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Initial release Jul 04, 2019
【簡介】 燒腦,策略,爆肝------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【世界觀】 故事始於名為克瑞因的神造之地,魔族的侵略正席捲大陸,處於戰火中的梅比烏斯王國得到了偉大預言的啟示,尋找能夠拯救王國的勇者—— 以傳統的王道日幻勇者物語為背景,配合獨特的Rogue like玩法機制,克瑞因的紛爭將會為你帶來不一樣的RPG體驗! 「死了就是死了,一切都要重來,不能續關,也不能讀檔。」 踏上與死亡相伴的殘酷征程,祈禱幸運女神的青睞,一到結束便失去一切! 「死亡並不是結束,無論多少次都會重來。」 隨著一次次的重來,敵人與事件都會產生改變,在充滿未知的冒險與搖擺的命運的盡頭,到底是勝利?還是真相?又或是解脫? 「沒錯,你就是偉大預言中的勇者。沒錯,你就是故事的主角!」 化身偉大預言中的勇者,扮演故事的主角,開始無盡的征途吧!
What’s new

V1.0.2.23 1,修復卡牌比拼積分與描述不匹配Bug 2,調整卡牌對對碰次數3,修復混亂之潭有劇情可能卡死Bug V1.0.2.22 1,修復見聞等級最後一級無法升級Bug 2,修復奧術迴響使用快可能沒計算Bug 3,修復劇毒海芋未計算未精英怪Bug 4,修改部分劇情錯別字V1.0.2.21 1,修復卡牌數值計算錯誤Bug 2,後續熱更將發放熱更補償V1.0.2.20 1,修復屬性翻倍Bug 2,修復憤怒Buff無法觸發生命流失卡牌3,修復通關時出現精靈引導卡死Bug V1.0.2.19 1,修復蓄能Buff未實時生效Bug 2,修復地穴部分障礙物可以繞過Bug V1.0.2.18 1,遺跡領域顯示怪物魔石等級V1.0.2.17 1,調整周常任務經驗2,修復周常任務造成傷害不計算buff,精靈和皮膚傷害Bug 3,遺跡領域一鍵分解加入全選功能V1.0.2.16 1,修復切後台返回後遺跡領域UI操作錯誤Bug 2,修復IOS批量選擇魔石時顯示不正常Bug V1.0.2.15 1,修復制裁之鐮未暴擊時也能觸發Bug 2,新增遺跡領域批量分解魔石功能V1.0.2.14 1,修復遺跡領域刷新時還在塔內的玩家無法即使刷新Bug V1.0.2.13 1,修復多敵人時敵人自殺卡死Bug 2,新增虛空倉庫分頁3個3,新增虛空倉庫改名功能V1.0.2.12 1,修復試煉之地打試練者三回合打死跳過獎勵顯示Bug 2,調整斷章及廣告領取體力上限為2000 V1.0.2.11 1,修復多敵人時出牌過快導致有可能數值計算不對Bug 2,調整斷章及廣告領取體力上限為1000 3,修復寒風呼嘯受速度影響Bug V1.0.2.10 1,修復黑市刷新後退出遊戲再進沒保留刷新結果Bug 2,修復遺跡領域到商店層退出遊戲再進商店隨機結果未保留Bug 