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正當防衛™ 3

正當防衛™ 3

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JUST CAUSE 4 https://store.steampowered.com/app/517630/Just_Cause_4​​/ XXL Edition Just Cause 3 XXL Edition 包含廣受好評的 Just Cause 3 遊戲以及大量可供選擇的額外任務、爆炸性武器和車輛你在美第奇的經歷。這個遊戲的終極版本將取悅那些想要使用增強的武器庫和異國情調的新車輛跳入 Rico 的所有任務的新玩家。此包包括以下物品: 正當防衛 3 空中、陸地和海上擴展通行證武器化車輛包爆炸性武器包死神導彈機甲 Kousavá 步槍評論和榮譽 9.5/10 “正當防衛 3 可能是唯一真正符合沙盒條件的最新版本” - 福布斯 9/10 “《正當防衛 3》可能是我今年玩過的最有趣的遊戲” - 美國玩家 9/10 “極具破壞性” - GAME REACTOR 8/10 “一個開闊的遊樂場,為爆炸性動作”- IGN 8/10 “令人驚嘆的因果關係展示” - Gamespot 8/10 “在看到另一個基地綻放成火熱的花朵後,很難不高興地咯咯笑” - Game Informer 8/10 “活起來了通過展示沙盒遊戲應該如何運作來達到該系列的高質量爆炸性標準” - EGM 8/10 “一款令人難忘的遊戲,很難不喜歡並推薦給其他人” - Destructoid Bavarium Sea Heist Just Cause 3:Bavarium Sea Heist現在可用! MECH LAND ASSAULT 正當防衛 3:Mech Land Assault 現已上市!天空要塞正當防衛 3:天空要塞現已上市!立即下載擴展通行證並提前 7 天收到 PDLC 包。遊戲簡介 https://store.steampowered.com/app/680420/OUTRIDERS/ Medici 的地中海共和國正處於 Di Ravello 將軍的殘酷控制之下,Di Ravello 將軍是一個對權力貪得無厭的獨裁者。里科·羅德里格斯 (Rico Rodriguez) 登場,他的任務是不擇手段地摧毀將軍對權力的掌控。擁有超過 400 平方英里的從天空到海底的完全自由空間,以及龐大的武器裝備、小工具和車輛庫,準備以您能想像到的最具創意和爆炸性的方式釋放混亂。特點:探索地中海島嶼天堂,擁有完全的垂直自由度 –在幾乎零限制的開放世界中進行高空跳傘、定點跳傘和自由潛水 穿上翼裝在空中滑翔和俯衝翻越群山,提供一種從天而降的全新死亡方式 使用抓鉤和降落傘攀登建築物、劫持車輛、快速移動或將物體系在一起,以創造性的新方式製造混亂。在軍事基地、港口、監獄、警察局和通訊設施中造成大規模破壞鏈,以推翻獨裁者用各種各樣的爆炸性武器武裝自己,從獵槍和導彈發射器到坦克破壞者和空襲從種類繁多的武器中選擇駕駛不同的交通工具,包括快艇、噴氣式飛機、直升機、渦輪燃料跑車和超級自行車 通過數十項挑戰任務和收藏品進行冒險,探索在線社區功能
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Avalanche Studios
out of 10

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DrignoS PC games
W mid ah giga ultra pro GOAT all are my played pc games below
Games that should be on mobile.
If these games ever comes on mobiles It'll change the gaming industry for forever. Tell me what do you guys think?
The People's Choice5742024-01-25
Just cause 3 is one of the best, most action packed game I have ever played alongside metal gear rising revengance. There is no tutorial, no instructions the game just throws you on top of a plane gives you a rocket launcher and tells you to blow some stuff up. I absolutely love this game and it's mechanics, you could spend hours just messing around with your tools like the grappling hook and wingsuit and not even doing the main missions the sense of freedom in this game is similar to breath of the wild which I love. One of the highlights of just cause 3 is the destruction and the explosions. Seeing a massive radar dish collapse after I shoot it with a heavy explosive tank shell activates my monkey brain cells and makes me happy. The only cons of just cause 3 are it's reused assets the enemy camps, towns and cities often feel copy and pasted and you get a strong sense of deja vu exploring the map this is countered however by the beautiful natural surroundings. Medici is a truly stunning island I would actually go on holiday there (as long as there weren't any maniacs with wingsuits, grappling wings and rocket launchers running smock) I absolutely recommend this game to sandbox and action lovers it's also incredibly cheap as it's several years old now but still holds up to modern standards so buy the DLC's while you're at it.
Chuck Davie3492023-12-12


When was this game updated?icon

Just Cause™ 3 is updated at 2018-11-29.

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The provider of Just Cause™ 3 is Avalanche Studios.

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