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Initial release Dec 01, 2017
1群:600760445,2群:638676075 安裝包:6M 硬核,星戰,銀河,戰艦策略放置,組裝戰艦,可損部件。採礦,精煉,生產,完整產業鏈。開放式軍團管理,同盟聯合作戰。我們的征途是星辰大海。畫面黨慎進_(:з∠)_ 畫面黨慎進_(:з∠)_ 部分安卓系統版本會出現豎屏卡住的情況
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【07-13:03:00】 1.修正部分戰艦設計組件錯位的問題。 2.為降低卡頓,調整軍團列表為翻頁形式,搜索功能將於下週加上。 【05-25:03:00】 1.修正部分事務加速提示錯誤的問題。 2.補充264%難度星系20個。 【05-04:03:00】 1.修正軍團修改名字後軍團外交界面中沒有更新的BUG。 2.新增設定,等級過高後掃蕩低級主線將降低獲取的經驗值,界面會有具體提示。 3.優化服務器事務效率,縮短常規維護時間。 【04-06:03:00】 為照顧軍團初期玩家的打撈體驗。打撈玩法作如下調整: 1.限制同一時間只允許存在一艘打撈狀態的船。 2.打撈船被追擊擊毀後,非本地所屬軍團玩家會進入負傷狀態。 -負傷狀態需要時間恢復,具體時間根據玩家等級而定。 -在負傷狀態下不能參與軍團戰,不能參加打撈,不能騷擾打撈,不能到礦場搶劫。 3.增大累計打撈時間的殘骸分配影響,建議為打撈船派遣護衛船。 4月4日疫情全國哀悼日/n1.哀悼抗疫英雄,堅守抗疫成果! 2.當日全天遊戲進入維護狀態,遊戲時間正常流逝,但暫停登錄。 3.請各位玩提前安排好生產事務。 【03-16:04:00】 1.補充納米甲的生產技能。 2.修復空間站設施使用費UCP扣除的誤差問題。 3.修復市場價格小數點後不能匹配的問題。 【03-09:06:00】 1.修復200+以上主線信用點獎勵沒有顯示且不能領取的BUG。 2.修復235以上合作副本戰鬥記錄沒有正常被記錄的BUG。 3.修復股權出售方面的少機率出現星球位置錯誤的BUG。 【02-24:03:00】 1.修復劫掠失敗後負傷時間顯示錯誤的BUG。 2.修復PVE200%以上難度星球一定機率不產出稀有材料的BUG。 【02-17:03:00】 1.修復使用了艦載機的戰艦,在武器組件被全部擊毀後不會過載的BUG。 2.修復部分安卓系統更新webview後導致豎屏的BUG。 3.修正部分錯誤的文字信息顯示。 【02-10:03:00】 1.修正10級以上納米M組件合成費用的顯示錯誤BUG。 2.修正由於一定機率重複請求導致驗證碼不不正確的BUG。 【02-03:03:00】 1.修正改造組件後名稱顯示不正確的BUG。 2.暗物質星球軍團戰產生的數據不再納入排行榜。 3.優化暗物質星球的軍團戰時的軍團名字屏蔽功能。 【01-20:03:00】 1.修正攻占星球後部分情況下需要重新登錄刷新星球所屬的BUG。 2.修正部分界面文字顯示錯誤的BUG。 3.春節大禮包將於大年初一凌晨0:00發放,預祝大家黃帝開元4717年春節快樂~ 【01-13:04:00】 1.優化軍團列表的讀取速度。 2.行星任務收益提高20%。 3.行星任務刷時間減半,累加上限加倍。 4.行星任務強制刷新消耗的信用點由10點降低到5點。 【01-06:03:00】 1.修復戰艦編輯界面某位置組件顯示錯誤的BUG。 2.修正部分瀏覽器,界面顯示位置錯位的BUG。 3.VIP8 或150級新增技能學習序列1。 【12-30:06:00】 1.加強艦改造的效果,改造後將增加組件槽位。 