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Initial release Dec 26, 2022
《長安幻想》「遇見敦煌」資料片重磅上線敦煌限時玩法來襲!壁畫修復、趣味挑戰等你參與! 【限時聯動】入畫敦煌妖約長安幻想! 【全新門派】古莊奇遇探秘高氏一族! 【跨服擂台】跨服切磋較量一戰成名! 【小隊招募】邀請組建小隊共聚長安! 【葫蘆捉妖】縱享一鍵八連暢快爽感! 【自由進階】萌寵小妖也能進階神獸! 【豎屏回合】享受隨時隨地摸魚快感! 【聯繫我們】 長安幻想官方網站:https://cahx.shiyue.com/ 長安幻想官方社區:https://pc-bbs.shiyue.com/107 長安幻想官方微博:@長安幻想手游長安幻想官方微信公眾號:cahxsy 長安幻想官網微信群:https://brsn.cn/pep54Q 長安幻想官方抖音:@長安幻想手游
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妖約長安,夢入敦煌!長安幻想×敦煌博物館聯動大服【飛天】將於4月28日早上8:00開啟!預約新服並與好友同遊敦煌可領限定表情包、限時稱號、遊戲養成獎勵等超多福利,還有限量敦煌主題時裝等你來贏取!長安幻想×敦煌博物館聯動活動重磅上線,遊戲內將開啟奪寶奇兵、敦煌瑰寶、古道降妖、大漠探險令等玩法,等待御靈師們的參與和體驗! 【聯動活動入夢敦煌】 一、挑戰篇:古道降妖1、在沙神·神軀的影響下,有一眾妖靈受到蠱惑而甘心成為其信徒,禍害一方。想要徹底清除他們,必須要擊敗神軀的左膀右臂以及其幻影真身。為此沙州當地發出懸賞,能擊敗平息妖禍者可獲得豐厚獎勵,若表現優異則有額外嘉獎。 2、古道降妖為單人挑戰玩法,沙州盤踞有三隻妖獸頭領,於第1/3/6天開放對應頭領的挑戰,分別是:穿沙惡蜥(第3關)、百相沙蠍(第6關)、沙神·神軀幻影(第9關),需打敗他們的部下才能繼續挑戰頭領,請御靈師務必小心。 3、成功降妖可領取一次性的首通獎勵,根據戰鬥表現可獲得通關星數,首通妖獸頭領後,將開啟試煉模式,可選擇給妖獸頭領自由搭配不同能力的符籙,搭配的符籙越多難度越高,挑戰成功獲得的星數也越高。 4、獲得的通關星數越多,可領更多星數獎勵,還能參與星數排名,獲得活動限定稱號哦!二、趣味篇:奪寶奇兵敦煌大漠中潛藏著眾多盜寶賊,他們靠掠奪過往商隊為生。御靈師們需要齊心協力,在有限的回合內擊敗盜寶賊,幫助胡商奪回他們的寶物,並且盡可能使寶物打磨成更好的成色。 1)御靈師組成3~5人隊伍即可幫助胡商奪回寶物,每位御靈師每日可參與2次奪寶奇兵,胡商將根據玩家幫忙奪回的寶物積分給予相應的回禮,每次胡商收回寶物時,顏色相同的越多、成色越好,可獲得的積分越多。 2)胡商為了感謝英勇的御靈師們,特地設置了奪寶奇兵榜,取得更高寶物積分的御靈師有機會獲得活動限定成就與稱號哦!三、收集篇:敦煌瑰寶在沙塵暴和盜寶賊雙重侵襲下,眾多敦煌瑰寶流落各地,誠邀廣大御靈師參與到敦煌瑰寶修復的行列中,其中最珍貴的是一張帶有奇特色彩的飛天壁畫。 1、御靈師可以通過收集敦煌情報或者參與敦煌系列活動,獲得敦煌瑰寶以修復敦煌壁畫,將碎片移動至正確的位置,即可領取瑰寶禮盒。 2、收集全部的敦煌瑰寶碎片並完整修復壁畫,還可獲得敦煌祝福獎勵一份。四、組隊篇:大漠探險令1、敦煌迷霧重重,和小伙伴們並肩作戰將事半功倍。與其他御靈師一起組成探險小隊,完成敦煌探險等任務,可提升探險令等級。 2、探險令等級越高,解鎖獎勵越多,更有限時稱號特效、全新妖靈皮膚等好禮獻上。 【武道大會體驗優化】 為了給廣大御靈師帶來更好的體驗,圍繞武道會升段困難和反饋不足的問題進行調整。 1、提升了各排名階段賽季結算中武道積分的獎勵。 (週三已更) 2、大幅提高失敗與表現突出獲得的勇氣積分,較之前能夠更快獲得保星機會。 (週三已更) 3、統一各段位保星勇氣積分消耗,固定為150。 (週三已更) 4、增加保段機制,戰敗不會從當前大段降低至上一大段。 (週三已更) 5、優化匹配機制,御靈師將更容易匹配到相近等級的對手及隊友。 (週三已更) 6、每天首勝將可獲得60點勇氣積分。 7、調整迭代了武道商店,增加更多兌換內容。完成以上調整後,為了讓御靈師們有充足的升段機會,第一賽季結算時間將延長一周。 【世界等級·預先開啟】 1、本次更新後,將預先開啟93級世界等級。 2、由於90級等級突破限制,世界等級開放後角色最多升至89級,經驗可正常累積。 3、同步開放無名塔40層,並增加了新的關卡類型。 4、開放了霞舉靈階,並調整了天階一階段的靈階晉升條件。 5、角色達到89級時,將開放沙神·塵心的神獸內丹使用。 5、同時真靈塔的挑戰等級調整為按真實等級計算。 (即一名69級的御靈師在算上儲存經驗後,實際等級達到73級,即可挑戰相應等級的關卡) 6、90級等級突破功能將於下週版本正式開啟。 【大亂鬥優化與新測試計劃】 根據上週測試情況,群星大亂鬥進行了優化,並將於本週在新的區服中進行體驗測試。測試區服為:盛世長安、福星高照、再續前緣、遊龍戲珠、對酒當歌、二O二三、天下無雙、名揚四海、雲夢長安,本次優化內容如下: 1、優化了進入二階段英雄擂台的排名規則,不再限制單個幫會入圍人數,所有排名前64(包括16名種子選手)的御靈師都可進入英雄擂台。 2、支持了場外競猜和戰況查看,未入圍玩家在一階段結束後不用繼續在場景內停留也能參與競猜和觀戰,一階段結束將自動回到長安。 3、延長了一階段亂鬥戰場的持續時間,從25分鐘延調整至30分鐘。 4、錯開了每位御靈師採集星星點的位置,讓戰局變化更大。 5、針對時間進行了一系列優化,包括延長了下注時間,縮短觀看比賽等待時間等。 6、群星競猜幣去掉了時效限制,獲得即可永久保留在背包中。 【戰鬥相關調整】 1、新增激鬥時刻:在PVP戰鬥中進入一定回合數後將進入激鬥時刻,戰鬥雙方造成傷害將獲得一定程度的提升,非人物技能類恢復效果將獲得一定程度的降低。 (不同結算回合的戰鬥玩法,觸發激鬥的回合數不同) 2、戰鬥達到上限回合的勝負結算機制得到了優化,當一方總傷害超過另一方10%以上時,將會獲得一定的總傷加成係數。 3、妖靈技能高級堅盾調整為初始獲得等級*30的護盾,此後每回合減少等級*8,最終不低於等級*10,且護盾數值與體耐加點關聯,體耐加點越少護盾值越高,體質與耐力加點之和≤1點/級時,護盾值達到最大。 (堅盾技能也相應進行了調整) 4、高老莊技能循環綜合調整: 1)【天機符】:心法二效果調整為攻擊目標數量+1,真·天機符效果調整為45%機率額外獲得一張天機符。 2)【兩儀斬】:心法二效果調整為第2擊傷害的70%轉化為護盾,持續2回合,真·兩儀斬效果調整為70%概率觸發傷害為50%的額外一擊。 3)【風魂刃】:持續回合數調整為4回合。 4)【攝魂符】:技能傷害率調整至149.2%。 (88級效率) 5、沙神·塵心CD技【沙化】技能傷害率調整為85%。 【其他優化調整】 1、妖靈繪卷新增沙神·塵心的收集圖鑑,並增加了新的收集目標獎勵。 2、新增“劇情之鏡-秘聞”功能:高老莊秘聞常駐開放,可以通過劇情之鏡進行任務的接取。 3、天虹幻境活動期間點擊離開按鈕增加確認框提示。 4、優化了長安令兌換、王者積分兌換的內容,增加了玄天石、一袋星塵等新道具。 5、69級御靈師最大累計經驗上限調整至88級。 (已更新) 6、修復了宗門競技防守方仍會觸發玉淨瓶法寶的問題。 7、修復桃夭被封時偶現不優先解封自己的問題。 8、修復沙神·塵心1技能可能原地停留的問題。 9、修復沙神·塵心的沙暴技能可能造成吸血的問題。 10、修復部分服跨服組隊招募功能無法使用的問題。 11、修復奪旗戰中被雷塔“電閃雷鳴”技能擊殺的單位不損失怒氣的問題。

