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Initial release Apr 12, 2023
「美好的事可不可以發生在我身上」 身為一個充滿夢想的中二青年,你不甘心只當一個受上司壓榨的社畜。在這個信息爆炸、人工智能高速發展的時代,你決定掙脫現有的桎梏,在這個奇點臨近的大變局之時改變世界!天才少女、冷艷霸總、女神同事、追夢主播…不管是心跳加速的甜蜜日常,還是雞飛狗跳的相愛相殺,在互相的鼓勵與陪伴下,你們將共同見證這個時代的偉大變革。商業激戰與歡樂日常、熱血勵志與戀愛心跳,你想要的,都能實現。 【奇點將至,風雲突變】故事發生在飛速發展的現代都市,量子計算、人工智能等技術奇點即將到來。你赤手空拳地創造了改變世界的“去中心化互聯網”,並與這個世界實際的掌控者——畢達哥拉斯兄弟會正面對決,為奇點時代中人類的自由而抗爭。 【心跳劇情,沉浸體驗】劇情融合大量電影化敘事分鏡、精美純手繪動畫、高質感Live2D/特效及高互動小遊戲,帶來真實的代入感和沈浸式體驗。從進入遊戲開始,請盡情感受迷局與心跳。 【模擬創業,走向巔峰】作為一家創業公司的老闆,你需要從0到1將一家科技公司越做越大,面對大量改編自世界著名商學院的真實商業決策選項,我們期待身為公司管理者的你,能從默默無聞到名滿天下。 【卡牌構築,策略戰鬥】CCG卡牌對戰玩法,易上手又不失策略性。黑天鵝、槓精、鍵盤俠、福利姬、甚至頁遊廣告…與你對戰的怪物,都是生活中隨處可見的梗,燃燒你的中二之魂去擊敗他們吧! ! 「人一旦有了夢想,怎麼活都是有靈魂的。」 《奇點時代》的英文名為《CrazyOnes》,致敬了喬布斯的《Think different》經典系列廣告,也是這款遊戲最希望傳達的一種精神,願大家都能找到那件讓自己為之瘋狂之事!最後在這裡附上原文,與君共勉。 Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. 《奇點時代》官方微信公眾號:奇點時代手游《奇點時代》官方微博號:@奇點時代手游《奇點時代》官方貼吧:奇點時代《奇點時代》官方B站號:奇點時代手游奇點時代官方⑤群340463132 奇點時代官方⑥群343585276 奇點時代官方⑦群343293083 奇點時代官方⑧群365282932
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1.開啟活動UP卡池「春色襲人」 本輪活動持續時間:2023年4月27日更新維護後~2023年5月18日5:00 活動規則:在「春色襲人」活動冥想卡池中使用道具「精選券」或對應價格的以太幣進行抽卡,30抽內必出4星卡、140抽內必出5星卡;若首次獲得5星卡牌非UP卡,則下次獲得的5星卡牌必為UP卡;活動時間結束後,活動冥想卡池將會關閉,該卡池進度將會被重置。活動專屬卡牌: ·全新五星稀有卡牌「女王的恩寵」: 卡牌效果:獲得37%/41%/47%/47%/46%/72%/的護盾;淨化自身所有負面效果;回复5%(121級)/6%(161級)/7%(221級)的自身總信心; 女王的恩寵·全新四星稀有卡牌「柳媚花明」: 卡牌效果:造成130%/140%/160%/160%/180%/180%/的重擊傷害,無視敵方閃避;敵方信心高於65%時造成1.2倍傷害(121級);回复造成傷害50%的信心(221級); 柳媚花明·「精選券」還可以在商城日禮包、活動「記憶拼圖」獲得。 