2.修復攜帶納米裝甲時一定機率出現戰鬥驗證失敗的BUG。 【12-23:03:00】 1.修復改造後的船體不能參與有艦體現限制的聊天調整的BUG。 2.新增軍團任務-複製任務的功能,自動複製填寫任務內容。 【12-16:03:00】 1.修復信用月卡補領的BUG,多發信用點已回收。 2.修復宣戰後部分客戶端沒有即時刷新界面的BUG。 【12-09:03:00】 1.根據艦體規模大幅降低艦體改造的矩陣消耗。 2.新增信用月卡和物資月的補領功能。 -按補領的天數消耗少量信用點。 -本次更新後首次登錄時開始記錄錯漏的天數,不登陸不生效。 3.修正部分BUG。 【12-01:00:00】 紀元外傳2週年福利更新,感謝大家一直以來的支持和偏愛~ 本次更新內容如下: 1.新增艦體改造系統,將釋放組件擺放位置限制(測試,請謹慎使用)。 -護衛艦體要求10級,驅逐要求9級,如此類推~ -後續會有新的PVE玩法產出較多矩陣材料~ 2.新增新材料矩陣,將在行星任務、競技場中選擇產出。 3.提高VIP禮包的價值。 (周禮包周一凌晨更新)。 4.兌換信用時贈送更高比例的信用點。 5.競技場獲獎材料可以自由選擇種類。 【11-25:03:00】 1.凍結違規賬戶171個。 2.調整打撈公式,極大的增加打撈時間對殘骸的分配權重。 3.12.1 週年慶更新預告: -新增艦體改造系統,將釋放組件擺放位置限制。 -新增新材料矩陣,將在行星任務、競技場中選擇產出。 -提高VIP禮包,周禮包的禮包價值。 -兌換信用時贈送更高比例的信用點。 -競技場獲獎材料可以自由選擇種類。 【11-11:03:00】 1.2週年慶狂歡開始,雙11零點到12月1日24時止,主線收益翻倍,有機率獲得稀有材料。 2.修正軍團開除成員後日誌顯示ID錯誤的BUG。 3.查封凍結驗證異常賬號58個。 4.下次維護定於12月1日凌晨,一大波福利、優惠、便利,以及船體改造系統將登場。 【11-04:03:00】 1.修正部分按鈕觸發錯誤。 2.修正部分駐防戰艦沒有自動參戰的BUG。 【10-28:03:00】 1.查封凍結41個驗證異常的賬號。 2.優化進行主線任務時跳出驗證的判斷條件。 3.優化星球海盜恢復時間倒計時。 4.優化部分提示和描述。 【10-22:03:00】 1.修復部分打撈騷擾戰鬥驗證不通過的BUG。 2.降低打撈騷擾戰的體力消耗到5點。 3.加強反腳本,外掛等輔助工具的技術手段。 【10-14:03:00】 1.修復部分驗證碼顯示在邊界外的問題。 2.修復打撈騷擾戰鬥中不正常鎖定組件的BUG。 【10-08:03:00】 1.修復聊天挑戰同時死亡後的遊戲卡頓。 2.優化驗證邏輯,增加一定的觸發隨機性。 【9-30:03:00】 1.修復部分打撈追擊報錯的BUG。 2.優化了遊戲效果和內存管理,特別是星圖界面的相關部分。 3.9月28日當天部分地區的網絡服務提供商出現網絡不穩定的問題。現已恢復。 【9-23:03:00】 1.修正部分打撈船在打撈後船倉不更新的BUG。 2.修正部分戰艦在參與星球戰鬥後狀態不更新的BUG。 3.遠征系統玩法開發中。 【9-16:03:00】 1.增加驗證碼的隨機顏色和隨機尺寸。 2.優化戰鬥系統,引擎被擊毀後將會立即降低移動速度。 3.增加聊天頻道挑戰戰報中左下角戰斗數值的顯示。 【9-09:03:00】 1.數值調整:大幅增加打撈累計時間對打撈分配的正面影響。 2.數值調整:增加打撈船速度對打撈分配的正面影響。 3.功能增加:追擊打撈船戰報自動發送到世界頻道。 4.功能增加:追擊打撈船的郵件發送到打撈船的玩家郵箱。 5.修復週排PVP承傷行榜顯示BUG。 【9-02:04:00】 1.修復艦載機、納米裝甲卸裝後沒有在倉庫列表即時刷新顯示的BUG。 