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What is the latest version of Chang'an fantasy? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of Chang'an fantasy is 1.3.5, updated at 2023-03-28.

what's new in the latest version of Chang'an fantasy?icon

Dreaming about Chang'an, dreaming of Dunhuang! Chang'an Fantasy×Dunhuang Museum Linkage Service [Flying Apsaras] will open at 8:00 am on April 28th! Book a new server and travel with friends in Dunhuang to receive a lot of benefits such as limited expression packs, time-limited titles, game development rewards, and limited Dunhuang-themed fashions waiting for you to win! The Changan Fantasy × Dunhuang Museum linkage event is launched. In the game, Indiana Jones, Dunhuang Treasures, Ancient Road Demons, and Desert Adventure Orders will be launched in the game, waiting for the participation and experience of the spirit masters! [Linkage Event Dreaming of Dunhuang] 1. Challenge: Conquering Demons on the Ancient Road 1. Under the influence of Sand God and God Body, a group of demon spirits were bewitched and willingly became their followers, causing harm to one side. To wipe them out completely, you must defeat the God Body's right-hand man and its phantom real body. For this reason, Shazhou issued a reward. Those who can defeat and quell the evil will get rich rewards, and those who perform well will get additional rewards. 2. Conquering demons on the ancient road is a single-player challenge game. There are three monster leaders entrenched in Shazhou. The challenges corresponding to the leaders will be opened on the 1st/3rd/6th day. Scorpion (Level 6), Sand God · Phantom of the God Body (Level 9), you need to defeat their subordinates to continue to challenge the leader, please be careful. 3. You can receive a one-time first-pass reward if you successfully subdue the monster. You can get the number of clearance stars according to the battle performance. After you first pass the monster leader, you will start the trial mode. The more talismans you have, the higher the difficulty, and the higher the number of stars you will get if you succeed in the challenge. 4. The more stars you get for customs clearance, you can receive more star rewards, and you can also participate in the star rankings and get event-limited titles! 2. Interesting chapter: Indiana Jones hides many treasure thieves in the desert of Dunhuang, and they make a living by plundering passing caravans. The spirit masters need to work together to defeat the treasure thieves within a limited number of rounds, help Hu merchants get back their treasures, and polish the treasures to a better quality as much as possible. 1) A team of 3 to 5 members can help Hu Shang get back the treasures. Each Linger can participate in Raiders of the Lost Treasure twice a day. When Hu merchants take back treasures, the more of the same color, the better the quality, and the more points they can get. 2) In order to thank the heroic spirit masters, Hu Shang specially set up a list of Raiders of the Lost Ark, and the spirit masters with higher treasure points have the opportunity to obtain event-limited achievements and titles! 3. Collecting articles: Under the double invasion of sandstorms and treasure thieves, many Dunhuang treasures are scattered all over the country. We sincerely invite all imperial spirit masters to participate in the ranks of Dunhuang treasure restoration. The most precious one is a piece of unique color. Flying mural. 1. The Imperial Spiritualist can collect Dunhuang information or participate in Dunhuang series of activities to obtain Dunhuang treasures to restore Dunhuang murals, move the fragments to the correct position, and then receive the treasure gift box. 2. Collect all the Dunhuang treasure fragments and completely restore the murals, and you can also get a Dunhuang blessing reward. 4. Team formation: Desert Adventure Order 1. Dunhuang is full of fog, fighting side by side with friends will get twice the result with half the effort. Form an expedition team with other imperial spirit masters and complete tasks such as the Dunhuang expedition to increase the level of the expedition order. 2. The higher the level of the adventure order, the more unlocking rewards, more special effects for limited-time titles, new demon skins and other good gifts. [Budo Tournament Experience Optimization] In order to bring a better experience to the vast number of imperial spirit masters, adjustments have been made around the difficulty of upgrading to the Budo Tournament and insufficient feedback. 1. Increased the rewards of Budo points in the season settlement of each ranking stage. (Updated on Wednesday) 2. Greatly increased the courage points gained from failures and outstanding performances, and you can get chances to keep stars faster than before. (Updated on Wednesday) 3. Unify the consumption of courage points for star protection in each rank, fixed at 150. (Updated on Wednesday) 4. Increase the protection mechanism, and the defeat will not be reduced from the current large stage to the previous large stage. (Updated on Wednesday) 5. Optimized the matching mechanism, it will be easier for the Spirit Master to match with opponents and teammates of similar levels. (Updated on Wednesday) 6. The first victory every day will give you 60 courage points. 7. Adjusted and iterated the Martial Arts Store, adding more redemption content. After completing the above adjustments, in order to allow the spirit masters to have sufficient opportunities to advance, the settlement time of the first season will be extended by one week. [World Level · Pre-opening] 1. After this update, the world level 93 will be opened in advance. 