收集棋子可在棋盤上前進,消除阻擋你的障礙物,躲避旅途中可能出現的敵人!勇敢、智慧加一點點運氣,在終點留下你來過的證明吧! 【換裝月賽】 從古典到現代,從西洋到華夏,精心剪裁的服飾每月一換。只要完成指定消除關卡,就能穿上限定款的漂亮時裝哦! 【溫馨家園】 家是你親手定義的空間!完成普通冒險關卡便能獲得家裝幣的獎勵,使用家裝幣可以解鎖精美家具,在百種裝扮風格的隨心切換,打造屬於你的心靈空間吧! 【經典限時】 拼手速考眼力,爽快連消體驗,盡在愛消除經典限時模式。超越自我,衝刺好友排行榜,每週皇冠好禮不容錯過! 【百變寵物】 夢境之旅中,風格百變的萌系寵物是你的強大助力。享受寵物的陪伴,活用寵物的技能來過關吧!幸運的消除師們或許能吸引到承載月光之力的強大月亮寵哦! 【消除塔防】 浣熊又來偷家啦!在浣熊前進的路上佈置障礙,在浣熊周邊消除削弱敵人,巧用植物砲台的力量,千萬要守住家的安寧!消除+塔防的創新玩法,逗趣每一天! 【國民IP】 活潑少年喵星星、全能暖男琦琦熊、細膩敏銳果果兔、我行我素黃豆豆,總有一款適合你!在消除聯萌IP大使四小隻的陪伴下,一起探索遊戲內外的風景吧!周邊、文創、視頻、動畫,火熱籌備中,等你赴約!天天愛消除,消除煩惱,好運常伴哦!
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彈指間,365天又從指尖滑過,天天愛消除9周歲啦!這個夏天,攜手B.Duck小黃鴨家族,一起來海邊慶生鴨! “海島樂園,出發!” 陽光照在閃閃發亮的遊樂設施上,海風吹拂過椰林,鷗鳥盤旋降落。 “哇!是水滑梯!三層樓高的水滑梯欸!”飛跑過一群遊客。 “現場開椰子,不甜不收錢嘞!”是熱情洋溢的店家。 “藏寶圖套餐,搭配鏟子提桶,便宜賣啦!”真的會找到寶藏嗎? “拔河比賽開始咯!只要參與就有獎拿!”泳池邊聚齊了啦啦隊! “挑戰水棧道,輕鬆領走週年嘉賓!”咦?這個帶著墨鏡賣力宣傳的人是? “你好,可以和你合影嗎?”喵星星超輕鬆完成了挑戰,湊到台前。 “啊,當然可以!”帶著墨鏡的嘉賓酷酷點頭。 “三、二、一——”果果兔按下快門的瞬間,嘉賓勾下了墨鏡。 “B.Duck!”四小只興奮叫出好友的名字,“週年神秘嘉賓是你呀!” “我們家人都來咯!”B.Duck大笑,“九週年大日子嘛,今天一定要盡興鴨!” 海灘上壘起座座沙堡,夏日遊人靚麗穿梭,拔河賽的喝彩聲越傳越遠,直到—— “壓軸環節來了!”B.Duck和喵星星攜手坐進游泳圈。 “大家準備好了嗎?”琦琦熊在滑梯頂上問。 “才不怕呢!”果果兔大聲喊出。 “衝啊!”喊聲交織在一起,響徹雲霄。 “這是最棒的周年慶!” 定製菸火應聲綻放,在天空中一幕幕重現消除聯萌九年來的過往。 “明年的生日也要在一起過。”琦琦熊默念。萌友們來看定制的遊玩路線哦,夏日海島行,好禮拿不停! 1、【新元素——鴨鴨能量瓶】 鴨鴨消除煩惱的秘訣,就在瓶子裡!激活能量瓶,釋放席捲棋盤的鴨力! 2、【海灘尋寶】 海灘一角,承載著多少回憶?探尋海灘,拾起記憶中的小確幸。 3、【一起領獎鴨】 泳池水棧道,輕鬆來領獎。走遠一點,就能邂逅可愛的Buffy 鴨妹妹哦! 4、【水上拔河】 想體驗水上競技的快感嗎?消除拔河賽,讓每一滴汗水物有所值! 5、【隨心藏寶圖】 B.Duck的神奇藏寶圖,聽說只要默念願望,就能獲得你想要的寶藏! 6、【好椰連連】 青椰、棕椰、金椰……無論開啟哪個,有獎勵的都是好耶! 7、【新夥伴——B.Duck 小黃鴨】 度假外杉,星星墨鏡。潮流B.Duck,用浪花帶走你的每一絲煩惱。 8、【家園上新——樂園水城堡】 週年舞台,你說的算。一整片泳池,供你佈置心中的最佳遊樂園! 9、【服裝上新——清涼一夏】 鴨鴨萌裝,可愛爆表。週年慶獨家B.Duck套裝,千萬不要錯過!

