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Initial release Jul 08, 2019
每個少女的衣櫥永遠缺少一件衣服,就算在清朝,也不例外! 《愛江山更愛美人》是一款劇情式換裝養成遊戲,只要根據劇情提示完成任務委託,就可以獲得美麗服飾。千變萬化的換裝搭配,讓你活在清朝的每一秒都是艷壓群芳的時刻!跌宕劇情,極致配音;豐富番外。沉浸式的換裝體驗,這一次,由你定義清宮古風之美! 【遊戲特色】 1、跌宕劇情,極致配音超享受古風穿越小說劇情,百萬字話演繹夙世因緣,跌宕起伏,邊看邊玩,極致撩人配音,沉浸式體驗,戴上耳機,享受這一刻。 2、華服錦衣,隨心搭配上萬種服飾,髮型、妝容、衣著、配飾、襪子、鞋子,應有盡有,任君搭配。你是全紫禁城最靚的娘娘,時尚風潮由你引領。 3、京城故事,遇見才俊有情歸夢,同到幽閨。換裝蜜會,禮物致意。雲中錦書,緣由天定。密園之中,誰才是你的真命天子? 4、位份晉升,鬥智斗勇工於心計,步步驚心。每日請安,步步晉升。從秀女開始,如何才能得償所願?這是女人的戰場,你敢應戰嗎? 5、隨從培養,任你調遣各路隨從養成,委派差遣,培養升級,精於妝容或工於心計,一切由你做主! 6、喵屋養寵,為貓求愛獨創喵屋系統,多種萌貓陪伴,養喵成年,全服求愛,為貓聯姻,貓奴不可錯過!京城之中藏著無限的古風之美,這是換裝發燒友的天堂,等你一起來玩! 【關注我們】 如果你喜歡我們的遊戲,歡迎隨時給我們評價、留言。微信公眾號:愛江山更愛美人官網新浪微博:愛江山更愛美人抖音號:愛江山更愛美人
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一、主線劇情解鎖※ 第64章「天命所兆」 靜謐的秘室,變化莫測的星象,天命兆示,這場災禍的轉機究竟是什麼?二、廟會盛典「蒼穹盛世」 蒼穹盛世,廟會盛典!活動時間:06-25 00:00:00 至07-12 23:59:59 領獎時間:07-13 00:00:00 至07-13 23:59:59 ※ 活動期間,參與廟會各項活動,即可獲取廟會專屬:2021廟會獎券,兌換廟會限定套裝:盛世女皇、蒼穹女帝,以及限定背景:盛世蘭宮、蒼穹雲境,主題單品、主題頭像與豐厚道具獎勵,小主們快將「蒼穹盛世」帶回宮吧! ※ 據前方探子來報,本次盛典贈禮無數,走過路過不要錯過!首次開啟本活動,將獲贈廟會慶典大禮包。此外,每天進入本活動可領取免費禮盒,每天充值任意金額更可領取尊享禮盒! ※ 特別關注:專屬套裝盛世女皇、蒼穹女帝的華麗升階效果將同步開放! ※ 服裝細節(點擊圖片查看大圖) 三、廟會盛典「四季繁花盛」 繁花盡應好時節,繁花花神攜四季花神限時回歸獻禮!活動時間:06-25 00:00:00 至07-06 23:59:59 領獎時間:07-07 00:00:00 至07-07 23:59:59 ※ 活動期間,來廟會邂逅繁花盛世仙姿!