3,新增遺跡領域可以刷新卡牌商店4,新增遺跡領域可以刷新敵人V1.0.2.9 1,調整血祭描述2,修復魔物森林有可能卡主線Bug 3,修復地穴可能跑圖地圖Bug V1.0.2.8 1,修復網速差的時候可能導致遺跡領域入侵敵人得數據錯誤2,調整腐蝕卡牌效果V1.0.2.7 1,修復遺跡領域排行榜獎勵顯示錯誤Bug 2,調整活動提示說明船票增加及重置規則V1.0.2.6 1,修復凌晨4點刷新時玩家還在線導致部分日常沒刷新2,修復刪除存檔沒清斷章信息3,調整客戶端支付有時候收不到信息導致需要重啟才能看到到賬V1.0.2.5 1,修復遺跡領域等級進度條顯示不正常Bug V1.0.2.4 1,修復活動提示錯誤2,遺跡領域新增塔等級經驗顯示3,修復周常任務擊殺怪物數量沒算精英怪和Boss 4,修復日常任務複製卡牌,擊殺怪物等在活動中也計算V1.0.2.3 1,修復野蠻打擊附魔回收魔石導致數值錯誤Bug 2,修復亂抓附魔回收魔石導致數值錯誤Bug V1.0.2.2 1,修復罪惡buff對怪物不生效Bug V1.0.2.1 1,修復IOS在放棄遊戲的時候還會彈出重新挑戰界面2,調整活動提示V1.0.2.0 1,調整商城購買價格顯示避免看不清數值2,調整戰鬥界面裝備欄SSR稀有度顯示3,調整皮膚購買按鈕顯示4,修改史詩界面獎勵顯示錯誤5,卡牌圖鑑新增卡牌掉落顯示6,修復全面爆發觸發爆裂傷害數值錯誤Bug 7,修復血量過多人物信息界面顯示不全Bug 8,修復攜帶炸彈Buff在未造成傷害時還疊加爆裂Bug 9,修復星像儀被無敵擋住使還能觸發Bug 10,修復地穴盜賊任務劇情觸發兩次Bug 11,遺跡領域活動資源準備V1.0.1.6 1,調整毒發與引爆描述2,修復寄生種子回血在史詩詞條升滿流失減半下數值不正確Bug 3,修復點開傳送後返回無法自動尋路V1.0.1.5 1,修復Boss多血條回血不受buff和debuff加成V1.0.1.4 1,修復敵人多血條時敵人回復血量導致多血條失效Bug 2,調整替身娃娃只有生效後才會從牌庫中移除V1.0.1.3 1,調整捲軸道具使用的時候返回不扣除道具V1.0.1.2 1,調整商店精靈購買顯示壓住文字2,修復敏捷產生的閃避概率計算錯誤Bug 3,修復幽魂形態及妖精的舞鞋計算閃避概率高1%Bug V1.0.1.1 1,修復皮膚金幣加成沒有增加精靈金幣獲取Bug 2,新增遊戲更新跳轉Taptap頁面V1.0.1.0 1,新增4個精靈2,新增3個精靈組合效果並且滿級精靈組合效果增強3,新增史詩等級到129 4,新增失敗返還體力5,新增卡牌圖鑑檢索功能6,戰斗地圖增加自動尋路7,解決跑圖經常撞牆問題8,刪除地圖上小的物件碰撞體9,修復支付不到賬問題10,商城功能新增精靈出售11,修改精靈組合白羊座效果12,修改史詩反彈描述13,修復元氣擊非滿血觸發Bug 14,修復無法發現衍生牌Bug 15,虛空倉庫分頁上限調整為8 16,調整結算界面靈魂石顯示包含皮膚及靈魂晶石17,調整武裝描述18,修復藥品回血無法觸發復仇惡靈19,新增技能選擇儲存20,修復鴻蒙系統戰鬥中閃屏Bug V1.0.0.26 1,調整毛賊護臂效果2,增強奧術迴響V1.0.0.25 1,調整支付等待時間,避免支付未到賬問題,由於目前接口問題,支付取消也要等待。 