2.修復星際聯賽參賽、退賽后狀態沒有即時刷新的BUG。 3.優化手機上浮動提示太多時導致的卡頓情況。 4.新增打撈保護和打撈騷擾戰鬥玩法,消耗10點體力,降低目標20%累計打撈時間(測試)。 【8-26:03:00】 1.優化打撈算法的二次分配,在還有空倉的情況下繼續分配剩餘殘骸。 2.修正打撈界面在打撈完畢後不會自動刷新信息的BUG。 3.完善聊天頻道被多人屏蔽後禁言一段時間的功能,權重與玩家等級有關。 【8-19:03:00】 1.修正交易中心最優價訂單數量沒有及時刷新的BUG。 2.修正部分界面文字顯示錯誤。 3.修正音效開關在一些情況下失效的BUG。 4.增加領取郵件時的所在領取星球地點二次確認。 【8-05:03:00】 1.新增聊天挑戰,勾選船體限制和組件限制(調試中)。 2.修正在聊天頻道中發布戰艦後,其他界面右上角點擊出現玩家信息的BUG。 3.修正軍團星球倉庫運輸超級星門回程不起作用的BUG。 【7-29:03:00】 1.新增主線副本獲得組件圖片提示。 2.修復打撈界面結束打撈時按鈕顯示錯誤的BUG。 3.聊天挑戰新增可勾選發送到軍團頻道。 4.聊天挑戰補充戰鬥隨機性。 5.修正聊天頻道在切換過快時導致內容不能顯示的BUG。 6.預告:8月1日零點將更新VIP禮包的材料價值。 【7-22:03:00 】 1.周禮包贈送的材料價值提升。 2.新增世界聊天頻道挑戰功能,無損無獎勵,消耗少量UCP。 3.修正打撈界面一定機率下不顯示按鈕的BUG。 4.預告:8月1日零點將更新VIP禮包的材料價值。 【7-15:03:00 】 1.修正星際聯賽參戰戰艦數量不足導致勝負判斷錯誤的BUG。 2.添加遊戲界面通用按鍵音效。 3.添加導彈武器2種級別的音效,根據具體攻擊力而定。 4.添加關鍵物品流通日誌。 【7-08:03:00】 1.修復暗物質星球非戰鬥佔領導致領取暗物質異常的BUG。 2.修正非軍團玩家聊天頻道切換提示錯誤的BUG。 【7-01:04:00】 1.修正部分錯誤提示。 2.修正艦載機技能描述。 3.去掉部分磁軌炮顯示的多餘屬性。 4.增加艦載機攻擊音效。 5.綁定郵箱輸入框自動忽略空格。 【6-03:03:00 】 1.降低NPC高速戰艦的速度,使之與上週更新前相當,不影響玩家戰艦。 2.本次更新可能會影響部分歷史戰報的結果。 【5-27:03:00 】 1.提高高速船體的初始推力和推力等級加成。 2.擴大軍團資金兌換的積分比例上下限。 【5-01:00:00】 4-29日週一凌晨升級周禮包。 5-01:日凌晨升級VIP禮包。修正部分軍團日誌顯示不能正常顯示的BUG。 【4-22:06:00】 1.增加物質月卡生效效果,技能學習線程+1。 【4-08:03:00】 1.修正導彈極少機率能擊中內層組件的BUG(對舊戰報有一定的影響)。 2.調整200%以上難度的稀有材料產出分配算法,防禦積分與攻擊積分各佔50%。 3.修正駐防狀態下第一次沒出戰的戰艦會退出駐防狀態的BUG。 【4-01:03:00】 1.提早交易中心的材料價格上限。 2.戰勝200%難度以上的星球NPC可獲得隨機種類的稀有材料。 -數量根據戰斗數據(傷害,防禦)在隊伍中分配

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What is the latest version of Galactic Age Prequel? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of Galactic Age Prequel is 1.230, updated at 2020-01-09.

