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Banner of 勇者計劃(測試服) 0.2.5
Screenshot 1 of 勇者計劃(測試服) 0.2.5
Screenshot 2 of 勇者計劃(測試服) 0.2.5
Screenshot 3 of 勇者計劃(測試服) 0.2.5
Screenshot 4 of 勇者計劃(測試服) 0.2.5
Screenshot 5 of 勇者計劃(測試服) 0.2.5
Screenshot 6 of 勇者計劃(測試服) 0.2.5
Screenshot 7 of 勇者計劃(測試服) 0.2.5
Screenshot 8 of 勇者計劃(測試服) 0.2.5
Screenshot 9 of 勇者計劃(測試服) 0.2.5
Screenshot 10 of 勇者計劃(測試服) 0.2.5
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Initial release Sep 17, 2018
- 一款包含經典Roguelike要素的幻想遊戲! - 一款隨時隨地可以拿出來把玩,也可以隨時隨地關閉的策略遊戲! - 一款在你休息的時候可以來打打怪,刷刷裝備的休閒遊戲! - 一款充滿槽點,可以瘋狂吐槽的歡樂遊戲! - 劇情簡介- 一千年前,沉睡的魔神突然甦醒。魔物肆虐,世界頓時陷入了無盡的黑暗與殺戮之中。七位被詛咒的英雄出現了,他們合力擊敗了魔神,阿爾諾迪亞大陸暫時恢復了和平。但是魔神留下的“邪惡瘴氣”仍舊瀰漫在大陸上,被瘴氣影響的魔物會變得無比暴戾,殘害著來往的人類。舊城卡雷德正好處於區域中心,不久便被魔物佔領,大量鎮民失去了住所,到處流浪。七勇者之一“暴食”-莫德· 奧格萊恩,一位英雄戰士,在南方建立了新的城市“鋼鐵之城- 奧德利托(aderito)”,著名的佣兵工會“艾伊蘭斯”也遷到了城內,與莫德一起守衛著城市。一百年後,曾經的和平之城卡雷德反而成為現在阿爾諾迪亞大陸上最為危險的眾魔之城。大占卜師西比爾預言,三年後將會在魔城誕生新的魔神,因此必須在此之前奪回舊城卡雷德。於是現任國王泰蒙· 奧格萊恩與“艾伊蘭斯”會長帕西一起組建了“征伐騎士傭兵團”,並發起了英雄招募計劃,完成試煉路線的勇者將被重金聘用加入傭兵團,成為一年後魔城討伐計劃的重要戰力(霧)。
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重要! !如果更新後出現卡畫面,可以嘗試卸載重裝。本次更新為基於老版本的臨時更新,完全修改的版本還在開發中,請大家耐心等待! ----------------------------------------------- 0.2.6 版本更新- 遊戲名更名為勇者計劃,標題界面也修改了。 BUG修復-嘗試修復背包丟失的問題。 Version 0.2.0 (9) 2018-10-28 重要! !如果更新後出現卡畫面,可以嘗試卸載重裝。本次更新為基於老版本的臨時更新,完全修改的版本還在開發中,請大家耐心等待! ----------------------------------------------- 0.2.0 版本更新- 開放了1個商店。 - 開放瞭望遠鏡與尋寶(可在商店內刷新到購買)。 - 開放了留聲機播放器。 - 卸載重裝後可直接在背包內獲得望遠鏡和播放器試用。 BUG修復- 修復某些情況下無限制升級的BUG。一些未查明BUG嘗試修復-嘗試修復死亡重新開始後背包無法呼出的BUG。 Version 0.1.41 (8) 2018-9-21 重要! !如果更新後出現卡畫面,可以嘗試卸載重裝。 ----------------------------------------------- 0.1.4版本更新-提高護盾的基礎耐久。 -降低了武器的基礎耐久。 -現在常用消耗道具的堆疊上限增加到99。 -理智懲罰機制更改,現在理智=0時,造成傷害降低75%。 -體力懲罰機制更改,現在體力=0時,更難擊中敵人以及無法採取資源。 -魔物箱子現在不在具備【硬化】屬性,生命值提高了。 -寄生蛋的生命值降低一半。 -初始背包追加了體力和理智恢復道具以及【英雄的故事】一本。 (卸載重裝生效) -BOSS【金色尼羅】基礎生命降低50%。 BUG修復-種子現在可以正確輸入了。 -修復了背包中物品拖動時有一定機率無法呼出信息界面的BUG。 -修復了合成書點擊圖標連接到錯誤公式的BUG。 -解決了有的種子空白地圖的問題。 -修復了出售背包時有可能造成背包錯誤的BUG。 -修復了多周目BOSS無法出現的BUG。 -修復了多周目BOSS處使用隨機捲軸導致無限刷BOSS BUG。 -修復了32格背包有可能出現第三排選項卡的BUG。 -修復了升級加點會額外加到理智的BUG。 -修復了背包中篝火卡的問題。一些未查明BUG嘗試修復-嘗試修復背包頁面多出一頁的BUG。 -嘗試修復有血的情況下突然死亡的BUG。 Version 0.1.4 (7) 2018-9-21 重要! !如果更新後出現卡畫面,可以嘗試卸載重裝。 ----------------------------------------------- 0.1.4版本更新-提高護盾的基礎耐久。 -降低了武器的基礎耐久。 -現在常用消耗道具的堆疊上限增加到99。 -理智懲罰機制更改,現在理智=0時,造成傷害降低75%。 -體力懲罰機制更改,現在體力=0時,更難擊中敵人以及無法採取資源。 -魔物箱子現在不在具備【硬化】屬性,生命值提高了。 -寄生蛋的生命值降低一半。 -初始背包追加了體力和理智恢復道具以及【英雄的故事】一本。 (卸載重裝生效) -BOSS【金色尼羅】基礎生命降低50%。 BUG修復-種子現在可以正確輸入了。 -修復了背包中物品拖動時有一定機率無法呼出信息界面的BUG。 -修復了合成書點擊圖標連接到錯誤公式的BUG。 -解決了有的種子空白地圖的問題。 -修復了出售背包時有可能造成背包錯誤的BUG。 -修復了多周目BOSS無法出現的BUG。 -修復了多周目BOSS處使用隨機捲軸導致無限刷BOSS BUG。 -修復了32格背包有可能出現第三排選項卡的BUG。 -修復了升級加點會額外加到理智的BUG。一些未查明BUG嘗試修復-嘗試修復背包頁面多出一頁的BUG。 -嘗試修復有血的情況下突然死亡的BUG。 Version 0.1.31 (6) 2018-9-19 重要! !本次更新前請先清檔(卸載重裝)! !不然容易進遊戲卡! 0.1.3版本更新-現在煉獄模式不在增加魔物數量,而是增加魔物生命,經驗值和評價也會翻倍。 -合成率進行了調整,主要都提高了20%左右。 -修改了部分合成配方以及追加了背包配方,現在看起來更加合理。 -無法合成的物品不再額外提示,現在只要沒提示就是無法合成的。 -背包容量調整,現在3種背包分別容量為16/24/32,當容量超過16時,背包右邊會出現切頁按鈕,如果需要拖動物品從A頁到B頁,只要物品拖動時經過對應切頁按鈕便會自動切換。 (清檔後生效) -【英雄的故事】現在使用後提高5級。 -理智上限提高50點。 -現在死亡時會保留之前的種子,不再隨機,只有勝利時才會自動隨機。 BUG修復-現在中毒後理智不會在變負數了。 -煉獄模式不在卡BOSS了。 -現在稀有資源採集率在正常範圍內了。 -現在理智不會錯誤的超過上限。 -現在採集資源不會錯誤的得到[]物品。 -【蜜蜂烤肉排】現在使用後會正確獲得【滿足】特效。 -【冒險者的故事】現在正確的增加50%經驗值了。一些未查明BUG嘗試修復-嘗試修復出現不存在關卡的BUG。 Version 0.1.3 (5) 2018-9-19 0.1.3版本更新-現在煉獄模式不在增加魔物數量,而是增加魔物生命,經驗值和評價也會翻倍。 -合成率進行了調整,主要都提高了20%左右。 -修改了部分合成配方以及追加了背包配方,現在看起來更加合理。 -無法合成的物品不再額外提示,現在只要沒提示就是無法合成的。 -背包容量調整,現在3種背包分別容量為16/24/32,當容量超過16時,背包右邊會出現切頁按鈕,如果需要拖動物品從A頁到B頁,只要物品拖動時經過對應切頁按鈕便會自動切換。 (清檔後生效) -【英雄的故事】現在使用後提高5級。 -理智上限提高50點。 -現在死亡時會保留之前的種子,不再隨機,只有勝利時才會自動隨機。 BUG修復-現在中毒後理智不會在變負數了。 -煉獄模式不在卡BOSS了。 -現在稀有資源採集率在正常範圍內了。 -現在理智不會錯誤的超過上限。 -現在採集資源不會錯誤的得到[]物品。 -【蜜蜂烤肉排】現在使用後會正確獲得【滿足】特效。 -【冒險者的故事】現在正確的增加50%經驗值了。一些未查明BUG嘗試修復-嘗試修復出現不存在關卡的BUG。 Version 0.1.2 (4) 2018-9-18 0.1.2版本更新-屬性【採集】不再對挖到稀有資源的加成,現在改為挖到【雙倍物品】的機率,所以不會再出現【完美鹽晶礦石】比【鹽晶礦石】還多的鬼故事了! -非魔物類(箱子,資源)的經驗值降低一半。 -調整了一些合成機率,現在有些合成會失敗了,【手工】點數變得更加重要。 -中毒的傷害降低了,但是現在中毒後進行攻擊等行為有10%機率受到一次毒傷害。 -現在剛中毒時也會收到一次毒傷害。 -魔物的暴擊,閃避,毒攻機率降低一半。 -等級上限調整到9999 BUG修復-現在新周目開始後傭兵等級會正確保存了。 -現在增加【精準】值不會錯誤地提高【理智】值了。 -現在打開合成書時如果此時正打開背包,不再會錯誤的拖動背包內物品了。 -現在流血不會錯誤地一直持續下去了。一些未查明BUG嘗試修復-修改了經驗升級實現邏輯,嘗試修復無限升級BUG。 -嘗試修復多周目卡現象。 Version 0.1.1 (3) 2018-9-17 0.1.1版本更新---------------------------------- 現在採集資源需要裝備的對應道具(斧子、鎬子)會直接在左上角角標標識出來。現在如果背包中有對應鑰匙,則點擊寶箱時會自動消耗並打開寶箱,不再需要將鑰匙拖動到寶箱上。現在裝備耐久大幅度提升了,在新周目時生效。現在每回合自動回復體力從20點提升為30點。降低了流血和中毒傷害。 BUG修復---------------------------------- 砍除雜草後不再錯誤的獲得[]道具。人物屬性中【精準】和【命中】現在可以正確加點並生效。新周目開始時不再錯誤提示中毒/流血相關信息。掉落的公式圖現在可以正確顯示並且使用了。現在當裝備了【雙手武器】後再裝配【盾牌】會正確提示信息,而不會卡住了。現在當裝備了【盾牌】後再裝配【雙手武器】會正確提示錯誤信息,並且無法通過這種方式雙持了。修正了一些顯示上的問題。現在移除增益效果時會正確提示了。一些未查明BUG嘗試修復---------------------------------- 暫時取消了自動適配,現在會強制適配,嘗試解決圖像偏移問題。有些機型中毒後會閃退,因此修改了粒子模式,嘗試解決中毒閃退的問題Version 0.1.0 (2) 2018-9-17 ver. 0.1.0 本次測試主要測試穩定性,因此開放內容較少,數值上可能存在一定的不合理性。測試版內容1.開放合成功能。 2.開放特殊增益。 3.開放多周目。 (2週目以上可能會存在一些數值問題) 4.開放隱藏地圖。未開放內容(後續測試陸續更新) 1.唱片機功能。 2.望遠鏡功能(地圖交互)。 3.尋寶功能。 4.商店功能。 5.更多的合成與道具。 6.待補充...

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Larj Game Studio
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What is the latest version of Brave Project (test server)? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of Brave Project (test server) is 0.2.5, updated at 2018-11-02.