2. Since the level 90 breaks through the limit, after the world level is opened, the character can be upgraded to level 89 at most, and the experience can be accumulated normally. 3. Simultaneously open the 40th floor of the Nameless Tower, and add new level types. 4. Opened the Xiaju Spirit Rank, and adjusted the promotion conditions for the first stage of the Heaven Rank. 5. When the character reaches level 89, the mythical inner alchemy of Sand God Chenxin will be available for use. 5. At the same time, the challenge level of the Tower of Spirit is adjusted to be calculated according to the real level. (That is, a 69-level spiritual master can challenge the corresponding level after the actual level reaches 73 after counting the stored experience) 6. The level breakthrough function of level 90 will be officially launched in the next week's version. [Smash Bros. optimization and new test plan] According to the test results last week, Smash Bros. has been optimized and will be tested in the new regional server this week. The test area servers are: Prosperous Chang'an, Lucky Stars, Renewing the Frontier, Youlongxizhu, Singing with Wine, 2023, Tianxia Wushuang, Famous in the World, Yunmeng Chang'an. The content of this optimization is as follows: 1 , Optimized the ranking rules for entering the second stage of the hero arena, no longer restricting the number of finalists for a single guild, and all the top 64 (including 16 seeded contestants) imperial spirit masters can enter the hero arena. 2. It supports off-site guessing and battle status viewing. Players who are not shortlisted can participate in guessing and watching the game without staying in the scene after the end of the first stage. After the end of the first stage, they will automatically return to Chang'an. 3. Extended the duration of the first stage of the battleground, from 25 minutes to 30 minutes. 4. Staggered the location where each spiritual master collects star points, which makes the battle situation change even more. 5. A series of optimizations have been made for time, including extending the betting time and shortening the waiting time for watching games. 6. The time limit has been removed for Stars quiz coins, and they can be permanently kept in the backpack when they are obtained. [Battle-related adjustments] 1. Added a fierce battle moment: After entering a certain number of rounds in a PVP battle, it will enter a fierce battle moment. reduce. (Battles with different settlement rounds have different rounds to trigger fierce battles) 2. The victory and defeat settlement mechanism of the upper limit round of the battle has been optimized. When the total damage of one party exceeds the other by more than 10%, a certain amount of total damage will be obtained Addition coefficient. 3. The advanced hard shield of the demon spirit skill is adjusted to obtain a shield of level * 30 at the beginning, and then reduce the level * 8 every round, and finally no less than level * 10, and the value of the shield is related to the stamina bonus point, the less the stamina bonus point The higher the shield value is, the shield value reaches the maximum when the sum of constitution and stamina bonus points is ≤1 point/level. (Sturdy shield skills have also been adjusted accordingly) 4. Comprehensive adjustments to Gao Laozhuang's skill cycle: 1) [Tianji Talisman]: The effect of Mind Method 2 is adjusted to attack the number of targets + 1, and the effect of Zhen·Tianji Talisman is adjusted to 45% chance of extra Obtain a talisman. 2) [Liangyi Slash]: The effect of Mind Method 2 is adjusted so that 70% of the damage of the second hit is converted into a shield, which lasts for 2 rounds, and the effect of True Liangyi Slash is adjusted to a 70% probability of triggering an extra hit with 50% damage . 3) [Wind Soul Blade]: The number of continuous rounds is adjusted to 4 rounds. 4) [Dementor Talisman]: The skill damage rate is adjusted to 149.2%. (Efficiency level 88) 5. Sand God Chenxin CD skill [Sandification] skill damage rate is adjusted to 85%. [Other optimizations and adjustments] 1. Added the collection illustration book of Sand God Chenxin to the Yaoling Scroll, and added new collection target rewards. 2. Added the function of "Mirror of Story-Secrets": The secret of Gao Laozhuang is always open, and tasks can be accepted through the mirror of story. 3. During the Tianhong Illusion event, click the leave button to add a confirmation box prompt. 4. Optimized the content of changing Chang'an Token and King's Points, and added new items such as Xuantian Stone and a bag of stardust. 5. The maximum cumulative experience limit of level 69 imperial spirit masters has been adjusted to level 88. (Updated) 6. Fixed the problem that the defensive side of Zongmen Athletics would still trigger the magic weapon of Jade Purification Bottle. 7. Fix the problem that Taoyao occasionally does not give priority to unblocking herself when she is blocked. 8. Fix the problem that Sand God Chenxin 1 skill may stay in place. 9. Fix the problem that the sandstorm skill of Sand God Dust Heart may cause blood sucking. 10. Fixed the problem that some server cross-server team recruitment functions could not be used. 11. Fix the problem that units killed by Raita's "Lightning and Thunder" skill in the capture the flag battle will not lose anger.

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Chang'an fantasy is 长安御灵院.

Can I play Chang'an fantasy on Android/iOS?icon

Now Chang'an fantasy is available on Android.

What languages are supported by the game?icon

Chang'an fantasy supports 1 languages including Simplified Chinese etc.

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