what's new in the latest version of Galactic Age Prequel?icon

[07-13:03:00] 1. Correct the misalignment of some warship design components. 2. In order to reduce lag, the legion list has been adjusted to flip pages, and the search function will be added next week. [05-25:03:00] 1. Corrected the error prompt for some transaction acceleration. 2. Add 20 galaxies with 264% difficulty. [05-04:03:00] 1. Corrected the bug that the legion diplomacy interface was not updated after the legion changed its name. 2. Added a new setting. After the level is too high, sweeping the low-level main line will reduce the experience value obtained, and the interface will have specific prompts. 3. Optimize server transaction efficiency and shorten routine maintenance time. [04-06:03:00] In order to take care of the salvage experience of early players in the Legion. The salvage gameplay has been adjusted as follows: 1. Only one salvage ship is allowed at a time. 2. After the salvage ship is destroyed by the pursuit, the non-local legion players will enter the injured state. - It takes time to recover from the injured state, and the specific time depends on the player's level. - When injured, you cannot participate in clan battles, salvage, harass salvage, or rob mines. 3. To increase the impact of wreck distribution on the accumulated salvage time, it is recommended to dispatch escort ships for salvage ships. National Day of Mourning for the Epidemic on April 4th/n1. Mourn the anti-epidemic heroes and stick to the results of the anti-epidemic! 2. The game enters the maintenance state throughout the day, and the game time passes normally, but the login is suspended. 3. Please arrange production affairs in advance. 【03-16:04:00】 1. Replenish the production skills of Nanoform. 2. Fix the error problem of UCP deduction of space station facility usage fee. 3. Fix the problem that the market price cannot match after the decimal point. [03-09:06:00] 1. Fixed the bug that the mainline credit rewards above 200+ were not displayed and could not be claimed. 2. Fix the BUG that the battle record of the cooperation instance above 235 is not recorded normally. 3. Fix the BUG that there is a small chance that the planet's position will be wrong in the sale of shares. [02-24:03:00] 1. Fixed the bug that the damage time was displayed incorrectly after the looting failed. 2. Fix the bug that planets with difficulty above 200% in PVE will not produce rare materials with a certain chance. [02-17:03:00] 1. Fixed the bug that the warships using carrier-based aircraft would not be overloaded after all the weapon components were destroyed. 2. Fix the BUG that caused the vertical screen after updating the webview of some Android systems. 3. Correct some wrong text information display. [02-10:03:00] 1. Corrected the display error bug of the synthesis cost of nano-M components above level 10. 2. Fix the bug that the verification code is incorrect due to repeated requests with a certain probability. [02-03:03:00] 1. Corrected the bug that the name display was incorrect after the component was transformed. 2. The data generated by the Dark Matter Star Legion Battle will no longer be included in the leaderboard. 3. Optimize the shielding function of the legion name during the legion battle of the dark matter planet. [01-20:03:00] 1. Corrected the bug that in some cases it is necessary to re-login to refresh the planet after capturing the planet. 2. Fix the bug that some interface texts are displayed incorrectly. 3. The Spring Festival gift pack will be distributed at 0:00 on the first day of the Lunar New Year. I wish everyone a happy Spring Festival in the 4717th year of the Yellow Emperor Kaiyuan ~ [01-13:04:00] 1. Optimize the reading speed of the legion list. 2. Planetary mission income increased by 20%. 3. The planetary task clearing time is halved, and the accumulation limit is doubled. 4. The credit points consumed by forced refreshing of planetary missions are reduced from 10 points to 5 points. [01-06:03:00] 1. Fix the bug that a certain location component in the battleship editing interface displays an error. 2. Fixed some browsers, the interface display position dislocation BUG. 3. New skill learning sequence 1 for VIP8 or level 150. [12-30:06:00] 1. Strengthen the effect of ship transformation, and add component slots after transformation. 2. Fix the bug that there is a certain chance that the battle verification will fail when carrying nano armor. [12-23:03:00] 1. Fixed the bug that the modified hull could not participate in chat adjustments with ship performance restrictions. 2. Added the function of Legion Mission-Copy Mission, which automatically copies and fills in the mission content. [12-16:03:00] 1. Repaired the bug of reissuing the monthly credit card, and the multiple credit points have been recovered. 