what's new in the latest version of Brave Project (test server)?icon

important! ! If the card screen appears after the update, you can try to uninstall and reinstall. This update is a temporary update based on the old version, the fully revised version is still under development, please wait patiently! ----------------------------------------------- 0.2.6 Version Update - The name of the game has been changed to Project Brave, and the title interface has also been revised. BUG FIX - Try to fix the backpack missing issue. Version 0.2.0 (9) 2018-10-28 Important! ! If the card screen appears after the update, you can try to uninstall and reinstall. This update is a temporary update based on the old version, the fully revised version is still under development, please wait patiently! ----------------------------------------------- 0.2.0 Version update - 1 shop opened. - Telescope and Treasure Hunting are available (can be refreshed to purchase in the shop). - Opened the gramophone player. - After uninstalling and reinstalling, you can get the telescope and player trial directly in the backpack. BUG FIXED - Fixed a bug that caused unlimited upgrades in some cases. Some unidentified bugs try to fix - try to fix the bug that the backpack can't breathe out after death and restart. Version 0.1.41 (8) 2018-9-21 Important! ! If the card screen appears after the update, you can try to uninstall and reinstall. ----------------------------------------------- 0.1.4 Version update - Increase the base durability of the shield. - Reduced the base durability of weapons. - Now the stack limit of commonly used consumable items is increased to 99. - Sanity penalty mechanism changed, now when sanity = 0, the damage dealt is reduced by 75%. - The physical penalty mechanism has been changed. Now when the physical strength is 0, it is more difficult to hit the enemy and cannot take resources. - Monster boxes no longer have [Hardening] attribute, and the HP has been increased. -Health of parasitic eggs is reduced by half. - The initial backpack has added stamina and sanity recovery items and a book of [Hero's Story]. (Uninstalling and reinstalling takes effect) -Boss [Golden Nile]'s basic HP is reduced by 50%. BUG FIX - Seeds are now entered correctly. -Fixed the bug that there is a certain chance that the information interface cannot be called out when dragging items in the backpack. -Fixed the bug that clicking the icon of the synthesis book was connected to the wrong formula. - Solved the problem of some seed blank maps. -Fixed a bug that may cause backpack errors when selling backpacks. -Fixed the bug that the multi-week boss could not appear. -Fixed the bug that using random scrolls at multi-week BOSS caused infinite brushing of BOSS. -Fixed the bug that the third row of tabs may appear in the 32-slot backpack. -Fixed the BUG that the upgrade points will be added to sanity. - Fixed an issue with campfire cards in the backpack. Try to fix some unidentified bugs - try to fix the bug that there is an extra page on the backpack page. -Try to fix the BUG of sudden death when there is blood. Version 0.1.4 (7) 2018-9-21 Important! ! If the card screen appears after the update, you can try to uninstall and reinstall. ----------------------------------------------- 0.1.4 Version update - Increase the base durability of the shield. - Reduced the base durability of weapons. - Now the stack limit of commonly used consumable items is increased to 99. - Sanity penalty mechanism changed, now when sanity = 0, the damage dealt is reduced by 75%. - The physical penalty mechanism has been changed. Now when the physical strength is 0, it is more difficult to hit the enemy and cannot take resources. - Monster boxes no longer have [Hardening] attribute, and the HP has been increased. -Health of parasitic eggs is reduced by half. - The initial backpack has added stamina and sanity recovery items and a book of [Hero's Story]. (Uninstalling and reinstalling takes effect) -Boss [Golden Nile]'s basic HP is reduced by 50%. BUG FIX - Seeds are now entered correctly. -Fixed the bug that there is a certain chance that the information interface cannot be called out when dragging items in the backpack. -Fixed the bug that clicking the icon of the synthesis book was connected to the wrong formula. - Solved the problem of some seed blank maps. -Fixed a bug that may cause backpack errors when selling backpacks. -Fixed the bug that the multi-week boss could not appear. -Fixed the bug that using random scrolls at multi-week BOSS caused infinite brushing of BOSS. -Fixed the bug that the third row of tabs may appear in the 32-slot backpack. -Fixed the BUG that the upgrade points will be added to sanity. Try to fix some unidentified bugs - try to fix the bug that there is an extra page on the backpack page. -Try to fix the BUG of sudden death when there is blood. Version 0.1.31 (6) 2018-9-19 Important! ! Please clear the file (uninstall and reinstall) before this update! ! Otherwise, it is easy to enter the game card! Version 0.1.3 update - Now the purgatory mode does not increase the number of monsters, but increases the life of the monsters, and the experience value and evaluation will also be doubled. - The synthesis rate has been adjusted, mainly increased by about 20%. -Modified some synthesis formulas and added a backpack formula, which looks more reasonable now. - Items that cannot be synthesized are no longer prompted, and now as long as there is no prompt, they cannot be synthesized. -Backpack capacity adjustment, now the three backpacks have a capacity of 16/24/32 respectively, when the capacity exceeds 16, a page cut button will appear on the right side of the backpack, if you need to drag items from page A to page B, as long as the items pass through when dragging The corresponding page cut button will switch automatically. (It will take effect after clearing the file) - [Hero's Story] Now increases the level by 5 after use. - Sanity cap increased by 50 points. - Now the previous seed will be kept when you die, no longer random, it will be automatically randomized only when you win. BUG FIXED - Sanity will