2.開啟拼圖活動玩法「記憶拼圖」 本輪活動持續時間:2023年4月27日更新維護後~2023年5月11日5:00 活動規則:使用「拼圖碎片」將畫面拼好後,領取拼圖獎勵。每一張拼圖的獎勵內容已在對應圖界面上進行展示。活動期間總計12個不同的拼圖。 ·「拼圖碎片」還可以在普通兌換商店、完成日常任務獲得。 3.五星稀有卡牌「星穹巡演」UP限時開放。本輪UP卡持續時間:2023年4月27日更新維護後~2023年5月18日5:00 活動規則:30抽內必出4星卡、140抽內必出5星卡;若首次獲得5星卡牌非UP卡,則下次獲得的5星卡牌必為UP卡;限時UP卡池更換UP卡牌時,將會保留UP進度,各冥想卡池的進度保留規則相互獨立;本輪時間結束後,將自動替換為新的UP卡五星稀有卡牌UP角色「星穹巡演」: 卡牌效果:回复6600+16%/9600+18%/13000+20%/16800+20%/25000+24%/25000+24%的自身總信心;回复溢出的部分將全部轉化為護盾(121級);回合開始時回复10%的自身總信心,持續2回合(221級) 4.開啟新BattlePass「課後留堂」 本輪活動持續時間:2023年4月27日更新維護後~2023年5月26日5:00 活動規則:完成日常、周常任務,領取活躍度寶箱後可以獲得「課後留堂」積分,累計積分提升BattlePass等級,領取對應等級獎勵。購買高級獎勵後,可以立即領取全部已解鎖等級中的高級獎勵內容。此外,該活動還可以通過消耗以太幣購買「教學點數」提升等級。 · 需要注意:需要通過主線6-1,解鎖夏冰的家後,才能在其換裝界面查看本次活動獲得的夏冰服裝。 5.新增更多新的外出奇遇事件6.優化遊戲內視頻格式,提升視頻播放的兼容性=優化內容= 1.優化個人設置頁面信息,優化後該界面將可以展示玩家上陣卡牌、排行榜等信息2.優化新增「漫步新海」內限定商店道具長按後可以展示物品詳細信息3.競技館規則優化· 調整競技館的匹配規則,匹配積分更加接近的玩家· 調整競技場獎勵領取規則。版本維護後,每日獎勵需要當日登錄才能領取當日的每日獎勵;賽季獎勵需要在所參與賽季結束後30日內登錄才能領取。若超過可領取時間,系統將不會發放競技場日、賽季結算獎勵。 4.優化購買「凸龍香」彈窗展現形式5.優化增加了卡牌進階時的警告提示,避免出現卡牌誤進階的情況6.優化增加備戰界面屬性介紹窗口7.優化冥想時抽中上香卡牌的保底機制,抽中上香卡牌的那次抽卡次數將不計入保底次數統計,也不會對保底進度造成任何影響=修復內容= 1.修復房屋升級解鎖條件與裝備圖鑑解鎖數量不正確的BUG 2.修復房屋升級主線關卡偶爾判斷異常的BUG 3.修復裝備圖鑑紅點異常的BUG 4.修復成長水滴不足時紅點顯示的BUG 5.修復排行榜部分玩家出現信息不正確的BUG,修復後排行榜僅以數值大小以及達到關卡的先後順序進行排名6.修復部分按鈕未能實時刷新的BUG 7.修復「公司」新手引導部分玩家卡住的BUG 8.修復部分機型購買月卡界面適配的BUG 9.修復部分劇情、系統文字中的文字與常識錯誤的BUG 10.修復查看卡牌大圖展示時會顯示按鍵的BUG 11.修復主界面頭像區域有時候點擊無響應的BUG 12.修復部分怪物技能表現特效出現閃爍的BUG 13.修復競技場寶箱沒有刷新的BUG 14.修復競技場復仇防禦方戰報結果展示錯誤的BUG

