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Screenshot 1 of 三國演義 天衣府 - 回合製策略
Screenshot 2 of 三國演義 天衣府 - 回合製策略
Screenshot 3 of 三國演義 天衣府 - 回合製策略
Screenshot 4 of 三國演義 天衣府 - 回合製策略
Screenshot 5 of 三國演義 天衣府 - 回合製策略
Screenshot 6 of 三國演義 天衣府 - 回合製策略
Screenshot 7 of 三國演義 天衣府 - 回合製策略
三國演義 天衣府 - 回合製策略

三國演義 天衣府 - 回合製策略

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Initial release Nov 14, 2023
現在,讓我們回到《三國演義》的起源。目標是透過歷史資料、事件和作為你的主來統一國家。軍事和戰略都是在一張地圖上製定的。你就是恢復大漢王朝輝煌的人! ◆戰術模擬RPG的起源◆ 軍事與策略都在一張地圖上發展。透過教程學習基礎知識,然後進入 Mikuni 的世界。成為掌控600多個軍閥並征服所有城市的大師。 ◆三國史實高級再現◆超過600位軍閥登場,所有人物設計皆根據三國史實重現。你所不知道的武將傳記和400多位武將的歷史故事將為三國的世界增添色彩。 ◆ 扮演領主,準確代表三大王國的各個地區。◆ 超過40位君主可供選擇,提供千變萬化的體驗,無論你是想守護王道,還是走上至高無上的道路。了解你的軍隊的前線並在全國舉起勝利的旗幟。 ◆ 掌握你的研究並增強你的國家 ◆ 每個軍事指揮官最多可以組合 15 種技能。結合21種科技,創造屬於你自己的強大力量。在戰場上,你需要即時判斷陣型、地形、攻擊位置。 ◆《軍鬥紀三國演義》推薦給以下玩家!・我一直在尋找一款策略、道地的三國誌手機遊戲。・喜歡模擬遊戲和可以享受戰術的遊戲。・喜歡歷史,特別是三國演義。・我喜歡制定自己的策略並進行戰鬥。・我想發展《三國演義》中的角色和他們的角色。・我喜歡透過國內政治來發展我的城市。
What’s new

1.新增故事頁面「征服故事」: ●「征服故事」與「激戰故事」將合併為「征服故事」。 2. 新的故事規格:征服故事列表中添加“特殊規格”欄: ●“特殊規格”欄中,每週一將添加隨機組合的“特效”,並在其中一個實施征服故事; ●“特別規格”新增3種「特效」;●「特別規格」新增「故事戰役」;(可隨身攜帶,獎勵可與普通戰役分開選擇) 3.新增單位狀態「死亡」: ● 傷害完全驅散,吸兵效果減半,不受食物影響。是的。 ● 「死亡」狀態只會出現在故事難度4級或以上。 4.《異世界亂鬥》限定劇情: ● 故事中沒有歷史武將,玩家扮演武將角色。 ● 如果“剩餘武將”身處“空堡”,則有一定機率成為新生力量。 ● 目前陣營的軍閥有可能出現“覺醒”,成為戰場上的“BOSS”。 5. 新增貂蟬指揮技: ● 完成指揮技教程後,貂蟬指揮戰中可獲得; ● 貂蟬的指揮技可以驅散周圍敵軍。 6.江夏之戰新增全部戰役:江夏之戰 208年春,東吳孫權率軍西進擊敗劉表,與劉表部將黃祖在江夏附近決戰挑戰。叛逃黃祖的甘寧堅持認為,老皇祖兵力不足,現在正是打敗老主子的好時機。孫權沒有理會部下的勸告,繼續前行。以兼任京城都尉、匪帥的凌統為先鋒,將水師託付給北京都督兼廣電都尉呂蒙,任命周瑜為都督、廣電都尉。中防軍作為前線司令,開始入侵劉表。 7. 新手7天福利優化: ● 優化任務難度及獎勵內容; ● 優化美術資源及活動畫面佈局; 8. 開啟“新年戰令”活動; 9. 新增“如“紅馬鞍”、“材質馬鞍” 、「人看飛劍」;10、優化部分文字描述;11、修復部分問題並優化;

Additional information
Glass Shred Limited
out of 10


When was this game updated?icon

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Tenkafubu - Turn-based strategy is updated at 2024-04-28.

what's new in the latest version of Romance of the Three Kingdoms Tenkafubu - Turn-based strategy?icon

1. Added a new commanding officer: ``Bianshi'' ● After completing the command technique tutorial, it can be obtained during the command battle of Bianshi; You can apply disintegration status to your army. 2. New special forces added: ``Yellow Turban Army'' ● Can be directly unlocked through ``Barracks'' in ``Jijo''. ● "Yellow Turbans" can convert targeted wounded into their own volunteer troops, and can distribute lost volunteers to all nearby allies. 3. New play specifications have been added to ``Activity Story'': ● Divine Craftsman Ax: Increases the probability of ``accelerating development technology''. ● Power of tradition: Increases the skills "Strength", "Capture the Flag", "Stay Strong", and "Perseverance". ● Every week, a “play specification” is randomly selected and implemented in the activity story. 4. New unit status: ``Scattered'' ● In the crushed state, the target's weapons and volunteer troops are ignored and the force is reduced. ● Dispersion damage does not cancel the Fox Suspicion status, and retreating soldiers will die directly. 5. A new campaign “Battle of Xiaobai (new)” has been added. 6. The story of ``Great Brawl in Another World'' was held: ● There are no historical warlords in the story, and the players play the roles of warlords. ● If a "remaining military commander" is in an "empty castle", there is a certain probability that it will become a new force. ● "Awakening" may occur to the current faction's warlords and they may become "BOSS" on the battlefield. 7. Stage adjustments for “Commanding Techniques”: ● An entrance button for Commanding Techniques has been added to “Jisho”. ● The structure and difficulty level of the command skill trial stage have been adjusted. ● The health mechanic has been canceled and the number of lap sweeps has been unified instead. 8. Optimize the new player experience: ● Optimize the guide flow for new players. ● Optimized the main screen display when entering the game for the first time. ● When the new player guide ends, you can move directly to the scenario selection screen. 9. The event “Tanime Battle Pass” will be held: 10. A tool received every day in the monthly salary: “Advertisement ticket” has been added. 11. New treasures: "Complete Works of Huainanzi", "Remaining Volumes of Huainanzi", "Remaining Volumes of Onitanizi", and "Remaining Volumes of Onitanizi" have been added. 12. Optimized some battlefield settings. 13. Optimized some text descriptions. 14. Fixed and optimized some known issues.

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Romance of the Three Kingdoms Tenkafubu - Turn-based strategy is Glass Shred.

Can I play Romance of the Three Kingdoms Tenkafubu - Turn-based strategy on Android/iOS?icon

Now Romance of the Three Kingdoms Tenkafubu - Turn-based strategy is available on iOS.

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