2. Fix the bug that some clients did not refresh the interface immediately after declaring war. [12-09:03:00] 1. According to the size of the hull, the matrix consumption of hull transformation is greatly reduced. 2. Added the function of reissuing monthly credit card and material month. - Consume a small amount of credit points according to the number of days of replacement. - After this update, when you log in for the first time, you will start to record the number of days that were missed and missed. If you do not log in, it will not take effect. 3. Fixed some bugs. 【12-01:00:00】 Wealth update for the 2nd anniversary of Epoch Gaiden, thank you for your support and preference~ The content of this update is as follows: 1. Added a new hull modification system, which will release the position restrictions of components (test, Please use with caution). - The frigate body requires level 10, the expulsion requires level 9, and so on~ - There will be more matrix materials in the new PVE gameplay~ 2. Add a new material matrix, which will be selected for output in planetary missions and arenas. 3. Increase the value of the VIP package. (The weekly gift pack will be updated on Monday morning). 4. A higher percentage of credit points will be presented when exchanging credit. 5. You can freely choose the type of award-winning materials in the arena. 【11-25:03:00】 1. 171 illegal accounts were frozen. 2. Adjust the salvage formula to greatly increase the distribution weight of salvage time to wreckage. 3.12.1 Anniversary update notice: -Added a new hull modification system, which will release the restrictions on the placement of components. - Added a new material matrix, which will be selected for output in planetary missions and arenas. -Increase the value of VIP packs and weekly packs. -Give a higher percentage of credit points when redeeming credits. - You can freely choose the type of arena prize materials. [11-11:03:00] 1. The 2nd Anniversary Carnival begins, from 00:00 on Double 11 to 24:00 on December 1st, the income of the main line is doubled, and there is a chance to get rare materials. 2. Corrected the bug that the log displayed the wrong ID after the expelled members of the legion. 3. Sealed and blocked 58 abnormal accounts with frozen verification. 4. The next maintenance is scheduled for the early morning of December 1st, and a large wave of benefits, discounts, conveniences, and hull modification systems will debut. 【11-04:03:00】 1. Correct some button trigger errors. 2. Fixed the bug that some garrison warships did not automatically join the battle. [10-28:03:00] 1. Sealed and frozen 41 accounts with abnormal verification. 2. Optimize the judgment conditions for jumping out of verification when performing main tasks. 3. Optimize the countdown of planetary pirate recovery time. 4. Optimize some prompts and descriptions. [10-22:03:00] 1. Fixed some bugs where salvage harassment battle verification failed. 2. Reduce the physical consumption of the salvage harassment battle to 5 points. 3. Strengthen the technical means of anti-script, plug-in and other auxiliary tools. [10-14:03:00] 1. Fix the problem that some verification codes are displayed outside the boundary. 2. Fix the bug of abnormally locking components in the salvage harassment battle. [10-08:03:00] 1. Fixed the game lag after the simultaneous death of the chat challenge. 2. Optimize the verification logic and increase the trigger randomness. [9-30:03:00] 1. Repair some bugs that reported errors in salvage pursuit. 2. Optimized the game effect and memory management, especially the relevant parts of the star map interface. 3. On September 28, network service providers in some areas experienced network instability. Now restored. [9-23:03:00] 1. Fixed the bug that some salvage ships did not update their cabins after salvage. 2. Fixed the bug that the status of some warships would not be updated after participating in the star battle. 3. Expedition system gameplay is under development. [9-16:03:00] 1. Increase the random color and random size of the verification code. 2. Optimize the combat system, the movement speed will be reduced immediately after the engine is destroyed. 3. Increase the display of battle values ​​in the lower left corner of the chat channel challenge report. [9-09:03:00] 1. Numerical adjustment: greatly increase the positive impact of the accumulated salvage time on salvage allocation. 2. Value adjustment: Increase the positive effect of salvage ship speed on salvage allocation. 3. Function added: The battle report of chasing salvage ships is automatically sent to the world channel. 4. Added function: The mail of chasing the salvage ship is sent to the player mailbox of the salvage ship. 5. Repair the weekly PVP injury list display BUG. [9-02:04:00] 1. Repaired the bug that the inventory list was not refreshed and displayed in real time after the carrier-based aircraft and nano-armor were uninstalled. 