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Initial release Apr 11, 2019
《一起來捉妖》是騰訊首款AR探索手游!讓你在現實世界中化身御靈師,探索這個世界,發現並收集身邊的妖靈。魂珠封妖,將豐富多樣、千奇百怪的妖靈收入囊中。實景捉妖、特色戰鬥、守護擂台、線下社交。御靈師,一起來捉妖吧! 【AR捉妖一起探索多彩世界】 增強現實技術,AR給你前所未有的封妖體驗,帶來虛擬與現實的多元碰撞。 【豐富收集特色妖精】 萬物皆有靈,山海經、葫蘆兄弟等千奇百怪、耳熟能詳的妖精等你找尋。 【養成覺醒進階之路】 妖精訓練、進階覺醒,培養最強妖精,伴你左右! 【真實社交見面抓妖交朋友】 線上線下,親密無間,捉妖隊友,一起出發! 【守護擂台廣場建築奪第一】 讓封妖足跡踏遍角落,標記高樓廣場,最強封妖師就是你!
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親愛的御靈師: 感謝您對《一起來捉妖》的熱情關注和支持!遊戲將對全區全服於12月19日23:45-12月20日18:00進行停服更新,屆時御靈師們將無法登錄遊戲。本次停服時間較長,根據更新情況,停服時間及時長可能調整,實際開服時間,請您關注後續官方公告。同時,擺攤功能將於12月19日14:00暫時關閉,並將在更新後重新開放。停服期間給您帶來的不便,敬請見諒!停服更新後,白君將會給您帶來【鑽石x2388】【雲紋x15888】【靈力藥劑x5】【太陽橘x10】的更新獎勵!冬日暖陽,一起迎接捉妖新紀年的到來。 【更新方式】 >>>遊戲包更新安卓御靈師可在遊戲內直接更新或前往官網及各大應用商店進行更新; iOS御靈師可前往app store商店進行更新; 特別提醒:本次更新時間持續較長,請及時關注開服公告,並合理安排好您的遊戲時間,避免擺攤、領取月卡收益、延續日常成就等行為受到影響。 【大區合併】 >>>次元突破精彩無限版本更新後,白君和黑仔帶領所有的妖靈突破次元壁,開啟捉妖新紀年!從此,區服將不再是世界上最遙遠的距離。喊上你的好友,我們一起捉妖,一起星移,一起擺攤,一起對戰吧。捉妖世界新紀年,開啟精彩無限!圖1:次元突破,捉妖新紀年開啟>>>合區規則1、本次更新後,微信區和QQ區的服務器將實現數據互通。屬於御靈師的角色、妖靈、圈子、背包道具等各項數據信息均會被保留。 2、所有擂台的挑戰信息、熱度等數據將會清空重置。已經駐紮的妖靈將在更新後重新回到您的妖靈背包。點擊查看擂台熱度、助戰獎勵等具體規則。 (https://zhuoyao.qq.com/gicp/news/535/7627323.html) 3、部分成就因合區後難度提升將會進行難度調整: 【叫我第一名】:10次/300次/1000次/3000次調整為10次/300次/1000次/2000次【妖靈夥伴】:1只/7只/15只/30只調整為1只/5只/10只/20只4、全體御靈師將在更新後可領取捉妖新紀年的郵件,包含【擂台獎章x1000】【次元突破頭像框x1】,共同迎接捉妖新紀年的全新挑戰。 【PVE玩法】 >>>行者戰場風雲再起萬像出沒,妖靈異動。御靈師三大聯盟,決定將於本次更新後至2020年1月5日,開放首期行者戰場,讓每一位御靈師都能充分地戰鬥訓練,以應對未來危機。版本更新後,御靈師可以隨身生成虛擬戰場。在戰場中進行挑戰,擊敗投影,還可贏取三大聯盟發放的獎勵。圖2:首期行者戰場限時開放【PVP玩法】 >>>好友對戰御靈無疆御靈師與妖靈夥伴共同行走捉妖世界,並肩成長;這世上還有無數的御靈同好也在各地潛心修煉,只為成為御靈世界的強者。版本更新後,御靈師們可以選擇與其他御靈師進行對戰,來一場屬於御靈師的妖靈對決啦!特別提醒:切磋交流之時,請記得情誼第一,點到為止!圖3:好友對戰系統開放【冬季神靈】 >>>歌舞之間天下覆霜早寒青女至,零露結為霜。入夜飛清景,凌晨積素光。全新冰屬性五星神靈——青女舞動輕紗,降臨人間。