前往禮品閣購買四季箋、繁花箋,可分別用於兌換四季系列套裝:繁花花神、絳桃花神、馨茉花神、薔薇花神、幽蘭花神,還可前往繁花館兌換四季系列回歸單品及繁花花神主題單品,包括主題背景:漫仙洞天。 ※ 擁有四季花神套裝,兌換繁花花神套裝可享受超值折扣!擁有1套享8.8折;擁有2套享7.8折;擁有3套享6.8折;擁有4套享5.8折! ※ 集齊四季花神套裝或繁花花神套裝,即可在對應套裝兌換界面中免費領取套裝頭像。 ※ 特別關注:專屬套裝繁花花神的華麗升階效果將同步開放! ※ 6月25日至7月6日每日特惠、時光禮包將上架限時禮包,不容錯失。 ※ 服裝細節(點擊圖片查看大圖) 四、「繁花傾城」特惠禮包艷絕群芳譜,濃染芷蘭香,多情繁花主,麗色自傾城。活動時間:06-25 00:00:00 至07-06 23:59:59 ※ 絕版頭像框「繁花傾城」限時上架。活動期間,小主可移駕【出宮】-【特惠禮包】查看與購買。五、廟會盛典「時光紀年」 ※ 時光不經意間流逝,翻閱往日種種回憶,美人依舊。活動時間:06-25 00:00:00 至07-12 23:59:59 領獎時間:07-13 00:00:00 至07-13 23:59:59 ※ 活動期間,屬於小主的年度報告已呈上,恭請小主開啟時光紀年。 ※ 小主於時光紀年網頁中驗證個人角色ID後,可查看2020年6月1日--2021年6月1日期間的年度報告,還可生成時光海報分享給小伙伴哦!六、廟會盛典「巔峰天團」 萬眾矚目,巔峰天團---福從天降系列隨從絕版回歸!活動時間:06-25 00:00:00 至07-06 23:59:59 ※ 活動期間,每日充值達到指定檔次,獲得廟會專屬:天團銘牌,即可招募巔峰天團--福從天降系列天賦隨從,該系列成員包括:北辰、璇璣(共2人)。 ※ 達指定位份,還能使用天團銘牌兌換隨從培養禮包,內含:天團令、以及大量屬性培養道具! ※ 獲得團隊內的各天賦隨從並消耗天團令,可提升團隊天賦技能,小主將獲得對應屬性的高效提升,尊享天賦加成!七、廟會盛典「煙花晚宴」 ※ 出席盛典晚宴,燃放絢爛煙花。活動時間:06-25 00:00:00 至07-12 22:00:00 領獎時間:07-12 22:00:01 至07-13 22:00:00 ※ 活動期間,每日18:00--22:00前往活動燃放煙花即可獲得豐厚的道具獎勵! ※ 活動有3種品質煙花出售:漫天星光、火樹銀花、繁花齊放。燃放煙花即可獲得花火值、道具獎勵! ※ 燃放的煙花品質越高,獲得珍貴獎勵的概率越高,獲得的花火值也越高;燃放繁花齊放,將在全服主城播放華麗煙花特效,且在頂部滾動信息欄、系統頻道同步公告! ※ 獲得花火值排行榜前100名,可獲得對應排名獎勵。排行榜前1-3名,且達到指定的花火值,即可額外獲得永久稱號: ❈ 天盛夜焰:全屬性+300000 ❈ 夜花千樹:全屬性+250000 ❈ 翦夜星彩:全屬性+200000 ※ 特別福利:活動期間,每日首次進入活動即可免費獲得漫天星光煙花×1。八、廟會盛典「天天好禮」 2021廟會盛典,登錄好禮呈獻!