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Initial release Nov 11, 2020
黑暗侵襲、魔王降臨、世界崩裂,英雄降世! RPG遊戲匠心之作,首款融合了BOSS挑戰、收集養成、Roguelike、放置挂機、塔防射擊等多種元素的原創RPG遊戲【魔法紛飛,開啟精妙絕倫的戰鬥體驗】 堅不可摧的巨人、自爆襲擊的死士、召喚亡靈的法師、散播瘟疫的術士.....無盡的怪物爭相湧現,戰鬥伊始,便給予您暢快淋漓的戰鬥體驗! 【魔王湧現,盡享打BOSS爆神器的樂趣】 無盡魔王降臨,每一位魔王都極為強大,擁有特殊屬性和技能!唯有找到其弱點,配合簡單而高超的操作,方能將其擊殺獲取魔王寶藏! 【閒時可玩,忙時可掛,離線戰鬥不停! 】 當您想偷懶時,全自動AI機器人可以幫您連續戰斗數十萬個小時,無需任何操作即可輕鬆殺怪奪寶。您也可以隨時接管操作,迎戰強力BOSS!當您離線後,AI機器人依然會持續幫您進行戰鬥,真正的24小時收益不間斷! 【Roguelike元素,永久繼承獎勵的不同體驗】 當您完成能量收集、亦或戰勝BOSS時,每一次獎勵都是隨機生成選擇的,但您不必擔心死亡重來,這裡一切都是永久的,只有選擇是隨機的! 【英雄相伴,數十位強力英雄蓄勢待發】 各種職業完美配合,多元陣型搭配,獨一無二的英雄技能,毀天滅地的法術牌,實力與策略的碰撞交融,誰能締造最強戰隊! 【符文大師,打造最強符文之語】 獨創的裝備符文玩法,各種強力符文組合,打造數十種符文之語。在這裡,您將是萬人敬仰的符文大師! 【遠古聖物,所有英雄共享屬性增強】 智慧王冠、破滅幻石、泣血之刃、幸運花環等數十種遠古聖物幻化萬千效果,戰鬥瞬息萬變! 【免費VIP,暢享零氪升級VIP的超爽體驗】 良心之作,分解裝備、升星英雄、升星聖物、懸賞任務、每日福利均能獲得VIP,氪金才能成為VIP?不存在的!您的付出和努力,都將獲得VIP回饋! 【多樣冒險,眾多特色玩法停不下來】 酣戰星界魔王、勇闖深淵地獄、探索副本寶藏......挑戰各種極限戰鬥,踏上英雄的歷練之路!
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【5月27日第1次更新內容】 1、為優化日常任務體驗,我們優化了日常任務機制並增加了周常任務,具體而言: 日常任務優化:去除每日隨機刷新5個任務,最多可儲存10個任務的機制,改為每日固定刷新12個日常任務。同時,將原日常任務相關獎勵進行整合,升級為新日常任務獎勵和每日活躍獎勵,整體獎勵將比原來更豐厚。每日0點將重設為新一天的日常任務與每日活躍度。原先已進行但未完成的日常任務積分獎勵,將透過電子郵件直接發放給大家新增周常任務:每週一0點固定刷新10個周常任務,完成周常任務將獲得豐厚的周活躍度獎勵溫馨提示:優化後的日週常任務綜合獎勵高出原先的日常任務不少哦!大家快去踴躍參加吧! 2.優化了守衛女神戰鬥體驗。在守衛女神的戰鬥中,玩家將可以自由切換到其它介面,可以進行修練、變異等操作3、部分已知BUG修復和功能優化----------------- ------------------------------------------------ 【5月25日第1次更新內容】 1、《魔戒戰爭》將於近期在各頻道上線,為統一各頻道的賽季時間,S4賽季「神秘挑戰」將延期至6月2日16時結束,屆時新賽季也將同步開啟,若造成不便,敬請諒解!受賽季延期的影響,本季大家可以多完成幾天的金券任務,領取更多的金券獎勵2、童心甜蜜活動也將延期至6月10日上午9點59分結束3、戰鬥中增加怪物掉落預告4、提升VIP等級時彈出VIP升級介面(溫馨提示:VIP可以分解裝備免費獲得喔!)5.前期部分功能解鎖時機稍有調整6、部分已知BUG修復和功能優化----- -------------------------------------------------- ---------- 【5月22第1次更新內容】 1、將原來的新手任務、懸賞任務和英雄副本進行整合,升級為成長活動,獎勵更為豐厚。