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Initial release Mar 10, 2017
這是一條有些年紀的古董街,街上各式各樣的古董層出不窮。人來人往的小街巷,見證了多少人的大浪淘沙。傳說,古董都散著金氣,金氣在夜裡凝結成肉眼不可見的金幣,會引來四處飄蕩的貪財小鬼。古董若是被吸走了金氣,成色就變差了,也就賣不出一個好價錢。所以,這些貪財小鬼成了古董店老闆每天夜裡最大的敵人。遊戲就發生在街上一個不起眼的小店中。每天夜裡,貪財蠢萌的小鬼咕咚、古董店老闆老黃和他的愛犬旺財在這裡上演著追逐大戰。貪財蠢萌的小鬼——咕咚: 躲藏在古董店裡的小鬼,依靠吃金幣為生。沒有金幣就黯淡無光,吃飽了金幣就元氣滿滿。他最幸福事情就是夜裡出來吃金幣,填飽肚子,找個舒坦的古董,鑽進去,美美的一覺到天黑。古董店老闆——老黃: 街上經營30年餘年生意的老黃,常年受到貪財小鬼——咕咚的騷擾。為了驅趕咕咚,在店里安放辟邪的機關。不僅如此,他還向隔壁攤上,說是第十九代茅山道士傳人的算命先生學了一些不靈光的法術,想要用來對付咕咚。古董店老闆的愛犬——旺財: 從小跟著老黃的鬥牛犬,幫忙老黃看店,晚上守著老黃睡。若是咕咚來了,就起來幫著抓貪財的咕咚。由於每日繁忙,至今單身,最愛的狗糧是皮皮蝦。 【遊戲簡介】 輕恐怖跑酷遊戲,滑動手指,操控咕咚逃離古董店老闆的追擊! (老黃:其實就是幫著咕咚,從古董店裡多偷些金幣!啊!Σ(っ°Д °;)っ) (咕咚:不是不是,(ó﹏ò。)是逃亡...) (旺財:Σ(っ°Д °;)っ) 【指尖閃躲】 滑動手指,向前滑行,注意躲避古董店老闆和愛犬的猛烈攻擊!更要小心出其不意的機關!吃金幣讓咕咚跑的越快。咕咚跑的越遠,獎勵越多! (咕咚:吃金幣,跑得快。跑越遠,獎越多!(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧) (老黃:哼!昨天又埋了一堆機關,看你能逃多遠!) (旺財:Σ(っ°Д °;)っ) 【稀奇古玩】 收穫獎勵,解鎖更多古董店老闆的私人珍藏。 (老黃:明目張膽的偷東西啊!) (咕咚:這是靠努力吃來的!) (旺財:Σ(っ°Д °;)っ) TapTap裡的大家,多多提建議、吐槽,想聊的想說的,在TapTap裡留言也可通過QQ群找到我們QQ群號:610747429 多多分享你對遊戲的看法和期望,比心~麼麼噠~ (老黃:這不是在拉票嗎?麻蛋!Σ(っ°Д °;)っ) (咕咚:✧٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧)
What’s new