禁錮控制,半血減傷,不要被青女柔美的外形所欺騙哦,也許她會是新的守擂強者!圖4:全新冰屬性五星神靈——青女【全新妖靈】 >>>星靈入夢傾心守護四野崩裂,星墜如雨,流火經天。全新【星靈】系列分支妖靈降臨,更有拒宅日專屬星宿妖靈仁術狼、拳鬥虎萌萌登場。御靈師,冬日來臨也不要忘記在合適的天氣,出門曬曬太陽,收集更多的可愛妖靈喔!圖5:星靈系列分支妖靈(從左依次為婁金狗、胃土雉、角木蛟、參水猿) 【全新系統】 >>>趣味扭蛋超酷開啟妖靈扭蛋機,扭出你的心動時刻。玄武、幻境之雨時裝等專屬獎勵與你相約,由北方星宿之主坐鎮的潮酷盛典,一定星光璀璨,如你所願。本次更新後,御靈師每24小時可獲得一次免費扭蛋的次數,免費扭蛋的次數不可疊加,登錄遊戲後可千萬不要忘記扭蛋喔。圖6:妖靈扭蛋機開放【靈石更替】 >>>10公里靈石將會新增專屬妖靈小竹子; >>>10公里靈石將會新增妖靈仁術狼; >>>10公里靈石中的妖靈呆呆貐、幼角獬、兜兜犴將進入5公里靈石; >>>5公里靈石將會新增妖靈商宿、參宿; >>>5公里靈石將會移除妖靈花無邪、揚塵小偶、穿山甲、捉妖記血妖、螺莉莉; >>>2公里靈石將會新增妖靈南瓜頭魔女、南瓜頭黑貓、南瓜頭騎士; >>>2公里靈石將會移除妖靈金鼻白毛鼠、布魯、蟹斗眼、犀牛仔; 圖7:靈石更替新增妖靈【筆記更新】 >>>調查筆記即將開啟調查筆記即將開啟!本次調查筆記同樣將為御靈師們帶來海量好禮和強力專屬妖靈,一起期待新一期調查任務的發佈吧!圖8:調查筆記第二期即將開啟(活動詳情留意後續官方公告) 【妖靈調整】 >>>為了更好地匹配行者戰場和好友對戰玩法,讓更多妖靈有更佳的表現,御靈師協會綜合各項戰斗數據,將在本次更新對以下妖靈的基礎屬性進行數值增強; 蜀味老火鍋:增加基礎生命值、增加基礎物防值、增加基礎法防值; 黑風洞主:增加基礎生命值、增加基礎物攻值、增加基礎法防值、增加基礎物防值; 東海龍王:增加基礎法攻值、增加基礎物防值、增加基礎法防值; 人生贏家:增加基礎物攻值; 二覺布魯:增加基礎法攻值; 羊大仙:增加基礎生命值、增加基礎法攻值; 木流俠:增加基礎物防值、增加基礎法防值; 清明蝶:增加基礎生命值; 鹿鳴王:增加基礎物攻值; 江如願:增加基礎生命值; 鯤:增加基礎生命值、增加基礎物防值、增加基礎法防值; *以上妖靈在基礎屬性加強後,評分也會有所提升,具體增加屬性數值請在遊戲內查看或前往篝火營地查詢。 >>>修復了人參贏家使用格擋技能有概率不回復生命值的問題; >>>修復了縱目祭司被動上古祭祀沉默時間異常的問題; >>>更新了昴日雞亮採技能奇襲的描述,使之更加符合技能效果; 【系統調整】 >>>根據御靈師的反饋,本次更新後,下列道具將不再佔據背包空間:拖尾特效、扭蛋幣、扭蛋兌換券、調查筆記獎章; >>>本次更新後,御靈師可以通過進入妖靈背包,自定義不同戰鬥玩法的預設陣容; >>>本次更新後,六耳獼猴的所有技能到達2級後,均需消耗道具梵心咒進行升級; >>>本次更新後,攻擊中進入後搖的妖靈,技能按鈕將會處於置灰狀態; >>>本次更新後,任何戰鬥中妖靈替換的公共CD將會被更清晰得顯示出來; 注:妖靈的技能無法影響公共CD計時。 【問題修復】 >>>修復了亢金龍在妖靈背包詳情界面動畫動作僵硬的問題; >>>修復了世界boss預約信息重複提醒的異常問題; >>>優化了妖靈動畫的壓縮算法,更新後部分妖靈的動作將會更加流暢,御靈師已下載的養成動畫需手動重新下載; 《一起來捉妖》運營團隊2019年12月18日

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What is the latest version of Let's catch demons together? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of Let's catch demons together is, updated at 2022-06-02.