成長活動通關1-2後解鎖,是完全免費參與的。成長活動從解鎖開始,將以每7天為一個活動週期輪換活動任務和獎勵。每個活動週期有7個階段,每天可解鎖1個階段。完成階段中的任務,可領取任務獎勵。完成每個階段內的任8個任務,即可領取階段大獎並進入下一階段。完成每期的第7個階段,將可獲得最高價值的最終大獎。本次整合移除英雄副本後,將無法進入新的英雄副本關卡進行挑戰。先前已進入英雄副本的角色,將能夠繼續完成先前已進入的關卡,戰鬥勝利能夠正常獲得獎勵,若戰鬥失敗或逃跑也能相應返還對應消耗的門票。這次整合移除新手任務和懸賞任務後,將無法再完成原先的新手任務和懸賞任務。 2、部分已知BUG修復和功能優化。 -------------------------------------------------- --------------- 【5月21第1次更新內容】 1、為優化大家收集與養成彩虹英雄的體驗,我們對此進行了大量優化: 優化1:提高各類英雄卡包開出彩虹英雄的機率,其中繽紛英雄卡包(含季繽紛英雄卡包)開出彩虹英雄的機率提升至30.22%,保底次數降低為5次,綜合出率提升至36.21 %(是原先的2.5倍左右) 優化2:增加開英雄卡包額外獲得英雄能量,攢英雄能量領取彩虹英雄的機制優化3:大幅提高透過寶箱、掉落等方式獲得彩虹英雄、彩虹英雄相關道具的機率(是原先的3倍左右) 優化4:彩虹英雄的初始星級調整為8星,並從8星開始升星綜合上述4點優化,使彩虹英雄的平均出率將達到之前的3倍!綜合升星成本比原來降低了1/3左右(其中升至10星的成本不變) 2.彩虹英雄優化的老玩家補償: 補償1:原先已獲得的彩虹英雄、彩虹英雄相關道具,在本次更新時均將以1:3的比例自動進行轉換!轉換後,新老玩家抽卡、升星的成本基本上相同,沒有厚此薄彼哈其中已升星的彩虹英雄也將以1:3的比例進行轉換,例如原先11星0經驗的彩虹英雄總共使用了6張舊彩虹卡進行升星,依照1:3會轉換成18張新彩虹卡,會自動從8星升至11星並且多出6張彩虹卡(作為它的升星經驗),原來彩虹英雄多出來的升星經驗也會依照1:3轉換但不會讓彩虹英雄自動升星補償2:由於繽紛英雄卡包(含季繽紛英雄卡包)的保底次數由原來的11次下降為5次,已自動透過郵件發給已經累積了一定保底次數的玩家發放隨機彩虹英雄作為補償並扣減相應的保底次數3、由於原先13星的彩虹英雄在轉換後會超出不少經驗,為避免這部分的經驗浪費,開放14顆星,各個品質的英雄可培養到14星4、補給卡包抽卡機制優化:增加開補給卡包額外獲得補給能量,攢補給能量可領取彩虹聖物、傳說符文的機制5.隨機事件玩法調整為通關1-5後解鎖(原已解鎖的角色將不受影響) 6、部分已知BUG修復和功能優化---------------- ------------------------------------------------- 【 5月18第2次更新內容】 1.在「童心甜蜜」活動介面顯示棒棒糖兌換規則:合成棒棒糖可同時增加活動進度,可在背包使用棒棒糖兌換甜蜜之心2、修復了部分情況下,可能會導致「童心甜蜜」活動進度顯示異常的問題(該問題不影響實際進度,僅為顯示問題) 3、修復了部分情況下,安卓平台可能無法點擊打開有獎廣告的問題4 、修復了部分情況下,iOS平台可能會出現圖示顯示異常的問題5、部分已知BUG修復和功能優化----------------------- ------------------------------------------ 【5月18第1次更新內容】 1、新活動:童心甜蜜。主線和所有PVE的魔王均有機率掉落活動材料2、新增活動勳章:甜蜜者係列勳章3、「勞動光榮」活動結束。活動結束後將不可繼續消耗體力餅乾參與勞動,但仍可兌換、領取活動獎勵。 