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4 月 23 日試運行。
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Initial release May 24, 2023
Supercell 遊戲中深受喜愛的角色都將加入這個全新的 10 人戰場!在戰鬥中壯大你的小隊,為勝利鋪平道路!擊敗強大的老闆並消滅敵對小隊。與 Supercell 的最愛組隊,在這場歡快而喧鬧的戰鬥中發生碰撞。你會用野蠻人和小雞,還是 Colt 和 Hog Rider 來組建小隊?選擇正確的策略並爭取勝利!史無前例​​,大家齊心協力 ● 建立龐大的 Supercell 角色集合,每個角色都將自己的特殊能力帶入戰鬥。使用 Brawl Stars 的 El Primo 與敵人搏鬥,使用 Hay Day 的 Greg 收割樹木,或使用 Clash 的女巫召喚骷髏!加強動作和修改器混亂 ● 突破 15 種以上的新戰鬥修改器,這些修改器扭曲規則並在每場比賽中提出新挑戰。使用全新的融合系統在每一個回合做出戰略決策,並通過全新增強和強化的小隊戰鬥行動體驗難忘的時刻!智勝敵人,贏得戰鬥 ● 你獲得勝利的方式從來都不一樣。耕種資源、擊敗其他玩家或獵殺怪物以收集戰利品和能量。與時間賽跑並探索地圖以發現有價值的物品,但不要在途中被抓獲!衝進衝出衝突,生存,並獲得最多的寶石來獲勝!每場比賽都有不同的小隊組合、敵人和驚喜,讓你不斷完善你的戰術。激動人心的世界和深受喜愛的角色 ● 探索受《部落衝突》、《皇室戰爭》、《荒野亂鬥》、《海島奇兵》和《卡通農場》啟發的標誌性世界,其中有不斷變化的粉絲喜愛的英雄和反派陣容。解鎖具有更強大能力的新小隊成員。每場比賽都有成千上萬的潛在小隊,沒有兩場比賽是一樣的!現在開始組建小隊,一路沖向勝利!野蠻人對雞說了什麼?去小隊!
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3 歲以上
out of 10

From the Dev

Squad Busters Coming on May 29, Pre-register now!
Squad Busters Coming on May 29, Pre-register now!
Starring familiar faces from developer Supercell’s hits, the manic multiplayer Squad Busters is due out May 29🥳 Download or Pre-resister NOW! *Download Available in 🇨🇦🇲🇽🇪🇸🇩🇰🇸🇪🇫🇮🇳🇴🇸🇬
《部落衝突》廠商新作 Squad Busters 官宣5月29日全球上線!
《部落衝突》廠商新作 Squad Busters 官宣5月29日全球上線!
芬蘭遊戲公司  Supercell 全新派對手遊《Squad Busters》,宣布將於5月29日全球上線!在遊戲中,收集包括《部落沖突》、《荒野亂鬥》等Supercell遊戲角色並讓他們覺醒,與10位玩家上演史詩對戰。地圖多變,玩法多樣,跌宕起伏的戰況讓每場對戰都充滿新樂趣!遊戲現已開放預註冊! *部分国家地区于4月23日開始封测:🇨🇦🇲🇽🇪🇸🇩🇰🇸🇪🇫🇮🇳🇴🇸🇬


Squad Busters - Gameplay Android / iOS
Game: Squad Busters Genre: Action Gameplay: Squad Busters GAME Every match is busting with unique, unpredictable fun!  Grow your Squad, loot bosses, bust your friends, collect & Evolve all-star Supercell characters from Clash of Clans, Brawl Stars, Hay Day, Clash Royale, and Boom Beach. Play endless combinations of Maps with crazy twists and fresh gameplay in every epic 10-player match. Hold on to the most Gems if you can! MERGE & EVOLVE OVER 25 CHARACTERS Start your journey with cute Babies. Evolve them to full-grown superstars with fresh looks and exciting Abilities! GAME MODIFIERS AMP UP THE FUN Dozens of different Modifiers and constantly changing Character lineups make millions of unique games. Chase down Loot Goblins, smash Piñatas, recruit Royal Ghosts to haunt others, and more! Discover new tactics and fun surprises with every game! PART ACTION, PART STRATEGY, FULL ON PARTY Run! Fight! Toss a MASSIVE bomb! Think fast while picking the right mix of Attackers, Suppliers and Speedsters for your Squad. Pick 3-of-a-kind to spark giant FUSION troops! Play it safe by farming or risk it all to knock out other players. There’s more than 1 route to victory! EXCITING WORLDS & BELOVED CHARACTERS Adventure through fun new Worlds and themed Maps on your journey. Discover unique environments, bosses, and traps, and unlock fan-favorite heroes and villains as you progress! PLAY WITH FRIENDS, FAMILY, AND FRENEMIES! Be social and make your own multiplayer Party room! Challenge friends and family to see who can survive the Battle and become the top Squad!  The best way to settle scores or get the party started! Why did the Chicken cross the road?  To bust the Barbarian and steal his Gems!  Go Squad! Squad Busters Soft Launch.
Squad Busters - Gameplay Android / iOS
Squad Busters Reviews
Squad Busters - Gameplay Android / iOS
enjoying this game alot and im playing from india
squad busters was a Beautiful game Where there were all the supercell characters, unfortunately the game was only a closed beta. I hope I can play it again
Bharat gamer
Bharat gamer
enjoying this game alot and im playing from india
enjoying this game alot and im playing from india
francis roblox
francis roblox
squad busters was a Beautiful game Where there were all the supercell characters, unfortunately the game was only a closed beta. I hope I can play it again
squad busters was a Beautiful game Where there were all the supercell characters, unfortunately the game was only a closed beta. I hope I can play it again


When was this game updated?icon

Squad Busters is updated at 2024-04-23.

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Squad Busters is Supercell.

Can I play Squad Busters on Android/iOS?icon

No. But you can pre-register Squad Busters on TapTap.

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