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安卓 9 +
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What is the latest version of The Age of Singularity? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of The Age of Singularity is 1.0.10, updated at 2023-04-27.

what's new in the latest version of The Age of Singularity?icon

1. Open the event UP card pool "Spring Blooms" Duration of this round of events: After the update and maintenance on April 27, 2023 ~ 5:00 on May 18, 2023 Event rules: Meditate on the card pool in the "Spring Blossoms" event Use the item "Selection Coupon" or the corresponding price of Ethereum to draw cards. Within 30 draws, 4-star cards must be drawn, and within 140 draws, 5-star cards must be drawn; if the first 5-star card is not an UP card, the next time The 5-star cards obtained must be UP cards; after the event time is over, the event meditation card pool will be closed, and the progress of the card pool will be reset. Event-exclusive cards: New five-star rare card "Queen's Grace": Card effect: Get 37%/41%/47%/47%/46%/72%/shield; purify all negative effects ; Recover 5% (level 121)/6% (level 161)/7% (level 221) of your total self-confidence; Queen's Favor·New four-star rare card "Liu Mei Hua Ming": Card effect: Inflict 130% /140%/160%/160%/180%/180%/ of heavy hit damage, ignoring enemy dodge; when the enemy's confidence is higher than 65%, it causes 1.2 times the damage (level 121); restores the confidence of 50% of the damage (Level 221); Liu Meihuaming · "Selection Coupon" can also be obtained in the mall's daily gift pack and event "Memory Puzzle". 2. Start the jigsaw activity "Memory Puzzle" Duration of this round of activity: After the update and maintenance on April 27, 2023 ~ 5:00 on May 11, 2023 Event rules: Use "Puzzle Fragments" to complete the picture and get it Puzzle rewards. The reward content of each puzzle has been displayed on the corresponding map interface. A total of 12 different puzzles during the event.・"Puzzle Fragments" can also be obtained in the general exchange shop and by completing daily tasks. 3. The five-star rare card "Star Tour" UP is available for a limited time. The duration of this round of UP cards: After the update and maintenance on April 27, 2023 ~ 5:00 on May 18, 2023 Event rules: 4-star cards must be issued within 30 draws, and 5-star cards must be issued within 140 draws; if you get it for the first time If the 5-star card is not an UP card, the 5-star card you will get next time must be an UP card; when the time-limited UP card pool is replaced with an UP card, the UP progress will be retained, and the progress retention rules of each meditation card pool are independent of each other; After the round time is over, it will be automatically replaced with a new UP card. Five-star rare card UP character "Star Tour": Card effect: Recover 6600+16%/9600+18%/13000+20%/16800+20%/ 25000+24%/25000+24% of your total confidence; the excess recovery will be converted into shields (level 121); at the beginning of the round, restore 10% of your total confidence, which lasts for 2 rounds (level 221) 4. Open New BattlePass "After-School Detention" Duration of this round of activities: After the update and maintenance on April 27, 2023 ~ 5:00 on May 26, 2023 Event rules: Complete daily and weekly tasks, and you can get it after receiving the activity treasure box "After-school detention" points, accumulate points to upgrade the BattlePass level, and receive corresponding level rewards. Once you purchase a Premium Reward, you can immediately claim Premium Reward content across all unlocked tiers. In addition, this event can also upgrade the level by purchasing "teaching points" by consuming Ether. · Note: Only after unlocking Xia Bing’s home through the main line 6-1 can you view the Xia Bing costumes obtained in this event on the dress-up interface. 5. Add more new outing adventure events 6. Optimize the video format in the game to improve the compatibility of video playback = optimize content = 1. Optimize the information on the personal setting page. After optimization, the interface will be able to display the players' battle cards and rankings Rankings and other information 2. Optimized the addition of limited store items in "Walk in the New Sea" and long press to display item details 3. Optimized the rules of the arena Adjusted the matching rules of the arena to match players with closer points Adjusted the arena reward collection rule. After the version is maintained, daily rewards need to be logged in on the same day to claim the daily rewards of the day; season rewards need to be logged in within 30 days after the end of the participating season to claim. If the claim time is exceeded, the system will not issue arena day and season settlement rewards. 4. Optimized the display form of the pop-up window for purchasing "Convex Dragon Incense" 5. Optimized and added a warning prompt when the card is advanced to avoid the situation where the card is advanced by mistake 6. Optimized and added the attribute introduction window of the preparation interface 7. Optimized when meditating The bottom guarantee mechanism of the Shangxiang card is drawn. The number of draws for the Shangxiang card will not be counted in the statistics of the bottom guarantee, and will not have any impact on the progress of the bottom guarantee = Repair content = 1. Repair the unlocking conditions for house upgrades 2. Fix the bug that the house upgrade main line level occasionally judges abnormal BUG 3. Fix the bug that the red dot in the equipment guidebook is abnormal 4. Fix the BUG that the red dot is displayed when the growth water drops are insufficient There is a bug with incorrect information. After the repair, the leaderboard will only be ranked based on the numerical value and the order of reaching the level. 6. Repair the bug that some buttons cannot be refreshed in real time. Fix the bug that some models purchase monthly card interface. 9. Fix the bug of some plots, text in the system text and common sense errors. 10. Fix the bug that the button will be displayed when viewing the big picture of the card. Sometimes the click does not respond to the BUG 12. Fix the BUG that the special effects of some monster skills show flashing.

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of The Age of Singularity is 幻境游戏.

Can I play The Age of Singularity on Android/iOS?icon


What languages are supported by the game?icon

The Age of Singularity supports 1 languages including Simplified Chinese etc.

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