what's new in the latest version of Let's catch demons together?icon

Dear Yu Lingshi: Thank you for your enthusiastic attention and support for "Let's Catch the Monster Together"! The game will shut down and update the entire server in the region from 23:45 on December 19 to 18:00 on December 20. At that time, the spirit masters will not be able to log in to the game. This time the service will be suspended for a long time. According to the update situation, the time and length of the service suspension may be adjusted. Please pay attention to the follow-up official announcement for the actual service opening time. At the same time, the stall function will be temporarily closed at 14:00 on December 19, and will be reopened after an update. Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you during the suspension period! After the update, Bai Jun will bring you [Diamond x2388] [Moire x15888] [Spirit Potion x5] [Sun Orange x10] update rewards! In the warm winter sun, welcome the arrival of the new year of catching monsters together. [Update method] >>>Game package update Android Yulingshi can be updated directly in the game or go to the official website and major app stores to update; iOS Yulingshi can go to the app store to update; Special reminder: This update time It lasts for a long time, please pay attention to the server opening announcement in time, and arrange your game time reasonably to avoid affecting behaviors such as setting up a stall, receiving monthly card benefits, and continuing daily achievements. [Consolidation of Regions] >>> Dimensional Breakthrough After the wonderful unlimited version update, Bai Jun and Hei Zai lead all the demon spirits to break through the Dimensional Wall and start a new era of monster hunting! From then on, the regional server will no longer be the furthest distance in the world. Call your friends, let's catch monsters together, move stars together, set up stalls together, and fight together. The new era of catching monsters will start a wonderful and unlimited time! Figure 1: Dimensional breakthrough, the new year of catching monsters opens >>> Zone rules 1. After this update, the servers in the WeChat zone and the QQ zone will realize data interoperability. The characters, demon spirits, circles, backpack props and other data information belonging to the imperial master will be preserved. 2. All challenge information, popularity and other data in the arena will be cleared and reset. Already camped sprites will return to your sprite inventory after the update. Click to view the specific rules such as arena popularity and assist rewards. (https://zhuoyao.qq.com/gicp/news/535/7627323.html) 3. The difficulty of some achievements will be adjusted due to the difficulty increase after the merger: [Call me the first place]: 10 times/300 times /1000 times/3000 times adjusted to 10 times/300 times/1000 times/2000 times [Demon spirit partner]: 1/7/15/30 adjusted to 1/5/10/20 4 , All spirit masters will be able to receive the mail of the new era of monster hunting after the update, including [challenge medal x1000] [dimension breakthrough avatar frame x1], and jointly meet the new challenges of the new era of monster hunting. [PVE gameplay] >>>The situation on the battlefield of the walker is back again, and everything is haunted and haunted, and the demon spirits are moving. The three major alliances of spirit masters have decided to open the first phase of the walker battlefield after this update to January 5, 2020, so that every spirit master can fully train in combat to deal with future crises. After the version update, Yu Lingshi can generate a virtual battlefield with him. Challenge in the battlefield, defeat the projection, and win rewards issued by the three major alliances. Figure 2: The first phase of the Walker Battlefield is open for a limited time [PVP gameplay] >>>Friends battle the spirits without boundaries Cultivation is only to become a strong man in the world of Yuling. After the version is updated, the spirit masters can choose to fight against other spirit masters, let's have a battle of demon spirits belonging to the spirit masters! Special reminder: When discussing and exchanging ideas, please remember that friendship comes first, and click here! Figure 3: The friend battle system is open [Winter Gods] >>>The world is covered with frost between singing and dancing. Fly at night to clear the scenery, accumulate plain light in the early morning. A brand-new five-star deity with ice attribute—the young girl descends to the world, dancing the veil. Imprisonment control, half blood reduces damage, don't be deceived by the young girl's soft and beautiful appearance, maybe she will be the new strong defender! Figure 4: The new ice-attributed five-star deity——Qingnv [new demon spirit] >>>The star spirit enters the dream and devotes herself to guarding the four fields, the stars fall like rain, and fire flows through the sky. The brand-new [Star Spirit] series branch demon spirits are coming, and there are even star demon spirits, benevolence wolf and fist fighting tiger, which are exclusive to the house rejection day. Master of the Spirit, don't forget to go out to bask in the sun in the right