2. Fix the bug that the status is not refreshed immediately after participating in and withdrawing from the Star League. 3. Optimize the freeze caused by too many floating prompts on the phone. 4. Added salvage protection and salvage harassment combat gameplay, which consumes 10 points of stamina and reduces the cumulative salvage time of the target by 20% (test). [8-26:03:00] 1. Optimize the secondary distribution of the salvage algorithm, and continue to distribute the remaining wreckage when there are still empty bins. 2. Correct the bug that the salvage interface will not automatically refresh the information after the salvage is completed. 3. Improve the function of banning a chat channel for a period of time after it is blocked by multiple people. The weight is related to the player level. [8-19:03:00] 1. Corrected the bug that the number of orders with the best price in the trading center was not refreshed in time. 2. Correct some interface text display errors. 3. Fix the bug that the sound effect switch fails in some cases. 4. Added a second confirmation of the location of the receiving planet when receiving the mail. [8-05:03:00] 1. Added a chat challenge, check the hull limit and component limit (debugging). 2. After releasing the warship in the chat channel, click on the upper right corner of other interfaces to display the bug of player information. 3. Fixed the BUG that the return journey of the Super Stargate transported by the Legion Planet Warehouse did not work. [7-29:03:00] 1. Added a new mainline dungeon to obtain component picture prompts. 2. Fix the bug that the button displayed wrongly when the salvage interface ends. 3. The chat challenge has been added to be able to check to send to the Legion channel. 4. The chat challenge supplements the randomness of the battle. 5. Fixed the bug that the content could not be displayed when the chat channel was switched too fast. 6. Notice: The material value of the VIP package will be updated at 0:00 on August 1st. [7-22:03:00] 1. The value of the materials given in the weekly gift pack has increased. 2. Added the challenge function of the world chat channel, no loss, no reward, and consumes a small amount of UCP. 3. Correct the bug that the button is not displayed in the salvage interface with a certain probability. 4. Notice: The material value of the VIP package will be updated at 0:00 on August 1st. [7-15:03:00] 1. Corrected the BUG that the insufficient number of warships participating in the Star League led to wrong judgment of victory or defeat. 2. Add the general button sound effect of the game interface. 3. Add 2 levels of sound effects for missile weapons, depending on the specific attack power. 4. Add key item circulation log. [7-08:03:00] 1. Fix the bug that the non-combat occupation of the dark matter planet leads to abnormal receiving of dark matter. 2. Fixed the bug that the chat channel switching prompt for non-legion players was wrong. 【7-01:04:00】 1. Correct some error prompts. 2. Correct the skill description of carrier-based aircraft. 3. Remove the redundant attributes displayed by some railguns. 4. Increase the attack sound effect of carrier-based aircraft. 5. Binding mailbox input box automatically ignores spaces. [6-03:03:00] 1. Reduce the speed of NPC high-speed warships to be comparable to that before the update last week, without affecting player warships. 2. This update may affect the results of some historical battle reports. [5-27:03:00] 1. Increase the initial thrust and thrust level bonus of the high-speed hull. 2. Expand the upper and lower limits of the points ratio for legion fund exchange. [5-01:00:00] Weekly gift packs will be upgraded in the early morning of Monday, 4-29. 5-01: Upgrade the VIP package in the early morning of the day. Fixed the bug that some legion logs could not be displayed normally. [4-22:06:00] 1. Increase the effective effect of material monthly cards, skill learning thread +1. 【4-08:03:00】 1. Corrected the bug that missiles rarely hit the inner components (has a certain impact on old battle reports). 2. Adjust the output distribution algorithm of rare materials with difficulty above 200%, defense points and attack points each account for 50%. 3. Corrected the bug that warships that did not go to battle for the first time in the garrison state would exit the garrison state. 【4-01:03:00】 1. Advance the upper limit of material prices in the trading center. 2. Defeat planetary NPCs above 200% difficulty to obtain random types of rare materials. - Quantities are distributed among teams based on battle stats (damage, defense)

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The provider of Galactic Age Prequel is aall.space.

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Galactic Age Prequel supports 5 languages including Simplified Chinese,English,Traditional Chinese,Japanese,Korean etc.

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