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What is the latest version of Eliminate love every day? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of Eliminate love every day is, updated at 2023-04-24.

what's new in the latest version of Eliminate love every day?icon

At the flick of a finger, 365 days slipped by the fingertips again, Tiantian love eliminates 9 years old! This summer, join hands with B.Duck's little yellow duck family to celebrate the duck's birthday at the beach! "Island Paradise, let's go!" The sun shone on the shiny amusement facilities, the sea breeze blew through the coconut groves, and the gulls circled and landed. "Wow! It's a water slide! A three-story water slide!" He ran past a group of tourists. "Open coconuts on the spot, no sweets, no money!" is a passionate store. "Treasure map package, with a shovel and a bucket, it's cheap!" Will you really find the treasure? "The tug-of-war competition is about to begin! As long as you participate, you will win prizes!" The cheerleaders gathered by the pool! "Challenge the water plank road and take away the anniversary guests easily!" Huh? Who is this person who wears sunglasses and works hard to promote? "Hello, can I take a photo with you?" Meow Xingxing easily completed the challenge and came to the stage. "Ah, of course!" The guest wearing sunglasses nodded coolly. "Three, two, one—" The moment Guoguotu pressed the shutter, the guest took off his sunglasses. "B.Duck!" The four little ones called out their friend's name excitedly, "You are the mystery guest for the anniversary!" "Our family is here!" B.Duck laughed, "It's the ninth anniversary, today must be fun Duck!" Sand castles were built on the beach, summer tourists shuttled beautifully, and the cheers of the tug-of-war race spread farther and farther until—"The finale is coming!" B.Duck and Meow Xingxing sat in the swimming circle hand in hand. "Is everyone ready?" Qiqixiong asked from the top of the slide. "I'm not afraid!" Guoguotu shouted loudly. "Come on!" The shouts were intertwined and resounded through the sky. "This is the best anniversary celebration!" The custom-made fireworks exploded in response, recreating the nine-year past of Lianmeng in the sky. "Next year's birthday will be together too." Qi Qixiong said silently. Cute friends, let’s take a look at the customized itinerary, summer island trip, you can’t stop getting great gifts! 1. [New Element - Duck Energy Bottle] The secret of Duck to eliminate troubles is in the bottle! Activate the energy bottle to unleash the duck power that sweeps the board! 2. [Treasure Hunting on the Beach] How many memories are there in the corner of the beach? Explore the beach and pick up the little luck in memory. 3. [Award Receiving Duck Together] The swimming pool water plank road, easy to receive the award. Walk a little farther, and you can meet the lovely sister Buffy Duck! 4. 【Water tug-of-war】Want to experience the thrill of water sports? Eliminate the tug of war and make every drop of sweat worth it! 5. [Treasure map as you like] B.Duck's magical treasure map, I heard that as long as you recite your wish silently, you can get the treasure you want! 6. [Good Coconuts] Green coconuts, brown coconuts, golden coconuts...no matter which one you open, the one with rewards is the best! 7. 【New partner——B.Duck Little Yellow Duck】Wai Shan on vacation, star sunglasses. Trendy B.Duck, take away every trace of your troubles with waves. 8. [New Homeland—Water Castle in Paradise] Anniversary stage, what you say is up to you. A whole swimming pool for you to arrange the best amusement park in your heart! 9. [New clothes - cool summer] Duck and duck are cute and cute. Anniversary exclusive B.Duck set, don't miss it!

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Eliminate love every day is 腾讯.

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What languages are supported by the game?icon

Eliminate love every day supports 1 languages including Simplified Chinese etc.

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