活動時間:06-25 00:00:00 至07-12 23:59:59 ※ 活動期間,每天登錄即可免費領專屬單品:雙結鬟、璨織上衣、璨織下裙、紫幕煙、歲福項圈、燦心墜、平安康,以及內務府奉上的雙倍廟會專屬:2021廟會獎券,與豐厚道具獎勵! ※ 花費1999金幣更可獲得廟會盛典紀念禮盒,內含:頭像框—焰火賀鯉、廟會專屬:廟會獎券、捲軸禮包。九、廟會盛典「全民紅包」 廟會紅包天天搶,瓜分萬千金幣!活動時間:06-25 00:00:00 至07-06 23:59:59 ※ 活動期間,全民世界紅包於每天中午12:30、晚上20:30準點發放!屆時在主城將會天降大紅包,小主若提前守候,定能吉星高照奪得手氣最佳! ※ 世界紅包不容錯失,聯盟紅包同樣金幣滿滿!任意聯盟成員充值達指定額度,即可獲得在聯盟聊天頻道發紅包機會,發紅包機會多充多得!紅包金額均由內務府統一提供,恭請小主盡情派發!十、廟會盛典「幸運贈禮」 ※ 蒼穹盛世,天宮賜福!活動時間:06-25 00:00:00 至07-12 23:59:59 領獎時間:07-13 00:00:00 至07-13 23:59:59 ※ 活動期間,通過任意途徑進行充值,每充值1元即可獲得幸運點×1,每消耗幸運點×6可在活動中抽獎1次。獎品豐厚,祝愿小主歐氣滿滿! ※ 特別福利:活動期間,首次進入活動全民可免費獲得1次抽獎機會,尊貴的VIP可免費獲得3次抽獎機會!十一、廟會盛典「夢幻相伴」 小主與藍顏一同逛廟會時,從一個遊方道士手中買到一種奇香,據那道士所言,此香能令人夢遊大千。活動時間:06-25 00:00:00 至07-06 23:59:59 領獎時間:07-07 00:00:00 至07-07 23:59:59 ※ 活動期間,在「夢幻相伴」玩消消樂獲得夢幻奇香,即可兌換夢幻限定紀念卡牌:阿里袞· 仙路漫漫、弘曆· 顛倒國度、艾蘭迪· 畫靈遊世、齊墨· 夢浮蝶鏡,天團銘牌以及百寶袋、銀兩等道具。十二、魅力提升「研習社」 ※ 魅力提升研習社開啟,夜幕降臨,你願前赴這場時尚盛會嗎?活動時間:06-25 00:00:00 至07-21 23:59:59 領獎時間:07-22 00:00:00 至07-22 23:59:59 開啟條件:7月8日0點前開啟的區服且角色創建時間大於7天※ 活動期間,小主參與研習,完成任務並提升研習等級,即可領取豐厚獎勵。加入專屬研習,還可收集獲得專屬套裝:綺幻迷夜的各部位單品!兌換商店更有許願樹珍稀許願道具:金葉子以供兌換哦! ※ 服裝細節(點擊圖片查看大圖) 十三、「許願樹」新服飾投入※ 全新套裝乾鴻祥意、漿果浪漫及全新單品投入許願樹,祝愿小主歐氣滿滿!十四、「番外」新增隨從及章節※ 小主知人善用,「番外」投奔小主隨從新增1位!江湖卷新增隨從:林音,隨從的番外傳記同步開放。 ※ 原內閣卷隨從:青雲兒,原采風卷隨從:辛啟紀,番外傳記有新增章節。體驗優化1、 部分內容體驗優化。更新內容請以遊戲實裝為準。