「勞動光榮」活動將在5月24日上午10:00正式關閉獎勵領取和兌換通道,屆時將自動銷毀所有的體力餅乾和勞動之星,請及時使用,避免不必要的損失4、新增第二批專屬裝備(共23個英雄),新增第二批專屬裝備後,所有英雄都已擁有相應的專屬裝備5、祕境關卡的勝利條件“堅持存活90秒”調整為“堅持存活60秒” ,同時提升了怪物的輸出能力6、修復戰鬥結束後點擊“進入下一層”會導致當前打開的界面關閉的問題7、部分已知BUG修復和功能優化---------- -------------------------------------------------- ----- 【5月9第1次更新內容】 1、祕境難度優化(一):降低前期祕境難度,降低了前期等級與層數的祕境怪物屬性。精英、白銀BOSS、黃金BOSS、鑽石BOSS調整為分別在第3、10、15、20層後才會刷出,關卡模式「堅持存活」調整為在15層後才會刷出(不會影響已經刷出的關卡) 2.祕境難度優化(二):降低了賽季模式「快速施法」、「持續中毒」的難度,在該模式下,怪物將受到更多的傷害3、修復部分情況下可能導致恐懼之龍專屬裝備「恐懼之翼」的專屬技能「恐懼蔓延lv4」效果沒有正常生效的問題4、新增自選史詩成長型裝備特惠禮包,特惠禮包界面新增」裝備特惠「選項卡,裝備相關的特惠禮包已移入」裝備特惠「中5、部分已知BUG修復和功能優化------------------------------ ----------------------------------- 【5月1日第1次更新內容】 1、新增活動玩法【祕境挑戰賽】:在祕境中,玩家將會隨機遭遇多種關卡類型和不同稀有度的怪物,還有可能遭遇鑽石級BOSS喔!祕境挑戰賽會在每週四和週日晚24點結算並開啟新的賽季,結算時將根據層數排名發放一定的獎勵;進入新賽季時將重置部分層數及層數排行榜,並隨機刷新出新的賽季特性。祕境關卡本身俱有較高的難度,隨著層數的不斷推進,難度會大幅提升,大家需要根據賽季和關卡模式合理搭配陣容哦!祕境挑戰賽通關4-10解鎖,可在【活動】介面進入2、新增專屬裝備玩法:可以為每個英雄收集、養成、穿戴獨特的專屬裝備啦!帶兩個新技能喔!穿戴專屬裝備將使英雄獲得一定的屬性提升。提升專屬裝備的等級將提升屬性、解鎖額外效果和英雄專屬技能,使英雄獲得大幅提升。專屬裝備取得時將隨機附加詞綴,後續也可以消耗道具為專屬裝備增加更多的詞綴或刷新現有的詞綴。 (由於工作量較大,部分英雄的專屬裝備還在努力製作中,需要晚些時候才能和大家見面,非常抱歉!)3. 部分超值禮包優化:為方便大家獲得稱心的道具,魔瓶、幻石和幻石晶石超值禮包由隨機優化為選擇性(其中幻石晶石支援兌換隨機或指定晶石,兌換指定晶石的消耗較高),在更新之前購買過的玩家朋友可以聯繫客服(QQ:411161803)領取之前充值過的相應道具的1/4數量的任選道具作為補償,領取截止時間為2021年5月14日21時,請及時聯繫客服領取哈! 4.女神玩法開啟條件調整:考慮到女神玩法比較複雜,操作比較繁瑣,對剛來的玩家朋友們不夠友好,我們將其解鎖的章節延後了一章,已解鎖的玩家不受影響5、修復極小機率時英雄無法釋放主動技能的問題6、部分已知BUG修復與功能優化---------------------------- ------------------------------------ 【4月27日第2次更新內容】 1、修正了圖鑑內可能出現內容數量顯示錯誤的問題2、修復了換卡幣不能兌換舊賽季英雄的問題3、修復了競技場規則顯示的問題4、修復了魔瓶吞噬界面查看詳情異常的問題- -------------------------------------------------- --------------【4月27日第1次更新內容】 1、即將推出新賽季:S4 - 神秘挑戰。將於S3賽季結束時自動切換至S4賽季。屆時,S3賽季任務將不可繼續完成,S3賽季卡包將不再繼續在商店中出售。賽季結束時,已完成但未領取的金券獎勵將自動透過郵件發送2、即將推出新英雄:魔藥法師3、即將推出S4賽季限定聖物:能量魔書4、即將推出S4賽季專屬勳章系列5 、即將推出S4賽季專屬英雄卡包:開出SSS英雄時,有更高的概率獲得英雄- 魔藥法師6、即將推出S4賽季專屬聖物卡包:有概率開出賽季限定聖物- 能量魔書7.