V1.0.0.24 1,修復火鳳羽衣不是按真實打出火焰傷害計算Bug 2,修改活動描述,周常為每週五刷新3,修改進入斷章饋贈不再清除記錄V1.0.0.23 1,調整世界邊緣傷害溢出最高為當前怪物血量的5倍2,調整日常周常活動的指向角色以及指向地圖全部改為非指向3,修復活動暗蝕及毒的傷害不計算Bug 4,修復元氣擊非滿血還能觸發效果的Bug 5,修復魔物森林先打Boss再接木板任務導致劇情卡死Bug V1.0.0.22 1,修復皮膚戰鬥開始生命流失計入到反傷裡面2,修復活動暗蝕及毒的傷害不計算Bug V1.0.0.21 1,修復在活動任務刷新期間如果正在打活動導致日常周常任務不刷新Bug 2,修復日常活動完成某個地圖在回到主城後立即返回主界面導致任務未完成Bug V1.0.0.20 1,修復活動30分鐘內完成關卡任務中途退出時間計算出錯Bug V1.0.0.19 1,調整點擊移動V1.0.0.18 1,修復購買活動等級或者購買活動+等級成功後不到賬問題V1.0.0.17 1,修正活動日常周長錯別字V1.0.0.16 1,修復活動購買等級經常丟失Bug V1.0.0.15 1,修復單獨購買活動等級後快速點擊一鍵領取導致活動等級購買失效Bug V1.0.0.14 1,奧術迴響調整為消耗卡V1.0.0.13 1,修復活動日常任務打出多少攻擊牌任務無法完成Bug V1.0.0.12 1,修復活動周常任務中局內升級任務無法完成Bug V1.0.0.11 1,修復快速領活動獎勵可能異常Bug V1.0.0.10 1,調整毛賊護臂為唯一2,修復帶蛇靈打活動卡死Bug V1.0.0.9 1,修復滿級無法進入活動Bug 2,修復打完活動再進遊戲存檔可能發生某些錯誤Bug V1.0.0.8 1,修復可能出現4個關卡無法打魔戰Bug 2,修復頻繁SL導致有可能丟失存檔Bug 3,修復未通關地穴就開啟魔戰2Bug V1.0.0.7 1,修復瀚海知悉2級摸牌與獲取能量數值錯誤2,更新活動必要資源3,解鎖卡牌武裝,魔能衝擊,八面玲瓏,熔火之鐮,奧術迴響,毛賊護臂,好運錢幣,以太風暴,九重奏,神靈杖V1.0.0.6 1,修復設置界面錯別字2,修復點開大地圖無法移動Bug V1.0.0.5 1,調整渲染保底max 2,設置界面新增固定遙感與開關戰鬥殘影3,調整隨著史詩難度的增加靈魂石獲取量增加4,修復回收卡牌遇到迷失導致空氣牌無法棄牌Bug V1.0.0.4 1,調整述錄斷章(月卡)為永久版本2,修改皮膚非賣品顯示V1.0.0.3 1,修復炸彈炸死組合怪其中一隻怪卡死Bug 2,設計界面新增操作模式切換3,調整初級模式減少體力消耗V1.0.0.2 1,修復部分支付未到賬Bug 2,修改月卡用戶免除死亡重新挑戰廣告V1.0.0.1: 1,修復月卡界面顯示