經過從3月10日晚上11點到11日早上11點的搶先測試~ 我們收到了許多古董街小伙伴們的反饋,清楚的讓我們認識到了遊戲的不足,我們會抓緊優化一起來,再次感謝小伙伴們的熱情反饋,以下是即將到來的更新內容,期待下次和大家的交流~ 即將到來的更新1.【萌新的引導關卡】由咕咚愛慕的咕西擔當引導員,告訴大家如何開始這個遊戲(再次對沒有新手引導就上測試,給小伙伴們道歉,我們都去面壁~ _(:3 」∠)_ ) 2.【操作優化】吸取了大家的建議,我們會對目前的操作進行認真的反思,並對其進行優化,包括卡頓、不流暢的問題3.【蹩腳操作殺殺殺】成就不可一鍵領取?無提示?這些遊戲內蛋疼的繁瑣操作都將殺殺殺~ 4.【坑爹關卡殺殺殺】“這關卡金幣太少了、沒有道具~根本逃不開追擊呀”這些坑爹的關卡經過排查我們都已經把他們揪出來了,很快將會對其進行優化~ 6.【好玩不氪】功能性的裝飾即將實裝,給每一次逃亡都帶來不一樣的感覺7.【豐富有趣】一大波豐富有趣的成就即將到來8.【想要玩啥你做主】歡迎古董街的小伙伴們,多多給我們建議,你希望在遊戲中看到什麼,玩到什麼都歡迎在論壇、評論裡留言,或者加入QQ群:610747429,和我們深入交流,再次感謝大家的支持,比心~\(•ㅂ•)/♥ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017.3.11 TAPTAP審核通過後即可下載到更新內容: 1.新增開始時的滑動提示,說明“滑動改變方向,吃金幣提升速度”的玩法(之前沒有什麼提示引導都沒有!集體跪下認錯...目前這個修改只是臨時性過度,我們會盡快用心製作一個萌新操作指引關卡,來告訴大家玩法,再次跪下認錯...) 2.耳機左聲道現在也能出聲啦(之前只有右聲道_(:3 」∠)_) 重要提示:目前有遇到玩家使用,手機助手、手機管家類的軟件,可能引起遊戲的數據被清除,程序大大正在想辦法解決這個問題!

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英文, 簡體中文
out of 10


What is the latest version of Antique Street Fright? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of Antique Street Fright is 2.0, updated at 2017-03-11.

what's new in the latest version of Antique Street Fright?icon

After the pre-test from 11:00 pm on March 10th to 11:00 am on the 11th~ We have received feedback from many friends in Antique Street, which clearly made us realize the shortcomings of the game. We will work together to optimize it as soon as possible. Thanks again Enthusiastic feedback from friends, the following is the upcoming update content, and I look forward to communicating with you next time~ Upcoming update 1. [Cute new guide level] Gudong loves Guxi as the guide and tells everyone how to start This game (once again for the test without a novice guide, I apologize to the friends, we all go to face the wall~ _(:3 」∠)_ ) 2. [Operation optimization] We have absorbed everyone's suggestions, and we will improve the current operation Seriously reflect on and optimize it, including stuck and unsmooth issues 3. [Crap operation kill kill kill] Can't one click to claim achievements? no prompt? These tedious and tedious operations in the game will kill you~ 4. [Cheat level kill kill] "This level has too few gold coins and no props~ You can't escape the pursuit at all." After checking these cheating levels, we have all Find them out, and we will optimize them soon~ 6. [Fun and not krypton] Functional decorations will be installed soon, bringing a different feeling to every escape 7. [Rich and interesting] A lot of richness Interesting achievements are coming soon 8. [You decide what you want to play] Welcome to the friends of Antique Street, give us a lot of suggestions, what do you want to see in the game, and what you want to play are welcome to leave a message in the forum, comments, or Join the QQ group: 610747429, communicate with us in depth, thank you again for your support, love~\(•ㅂ•)/♥ ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 2017.3.11 TAPTAP audit passed After that, you can download the updated content: 1. Added a sliding prompt at the beginning, explaining the gameplay of "swipe to change direction, eat gold coins to increase speed" (there was no prompt or guide before! Collectively kneel down and admit mistakes...Currently this modification It's just a temporary overkill. We will try our best to make a cute new operation guide level as soon as possible to tell everyone how to play, kneel down and admit your mistake again...) 2. The left channel of the earphone can now produce sound (before only the right channel_( :3 」∠)_) Important note: At present, there are softwares such as mobile assistants and mobile housekeepers used by players, which may cause the data of the game to be cleared. The program is trying to solve this problem!

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Antique Street Fright is GOODO工作室.

Can I play Antique Street Fright on Android/iOS?icon

No. But you can pre-register Antique Street Fright on TapTap.

What languages are supported by the game?icon

Antique Street Fright supports 2 languages including Simplified Chinese,English etc.

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