任務優化:為了降低金券任務的完成難度,從S4賽季開始將金券任務【每日任務- 修煉任意屬性3次】替換為金券任務【每日任務- 使用屬性藥劑刷新一次英雄屬性】,完成後可獲得的獎勵不變8、競技場積分規則優化(一):在原來的機制中,主動挑戰失敗時將失去積分。為了降低玩家挑戰其他玩家的顧慮,機制調整為主動挑戰失敗時也會獲得一定的積分,挑戰低分玩家失敗時將不會獲得積分。 PS:被挑戰時防守失敗仍會扣除積分9、競技場積分規則優化(二):整體提升了主動挑戰更高積分的玩家勝利時獲得的積分,最高單次挑戰可獲得50分哦!整體降低了防守成功時可獲得的積分10、PVP戰鬥機制優化:為了降低輸出不足時PVP戰鬥可能耗時過長的可能性,在PVP中,雙方的法術牌能量恢復速率在戰鬥剩餘150秒、 120秒和60秒時將分別變為1.25倍、1.5倍和2倍(與神使相關技能可同時生效!)11、戰鬥中及英雄背包介面新增穿戴翅膀、魔法核心時的簡單特效表現(可在設定介面開啟或關閉)12、部分已知BUG修復與功能最佳化 -------------------------------- --------------------------------- 【4月16日第1次更新內容】 1、競技場防守方積分規則優化:在先前的競技場中,被動防守方損失和獲得的積分與進攻方一樣。有部分玩家回饋這將可能導致防守方被故意針對或被故意送分,造成競技場不公平的現象。由此我們調整了競技場防守時損失和獲得的積分,降低為進攻時損失和獲得的一半2、金券任務難度優化:任務【修煉任意屬性5次】調整為【修煉任意屬性3次】,完成時可獲得的獎勵不變。下個賽季可能會將此金券任務替換為其他任務。 3.修復了部分情況下小數顯示異常的問題。此問題會導致裝備屬性值等的顯示數值異常,但不影響實際的效果生效。 4.新增特惠禮包,包含免費特惠禮包和付費特惠禮包5、新增經驗捲軸,使用後可在一段時間內獲得經驗加成6、增加戰鬥經驗加成提示界面,可在此界面查看不同來源的經驗加成7、部分已知BUG修復和功能優化------------------------------------ -----------------------------【4月13日第3次更新內容】 1、部分戰鬥BUG修復及優化2、分解後有鑽石存放背包的BUG修復與優化-------------------------------------- --------------------------- 【4月13日第2次更新內容】 1.部分介面顯示BUG修復及優化PS:本次更新僅為客戶端更新,不涉及伺服器,無需停服維護。 -------------------------------------------------- --------------- 【4月13日第1次更新內容】 1、競技場調整為積分排名制:挑戰或防守勝利時將獲得一定的積分,挑戰或防守失敗時將損失一定的積分,積分變化後將根據積分進行排名。每日、每週的結算將依照積分排名進行結算。解鎖競技場時,玩家將獲得初始積分0以及一個排名。本次更新後,停服前已達到30級且已解鎖競技場玩法的角色,將按照停服前的人物等級-30級獲得一定的初始積分,並按照積分獲得初始排名(相同積分時,原排名在前的,新排名仍在前面) 2、新活動:勞動光榮。主線和所有PVE的魔王均有機率掉落活動材料3、新增活動勳章:勞動者係列勳章4、「春暖花開」活動結束。活動結束後將不可繼續使用採收剪刀進行採集,但仍可兌換、領取活動獎勵。 「春暖花開」活動將在4月19日上午10:00正式關閉獎勵領取和兌換通道,屆時將自動銷毀所有的採收剪刀和鮮花精華,請及時使用,避免不必要的損失5、新增玩法:屬性藥劑系統(通關2-3解鎖) 6、每日免費超值禮包增加可能刷出的獎勵類型:屬性藥劑7、隨機事件增加可能刷出的事件類型:屬性藥劑獎勵事件,解鎖屬性藥劑系統後可刷出8、防作弊系統優化9、設定介面增加「切換血量飄字顯示模式」的選項,可切換為:顯示全部飄字、僅顯示暴擊飄字、不顯示飄字10、部分已知BUG修復和功能優化---------------------------------------- -----------------------【4月3日第1次更新(僅限客戶端更新)】 1.