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安卓 7.1 +
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What is the latest version of Crane's Strife? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of Crane's Strife is 1.0.2, updated at 2023-03-22.

what's new in the latest version of Crane's Strife?icon

V1.0.2.23 1. Fix the bug that the card competition points do not match the description. 2. Adjust the number of card matches. 3. Fix the bug that may be stuck in the pool of chaos. V1.0.2.22 1. Fix the last level of knowledge Level can not be upgraded Bug 2, fix arcane reverberation may not be counted Bug 3, fix poisonous calla lily not counted elite monster Bug 4, modify some plot typos V1.0.2.21 1, fix card value calculation error Bug 2 , the follow-up hot update will issue hot update compensation V1.0.2.20 1, fix the property doubling bug 2, fix the anger buff that cannot trigger the life loss card 3, fix the wizard guide stuck bug when clearing the level V1.0.2.19 1, Fix the Bug 2 that the energy storage buff does not take effect in real time, fix some obstacles in the crypt to bypass Bug V1.0.2.18 1, display the monster magic stone level in the relic field V1.0.2.17 1, adjust the weekly task experience 2, repair the weekly The damage caused by regular tasks does not count the buff, elf and skin damage Bug 3, one-click decomposition in the relic field added the full selection function V1.0.2.16 1, repaired the UI operation error bug in the relic field after switching to the background and returning to the background 2, repaired IOS batch selection of magic stones Bug V1.0.2.15 1, repaired that the Scythe of Judgment can also trigger Bug 2 when it is not critically hit, added the function of dismantling magic stones in batches in the relic field V1.0.2.14 1, repaired that the relic field was still in the tower when it was refreshed Bug V1.0.2.13 1. Fixed the enemy suicide stuck bug when there are many enemies. 2. Added 3 empty storage pages. 3. Added the function of renaming the empty storage V1.0.2.12 1. Trial players killed in three rounds and skipped the reward display Bug 2, adjusted the stamina limit for broken chapters and advertisements to 2000 V1.0.2.11 1, fixed the bug 2 that may cause incorrect value calculation when playing cards too fast when there are many enemies, Adjust the stamina limit for broken chapters and advertisements to 1000. 3. Fix the bug V1.0.2.10 that the howling wind is affected by speed The random result of entering the store does not retain Bug 3, add the relic field to refresh the card shop 4, add the relic field to refresh the enemy V1.0.2.9 1, adjust the description of the blood sacrifice 2, fix the monster forest that may be stuck in the main line Bug 3, fix Crypt may run Map Bug V1.0.2.8 1, fix data errors that may lead to invading enemies in the relic field when the network speed is poor Error Bug 2, adjust the activity prompt to explain the increase and reset rules of boat tickets V1.0.2.6 1, fix the player who is still online when refreshing at 4 o'clock in the morning, causing some daily refreshes not to be done Sometimes the payment cannot receive the information, so it needs to be restarted to see the account V1.0.2.5 1, fix the bug that the level progress bar in the relic field shows abnormal bug V1.0.2.4 1, fix the event prompt error 2, add towers in the relic field Level experience display 3, fix the number of monsters killed in weekly tasks, elite monsters and bosses are not counted 4, fix daily tasks, copy cards, kill monsters, etc. are also counted in the event V1.0.2.3 1, fix brutal strike enchantment recovery magic Bug 2 caused by stones causing numerical errors. Bug V1.0.2.2 1. Fixed the bug that the evil buff does not take effect on monsters. Bug V1.0.2.1 1. Fixed IOS popping up when giving up the game Re-challenge interface 2, adjust the activity prompt V1.0.2.0 1, adjust the display of the purchase price in the mall to avoid unclear value 2, adjust the display of SSR rarity in the equipment bar of the battle interface 3, adjust the display of skin purchase button 4, modify the reward display of the epic interface Bug 5, Added card drop display 6 in the card book, repaired the error value of burst damage triggered by a full-scale burst Bug 7, fixed the incomplete display of character information interface with too much blood Burst Bug 9, fix the planetarium being blocked by invincibility so that it can trigger Bug 10, fix the plot of the crypt thief mission triggers twice Bug 11, prepare resources for the event in the relic field V1.0.1.6 1, adjust the description of poison and detonation 2, fix Parasitic Seed's blood return is incorrect when the epic entry is filled up and lost in half .0.1.4 1. When the enemy has too many health bars, the enemy restores the blood volume, causing the multi-health bars to fail. Time returns without deducting props V1.0.1.2 1, adjust the purchase display of the shop elves to hold down the text 2, fix the calculation error of dodge probability generated by agility Bug 3, fix the calculation of dodge probability 1% higher in ghost form and fairy dance shoes Bug V1. 