no longer go negative after being poisoned. - Purgatory mode is no longer a card boss. - Rare resource collection rate is now within the normal range. - Sanity will no longer incorrectly exceed the cap. - Gathering resources will now not incorrectly get [] items. - [Bee Steak] will now correctly obtain the special effect of [Satisfaction] after using it. - [Adventurer's Story] Now correctly increase the experience value by 50%. Try to fix some unidentified BUGs - try to fix bugs that do not exist in levels. Version 0.1.3 (5) 2018-9-19 Version 0.1.3 update - Now the purgatory mode does not increase the number of monsters, but increases the life of the monsters, and the experience value and evaluation will also be doubled. - The synthesis rate has been adjusted, mainly increased by about 20%. -Modified some synthesis formulas and added a backpack formula, which looks more reasonable now. - Items that cannot be synthesized are no longer prompted, and now as long as there is no prompt, they cannot be synthesized. -Backpack capacity adjustment, now the three backpacks have a capacity of 16/24/32 respectively, when the capacity exceeds 16, a page cut button will appear on the right side of the backpack, if you need to drag items from page A to page B, as long as the items pass through when dragging The corresponding page cut button will switch automatically. (It will take effect after clearing the file) - [Hero's Story] Now increases the level by 5 after use. - Sanity cap increased by 50 points. - Now the previous seed will be kept when you die, no longer random, it will be automatically randomized only when you win. BUG FIXED - Sanity will no longer go negative after being poisoned. - Purgatory mode is no longer a card boss. - Rare resource collection rate is now within the normal range. - Sanity will no longer incorrectly exceed the cap. - Gathering resources will now not incorrectly get [] items. - [Bee Steak] will now correctly obtain the special effect of [Satisfaction] after using it. - [Adventurer's Story] Now correctly increase the experience value by 50%. Try to fix some unidentified BUGs - try to fix bugs that do not exist in levels. Version 0.1.2 (4) 2018-9-18 0.1.2 version update - the attribute [Collection] no longer has a bonus to digging rare resources, and now it is changed to the chance of digging [Double Items], so it will no longer There are more ghost stories about [Perfect Salt Crystal Ore] than [Salt Crystal Ore]! - The experience value of non-monsters (boxes, resources) is reduced by half. -Adjusted some synthesizing chances, now some syntheses will fail, and [handmade] points become more important. - The damage of poisoning has been reduced, but now there is a 10% chance of receiving poison damage once when attacking after being poisoned. - Now also receives poison damage once when first poisoned. - The monster's crit, dodge, and poison attack chances are reduced by half. - The level cap is adjusted to 9999 BUG repair - Now the mercenary level will be saved correctly after the new week starts. -Increasing [Accuracy] value will not wrongly increase [Sanity] value now. - Now when you open the synthesis book, if you are opening the backpack at this time, you will no longer drag the items in the backpack by mistake. - Bleeding no longer incorrectly lasts forever. Try to fix some unidentified BUGs - modify the experience upgrade implementation logic, try to fix the infinite upgrade BUG. - Attempt to fix the multi-week card phenomenon. Version 0.1.1 (3) 2018-9-17 0.1.1 version update --------------------------------- - Now the corresponding props (axes, pickaxes) that need to be equipped to collect resources will be directly marked in the upper left corner. Now if there is a corresponding key in the backpack, it will be consumed automatically when the treasure chest is clicked and the treasure chest will be opened, no longer need to drag the key to the treasure chest. Now the durability of equipment has been greatly improved, and it will take effect in the new week. Now the automatic recovery of stamina per round has been increased from 20 to 30 points. Reduced bleed and poison damage. BUG修复---------------------------------- 砍除杂草后不再错误的获得[]道具。 [Precise] and [Hit] in character attributes can now be correctly added and take effect. Poisoning/bleeding information will no longer be incorrectly displayed at the start of a new playthrough. Dropped formula graphs are now correctly displayed and used. Now when equipping a [two-handed weapon] and then equipping a [shield] will correctly prompt the message instead of getting stuck. Now when equipped with a [shield] and then equip a [two-handed weapon] will correctly prompt an error message, and it is not possible to dual wield this way. Fixed some display issues. Now correctly prompts when removing buffs. Try to fix some unidentified BUGs ------------------------------- Temporarily cancel the automatic adaptation, now it will Force adaptation to try to solve the image offset problem. Some models will flash back after poisoning, so the particle mode has been modified to try to solve the problem of poisoning flashback Version 0.1.0 (2) 2018-9-17 ver. 0.1.0 This test mainly tests stability, so the content is open There may be some irrationality in the numerical value. Contents of the beta version 1. Open synthesis function. 2. Open special gain. 3. Open multi-week program. (There may be some numerical problems for more than 2 weeks) 4. Open the hidden map. Unreleased content (subsequent tests will be updated one after another) 1. The function of the record player. 2. Telescope function (map interaction). 3. Treasure hunt function. 4. Store function. 5. More synthesis and props. 6. To be added...

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The provider of Brave Project (test server) is Larj Game Studio.

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Now Brave Project (test server) is available on Android.

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Brave Project (test server) supports 1 languages including Simplified Chinese etc.

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