修復神牛護盾的免控效果可能沒有對部分控制生效的BUG 2、回調商店道具的美術表現---------------------------------- -------------------------------【4月2日第2次更新(僅限客戶端更新)】 1.修復了連續強化裝備可能會導致遊戲崩潰的BUG 2.修復了守衛女神查看光環技能詳情可能會導致遊戲崩潰的BUG ---------------------- ------------------------------------------- [4月2日第1次更新內容】 1、部分英雄優化【神獸·年獸】 ·劫掠:傷害比例從25%(13星突破+10%)調整為25%(13星突破+15%) ·神威:傷害比例從30%(12星突破+10%)調整為30%(12星突破+15%) ·神威:額外百分比傷害改為對所有處於顫抖狀態的目標生效·神威:額外百分比傷害從目標當前生命的6 %調整為6%(12星突破+3%) ·噬魂:護盾從持續1秒調整為在PVE中持續1秒,在PVP中持續5秒·噬魂:屬性加成比例從20%( 11星突破+10%)調整為20%(11星突破+20%) 我們期望中的年獸是一個強力的法術型群體輸出英雄,但近期年獸在pve和pvp中的表現有點差強人意。為此,我們提升了它的輸出能力和在pvp中的戰鬥能力,希望它在後續的戰鬥中能為敵人帶來足夠的威懾力。 【神獸·神牛】 ·神牛恩澤:護盾值從神獸·神牛最大生命值的25%(13星突破+10%)調整為50%(13星突破+25%) ·神牛庇護:護盾值從神獸·神牛最大生命值的20%(12星突破+5%)調整為40%(13星突破+20%) ·激昂神盾:提升攻擊的比例從10%(11星突破+5%)調整為12.5%(11星突破+7.5%) ·免控神盾、激昂神盾:說明文本優化當前神牛的表現相比其它防禦型輔助英雄遜色了不少,沒能有效發揮自身的特色。我們這次調整增強了神牛的特性效果,希望它能發揮自己的特性,玩家在選擇輔助型英雄時,能有更多選擇。 【不滅火靈】 ·火靈庇佑:目標數從2提升至3、反傷比例從10%(13星突破+5%)提升至15%(13星突破+10%) 我們對於火靈的定位是全新的進攻型輔助,然而目前火靈既不能像其它防禦型輔助英雄為隊友提供保護,也不能有效威脅對手的輸出英雄。於是我們在這次提升了火靈法術牌的反傷能力,以期火靈能對敵方輸出型英雄造成更大的威脅。 【彩虹鯨】 ·修復了可能導致無法正常彈射的bug 目前可能導致彩虹鯨的彈射效果無法正常生效的bug已被修復,擁有強大彈射效果的彩虹鯨理應在pvp中大放異彩,期待彩虹鯨能在後續的戰鬥中,得到更多玩家的重視與喜愛。其他強度明顯低於同品質英雄的也將陸續進行優化2、部分技能書優化【狂暴之心】觸發時提升的暴擊率從8%提升至14% 【魔力結界】每秒提升傷害的比例0.5%提升至1%,最大疊加上限從10%提升至20% 【聚能】額外傷害的比例從10%提升至17.5% 【連攻】觸發普通攻擊連擊的機率從5%提升至10%部分技能書實際效果在目前戰鬥中的表現略微乏力,於是我們提升了部分技能書的強度,以期它們能被更多玩家重視和使用。 3.修復了主動技能在戰鬥開始時回復一定CD的設定沒有正常生效的BUG(此BUG會導致英雄更晚才能放出主動技能) 4、修復了反震效果可能導致遊戲崩潰的BUG,優化了相關傷害的結算邏輯5、己方時間變異效果調整:時間竊取(機率竊取敵方的已恢復CD)兩次觸發最小間隔調整為2秒(此舉為解決時間變異可無限偷取敵方CD,導致敵方完全無法使用主動技能的BUG) 6、優化了所有buff、護盾、光環和進化發光的特效,使它們疊加在一起時不會過於晃眼7、禮包界面優化8、其他功能優化和BUG修復-------------------------------------------------- --------------- 【3月30日第1次更新內容】 1、根據大量玩家的回饋,進攻方手動操作存在極大的優勢,防守方防守難度過大。因此,PVP調整為雙方均使用全自動攻擊,不可手動攻擊和手動釋放法術牌。