0.1.1 1. Fix skin gold coin bonus without adding elf gold coins to get Bug 2. Add game update and jump to Taptap page V1.0.1.0 1. Add 4 sprites 2, add 3 sprite combination effects and reach full level Enhanced the combination effect of spirits 3, added epic level to 129 4, added failure to return stamina 5, added card illustration search function 6, added automatic pathfinding to the battle map 7, solved the problem of running into the wall frequently 8, deleted the small map on the map 9. Fix the problem of not being able to receive the payment. 10. Add new elves for sale in the mall function. 11. Modify the effect of the Aries combination of elves. Bug 15, the upper limit of the void warehouse page is adjusted to 8 16, adjust the soul stone display on the settlement interface to include skins and soul crystals 17, adjust the description of weapons 18, fix the blood recovery of medicines that cannot trigger the Vengeful Evil 19, add 20 new skills to select storage, and fix Hongmeng Splash screen bug in system battle V1.0.0.26 1, adjust the effect of the bandit arm guard 2, enhance the arcane echo V1.0.0.25 1, adjust the payment waiting time, avoid the problem of payment not arriving, due to the current interface problem, the payment Cancellation also has to wait. V1.0.0.24 1. Fix the bug that Fire Phoenix Feather Clothes is not calculated according to the actual fire damage. 2. Modify the event description to refresh every Friday every week. The maximum damage overflow at the edge of the world is 5 times the blood volume of the current monster 2, adjust the pointing characters and pointing maps of daily and weekly activities to non-pointing 3, fix the bug 4 that the damage of dark erosion and poison is not counted in the event, and fix the non-pointing effect of vitality strike Full blood can also trigger the effect of Bug 5, fix the monster forest to fight the boss first and then pick up the wooden plank task, causing the plot to be stuck Bug V1.0.0.21 1. Fix the bug that the daily and weekly tasks are not refreshed if you are playing activities during the activity task refresh period. 2. Fix a map that returns to the main city immediately after completing the daily activities. The interface causes the task to not be completed. Bug V1.0.0.20 1, repair the calculation error of the exit time of the mission to complete the level within 30 minutes. V1.0.0.17 1, fix the typo of the daily perimeter of the event V1.0.0.16 1, fix the bug that the event purchase level is often lost V1.0.0.15 1, fix the fast speed after purchasing the event level separately Bug V1.0.0.14 1, arcane reverberation is adjusted to consumption card V1.0.0.13 1, fix the number of attack cards in the daily task of the event, the task cannot be completed Bug V1.0.0.12 1, Fix the bug V1.0.0.11 that the in-game upgrade task in the weekly task of the event cannot be completed Bug V1.0.0.11 1, fix the bug that may be abnormal to get the event reward quickly V1.0.0.10 1, adjust the bandit's armguard to be unique 2, fix the event card with the snake spirit Dead Bug V1.0.0.9 1. Fix the bug that you can’t enter the event at the full level. 2. Fix the bug that some errors may occur after finishing the event and then enter the game save. 2. Fix the frequent SL that may lead to the loss of archives Bug 3, fix the magic war 2 bug V1.0.0.7 when you don’t clear the crypt Unlock card armament, magic impact, eight-faced, molten scythe, arcane echo, thief armguard, good luck coin, ether storm, ninetet, god staff V1.0.0.6 1, fix typos in the setting interface 2, Fix bug V1.0.0.5 that you can’t move when you click on the big map, adjust the rendering guarantee max 2, add fixed remote sensing and switch battle afterimages in the setting interface 3, adjust the amount of soul stones obtained with the increase of epic difficulty to increase by 4, repair and recycle When the card is lost, the air card cannot be discarded. Bug V1.0.0.4 1. Adjust the broken chapters (monthly card) to permanent version 2. Modify the skin not for sale. A monster stuck to death Bug 2, new operation mode switching 3 in the design interface, adjustment of primary mode to reduce physical consumption V1.0.0.2 1, repair of some payment not received Bug 2, modification of monthly card users to avoid death and re-challenge advertisement V1. 0.0.1: 1, repair monthly card interface display

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Crane's Strife is 双星骑.

Can I play Crane's Strife on Android/iOS?icon

Now Crane's Strife is available on iOS.

What languages are supported by the game?icon

Crane's Strife supports 1 languages including Simplified Chinese etc.

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