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2.93 MB
安卓 4.0.3 +
out of 10


What is the latest version of love country more love beauty? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of love country more love beauty is 1.0, updated at 2022-09-08.

what's new in the latest version of love country more love beauty?icon

1. Unlocking the main storyline ※Chapter 64 "Omen of Destiny" Quiet secret room, unpredictable astrology, omen of destiny, what is the turning point of this disaster? 2. The grand ceremony of the temple fair "The Prosperity of the Sky" The prosperity of the sky, the grand ceremony of the temple fair! Activity time: 06-25 00:00:00 to 07-12 23:59:59 Award receiving time: 07-13 00:00:00 to 07-13 23:59:59 ※ During the activity period, participate in various activities of the temple fair , you can get the temple fair exclusive: 2021 temple fair coupons, exchange temple fair limited suits: Shengshi empress, sky empress, and limited background: Shengshi Lan Palace, sky cloud environment, themed items, theme avatars and rich props rewards, young masters will soon Bring "The Prosperity of the Sky" back to the palace! ※ According to reports from the spies in front, there are countless gifts in this grand ceremony, don’t miss it when you pass by! The first time you start this event, you will receive a temple fair celebration spree. In addition, you can get a free gift box if you enter this event every day, and you can get an exclusive gift box if you recharge any amount every day! ※ Special attention: The gorgeous upgrade effects of the exclusive suits of the Empress of the Era and the Empress of the Sky will be released simultaneously! ※ Clothing details (click on the picture to view a larger image) 3. Temple Fair Ceremony "Four Seasons Blooming Flowers" When the flowers are in full bloom, the God of Flowers and the God of Four Seasons will return for a limited time to present gifts! Activity time: 06-25 00:00:00 to 07-06 23:59:59 Award receiving time: 07-07 00:00:00 to 07-07 23:59:59 ※ During the activity period, come to the temple fair to encounter the flourishing flowers Fairy! Go to the Gift Pavilion to buy Four Seasons Letters and Fanhua Letters, which can be used to exchange for the four seasons series suits: Fanhua Flower God, Crimson Peach Flower God, Xinjas Flower God, Rose Flower God, Orchid Flower God, and you can also go to the Flower Pavilion to redeem the Four Seasons series comeback list Items and flower-themed items, including the theme background: Manxiandongtian. ※ If you have the Four Seasons Flower God set, you can enjoy a super discount if you exchange it for the Flower Flower God set! 12% off for owning 1 set; 22% off for owning 2 sets; 32% off for owning 3 sets; 5.20% off for owning 4 sets! ※ Collect all the Four Seasons Flower God suits or Blossom Flower God suits, and you can get a set portrait for free in the corresponding suit exchange interface. ※ Special attention: The gorgeous upgrade effect of the exclusive suit Flower Flower God will be released simultaneously! ※ From June 25th to July 6th, daily special offers and time gift packs will be available for a limited time, so don't miss them. ※ Clothing details (click on the picture to view a larger picture) 4. The "Flowers Alluring City" special gift package is gorgeous and fragrant, richly dyed with orchid fragrance, passionate and full of flowers, beautiful and beautiful. Activity time: 06-25 00:00:00 to 07-06 23:59:59 ※ The out-of-print avatar frame "Blossoms" is available for a limited time. During the event, the host can move to [Exit Palace] - [Special Gift Package] to view and purchase. 5. The Grand Ceremony of the Temple Fair "Time Chronicle" ※ Time passes by inadvertently, looking through the memories of the past, the beauty is still the same. Activity time: 06-25 00:00:00 to 07-12 23:59:59 Prize collection time: 07-13 00:00:00 to 07-13 23:59:59 ※ During the activity period, it belongs to the owner’s year The report has been submitted, I respectfully invite the young master to start the time calendar. ※ After verifying your personal character ID on the Time Chronicle webpage, you can view the annual report from June 1, 2020 to June 1, 2021, and you can also generate time posters to share with your friends! 6. The temple fair ceremony "Peak Heavenly Mission" has attracted much attention, and the Peak Heavenly Mission---Fu Cong Tianxiang series follower is back out of print! Activity time: 06-25 00:00:00 to 07-06 23:59:59 ※ During the event period, the daily recharge reaches the specified level, and you can get the temple fair exclusive: Tiantuan nameplate, and you can recruit the peak Tiantuan -- Fucongtian The descendant series of talented followers, the members of this series include: Beichen and Xuanji (2 people in total). ※ If you reach the specified position, you can also use the Tiantuan nameplate to exchange for the follower training package, which includes: Tiantuan Token, and a large number of attribute training props! ※ Obtaining all the talented followers in the team and consuming the Tiantuan Token can improve the team's talent skills, and the little master will get an efficient improvement of the corresponding attributes and enjoy the talent bonus! 