weather when winter is coming, and collect more cute demon spirits! Figure 5: The demon spirits of the Xingling series (from the left are Loujingou, Stomach Pheasant, Jiaomujiao, and Shenshuiyuan) [New System] >>>Fun Gacha Cool Open the Demon Spirit Gacha Machine, twist Express your heartbeat moment. Exclusive rewards such as Xuanwu, Rain of Illusion, and other exclusive rewards will meet you. The cool festival hosted by the Lord of the Northern Constellations must be as bright as you wish. After this update, the spirit master can get a free gashapon every 24 hours, and the free gashapon times cannot be superimposed. Don’t forget the gashapon after logging in to the game. Figure 6: The demon spirit gashapon machine is open [replacement of spirit stones] >>> 10 kilometers of spirit stones will add the exclusive demon spirit Xiaozhu; >>> 10 kilometers of spirit stones will add the demon spirit benevolence wolf; >>> > The demon spirits Daidai, Youjiao, and Doudou in the 10-kilometer spirit stone will enter the 5-kilometer spirit stone; >>> The 5-kilometer spirit stone will add new demon spirits Shangsu and Sansu; >>> 5 kilometers The spirit stones will remove the demon spirits Hua Wuxie, Dust Puppet, Pangolin, Monster Hunt Blood Demon, Luo Lili; >>> 2km spirit stones will add demon spirits Pumpkin Head Witch, Pumpkin Head Black Cat, Pumpkin Head Knight; >>> 2 kilometers of spirit stones will remove the demon spirits Golden-nosed White-haired Rat, Blue, Crab Cross-eyed, and Rhinoceros; Figure 7: New spirits will be added for the replacement of spirit stones [note update] >>> investigation Notes are about to open Investigation Notes are about to open! This investigation note will also bring massive gifts and powerful exclusive demon spirits to the spirit masters. Let's look forward to the release of the new investigation mission! Figure 8: The second issue of investigation notes is about to start (for details of the event, please pay attention to the follow-up official announcement) [Monster Adjustment] >>> In order to better match the gameplay of the walker battlefield and the battle with friends, so that more demons can perform better, Yu The Healer Association has integrated various battle data, and will enhance the basic attributes of the following demon spirits in this update; Sichuan Flavored Hot Pot: Increase the basic health value, increase the basic physical defense value, and increase the basic magic defense value; Black Wind Cave Master: increase basic life value, increase basic physical attack value, increase basic magic defense value, increase basic physical defense value; Donghai Dragon King: increase basic law attack value, increase basic physical defense value, increase basic magic defense value; life winner: increase Basic physical attack value; Erjue Bulu: increase basic legal attack value; Yang Daxian: increase basic health value, increase basic legal attack value; Mu Liuxia: increase basic physical defense value, increase basic legal defense value; Qingming Butterfly: increase Basic life value; Luming King: increase basic physical attack value; Jiang Ruyuan: increase basic life value; Kun: increase basic life value, increase basic physical defense value, increase basic magic defense value; , the score will also be improved, please check the specific increase in attribute value in the game or go to the campfire camp to inquire. >>>Fixed the problem that the ginseng winner may not recover HP when using the blocking skill; >>>Fixed the problem that the silence time of the Zongmu priest's passive ancient priest was abnormal; , to make it more in line with the skill effect; [System adjustment] >>>According to the feedback from the spiritual master, after this update, the following items will no longer occupy the space in the backpack: trailing effects, gashapon coins, gashapon exchange coupons, surveys Note Medal; >>> After this update, the Spirit Master can customize the preset lineup of different battle methods by entering the demon spirit backpack; >>> After this update, after all the skills of the six-eared macaque reach level 2, Both need to consume props Brahma Heart Mantra to upgrade; >>> After this update, the skill button will be grayed out for the demon spirits that enter the back shake during the attack; >>> After this update, any demon spirits in battle will be replaced The public CD will be displayed more clearly; Note: The skills of the demon spirit cannot affect the timing of the public CD. [Bug fixes] >>>Fixed the problem that Kang Jinlong’s animation action in the monster spirit backpack details interface was stiff; >>>Fixed the abnormal problem of repeated reminders for world boss appointment information; After the update, the movements of some demon spirits will be smoother, and the cultivation animations that have been downloaded by the spiritual master need to be downloaded again manually; "Let's Catch Monsters Together" operation team December 18, 2019

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The provider of Let's catch demons together is 腾讯.

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Now Let's catch demons together is available on Android.

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