7. Temple Fair Grand Ceremony "Firework Dinner" ※ Attend the grand ceremony dinner and set off gorgeous fireworks. Activity time: 06-25 00:00:00 to 07-12 22:00:00 Prize collection time: 07-12 22:00:01 to 07-13 22:00:00 ※ During the activity period, 18:00 every day --Go to the event at 22:00 to set off fireworks to get rich prop rewards! ※ There are 3 types of fireworks for sale in the event: Starry Sky, Fiery Trees and Silver Flowers, and Blossoming Blossoms. Set off fireworks to get fireworks value and item rewards! ※ The higher the quality of the fireworks, the higher the probability of obtaining precious rewards, and the higher the firework value obtained; the fireworks will be displayed in the main city of the whole server, and the scrolling information bar at the top and system channels will be synchronized announcement! ※ If you get the top 100 in the ranking list of fireworks, you can get the corresponding ranking rewards. Top 1-3 on the leaderboard, and reach the designated fireworks value, you can get additional permanent titles: ❈ Tiansheng Yeyan: All attributes +300000 ❈ Yehua Qianshu: All attributes +250000 ❈ Jianye Xingcai: All attributes +200000 ※ Special benefits: During the event period, the first time you enter the event every day, you can get free starry fireworks × 1. 8. Temple Fair Ceremony "Everyday Gifts" 2021 Temple Fair Ceremony, Login Gifts Presented! Event time: 06-25 00:00:00 to 07-12 23:59:59 ※ During the event period, log in every day to receive exclusive items for free: Double-knotted Huan, Canwoven Top, Canwoven Skirt, Purple Curtain Smoke , Necklace of Suifu, Brilliant Heart Pendant, Ping Ankang, and double temple fair exclusive from the House of Internal Affairs: 2021 temple fair lottery tickets, and rich prop rewards! ※ Spend 1999 gold coins to get a commemorative gift box for the temple fair, which includes: portrait frame—firework congratulatory carp, temple fair exclusive: temple fair coupons, scroll gift pack. 9. Temple Fair Grand Ceremony "National Red Envelopes" Temple fair red envelopes are grabbed every day, and thousands of gold coins are shared! Activity time: 06-25 00:00:00 to 07-06 23:59:59 ※ During the activity period, the Red Envelopes will be distributed on time at 12:30 noon and 20:30 pm every day! At that time, there will be a big red envelope in the main city. If the little master waits in advance, the lucky star will surely win the best luck! ※ The world red envelopes are not to be missed, and the alliance red envelopes are also full of gold coins! Any alliance member who recharges up to the specified amount can get the opportunity to send red envelopes in the alliance chat channel, and the more opportunities to send red envelopes, the more rewards! The amount of red envelopes is provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so please send it out as much as you like! 10. Temple Fair Ceremony "Lucky Gift" ※ In the prosperous sky, the Heavenly Palace blesses you! Activity time: 06-25 00:00:00 to 07-12 23:59:59 Reward time: 07-13 00:00:00 to 07-13 23:59:59 ※ During the activity period, recharge via any means , every recharge of 1 yuan can get lucky points × 1, and every consumption of lucky points × 6 can draw a lottery once in the event. The prizes are generous, I wish the little master full of European energy! ※ Special benefits: During the event period, everyone who enters the event for the first time can get 1 lucky draw chance for free, and distinguished VIPs can get 3 lucky draw chances for free! 11. The grand ceremony of the temple fair "Dream Companion" When the young master and Lan Yan were visiting the temple fair together, they bought a strange incense from a wandering Taoist priest. According to the Taoist priest, this incense can make people sleepwalk. Activity time: 06-25 00:00:00 to 07-06 23:59:59 Prize collection time: 07-07 00:00:00 to 07-07 23:59:59 Players can get dreamy scents by playing Match 3, which can be exchanged for dream limited commemorative cards: Aligun · Long Road to Immortals, Hongli · Upside Down Country, Ailandi · Hua Ling You Shi, Qi Mo · Dream Floating Butterfly Mirror, Tiantuan Nameplates, treasure bags, silver taels and other props. 12. Charm Enhancement "Study Club" ※ The Charm Improvement Study Club is open. As night falls, would you like to go to this fashion event? Activity time: 06-25 00:00:00 to 07-21 23:59:59 Reward time: 07-22 00:00:00 to 07-22 23:59:59 Opening conditions: 0:00 on July 8 The region server opened before and the character creation time is more than 7 days ※ During the event period, the master participates in the study, completes the task and improves the study level, and can receive rich rewards. Join the exclusive study, and you can also collect the exclusive set: each part of the fantasy night! There is also a wishing tree and rare wishing props in the exchange shop: gold leaves for exchange! ※ Clothing details (click on the picture to view a larger image) Thirteen, "Wishing Tree" new clothing investment ※ New suits with auspiciousness, berry romance and new items are added to the wishing tree, wishing the young master a full of European spirit! 14. Add followers and chapters to "Fanwai" A new entourage is added in Jiang Hu Juan: Lin Yin, and the extra biography of the entourage will be opened simultaneously. ※ The original cabinet volume entourage: Qing Yuner, the original Caifeng volume entourage: Xin Qiji, there are new chapters in the biography. Experience optimization 1. Some content experience optimization. For update content, please refer to the actual game installation.

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of love country more love beauty is 奇妙互娱.

Can I play love country more love beauty on Android/iOS?icon

Now love country more love beauty is available on Android.

What languages are supported by the game?icon

love country more love beauty supports 1 languages including Simplified Chinese etc.

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