給大家帶來了不好的體驗我們深感抱歉! 2.修復了主角天賦無敵分身在持續時間結束後沒有正常銷毀的問題。這個問題也是導致有時候主角沒血了但是能存活很久的原因之一(當然主角的技能寒冰護盾本身也能提升不少的生存能力)。 3.修復了PVP中傷害公式計算錯誤的問題。 (這也是為什麼大家會感覺競技場會比之前搶奪玩法傷害高很多,秒人的速度快很多的原因) 4、部分已知BUG修復和功能優化PS:我們將會繼續結合大家的反饋對競技場進行最佳化,對部分強度低於預期的英雄進行優化;大家如果對競技場或部分強度過低的英雄有更多的建議,歡迎反饋給專屬客服- 文文(QQ:2247304228) ----- -------------------------------------------------- ---------- 【3月27日第1次更新內容】 1.郵件新增一鍵閱讀功能,可一鍵將所有郵件置為已讀狀態(不會領取郵件獎勵,領取獎勵需要點擊一鍵領取) 2.修正了部分可能會導致客戶端顯示異常的問題(若出現客戶端顯示異常的問題,可以嘗試大退一下遊戲重進試試) PS:本次更新僅為客戶端更新------------------------------------------------ ----------------- 【3月26日第1次更新內容】 1.新增PVP玩法:【競技場】。在競技場中可使用競技陣容互相挑戰,爭奪名次。每日和每個競技賽季將根據結算時的排名發放獎勵,獎勵透過郵件發放。 (PS:競技場賽季和金券賽季相互獨立) 2.PVP勝負判斷優化:PVP超時時守方勝利的規則優化為存活英雄較多的一方勝利(若雙方存活英雄數量相同則守方勝利) 3 、PVP戰鬥表現優化:優化了PVP技能飄字、扣血飄字的位置,使之不要把人物和人物血條完全遮擋住(依然存在BUFF特效大量疊加導致人物看不清的問題,我們將想辦法進行優化) 4、支持對競技陣容進行單獨的編隊:在【附近慶典- 搶奪】和【競技場】玩法中將使用競技陣容進行戰鬥,玩家可自行配置競技陣容進行對抗5、即將推出新賽季:S3 - 榮耀之爭。將於S2賽季結束時自動切換至S3賽季。屆時,S2金券任務將不可繼續完成,S2賽季卡包將不再繼續在商店中出售。賽季結束時,已完成但未領取的金券獎勵將自動透過郵件發送6、即將推出新英雄:不滅火靈7、即將推出S3賽季限定聖物:詛咒面具8、即將推出S3賽季專屬勳章系列9、即將推出S3賽季專屬英雄卡包:開出SSS英雄時,有更高的機率獲得英雄- 不滅火靈。 S3賽季卡包可在S3金券獎勵中獲得或在S3賽季期間在商店中購買10、即將推出S3賽季專屬聖物卡包:有概率開出賽季限定聖物- 詛咒面具11、賽季開啟和結束時間優化:為穩健的進行每一次的賽季切換,賽季開啟和結束時間將從24點調整為隔天下午16點,S2賽季結束時間從2021年3月28日00:00調整至2021年3月28日16:00,後續的賽季切換均在16:00進行,這也意味著每個賽季的30天實際上可以獲得31天的任務次數12、任務優化(一):下調了部分金券任務和懸賞任務的完成難度,完成任務時可獲得的獎勵不變。在一定等級後,將不會在懸賞任務中刷出消耗金幣的任務。掉落的聖物、裝備自動分解時,調整為能完成對應的聖物、裝備收集任務13、任務優化(二):新增金券任務類型,同時移除了部分中後期難以完成的金券任務。調整後金券任務可獲得的總經驗比原來更高14、購買金券倒數計時說明優化:當前賽季剩餘時間不足3天時,購買金券將會進行提示15、裝備分解收益加成文本提示優化:突出顯示裝備分解獲得的VIP將會受到加成(實際上分解獲得的鑽石和金幣也依然受分解收益加成的影響) 16、符文之語效果優化(一):我們收到很多玩家的回饋,額外掉落經驗的符文之語單套效果過弱,帶多套又浪費符文之語槽位,綜合考慮,增強額外掉落經驗符文之語的效果為原來的3倍,同時為了避免極端數值,限制僅生效一套。額外掉落金幣的符文之語效果本身已經過強(甚至有可能超過了關卡本身掉落的金幣),帶多套過於影響數值平衡,因此也調整為僅生效一套,並降低額外掉落的金幣數量為原來的一半。 (額外掉落經驗的符文之語包括智慧、大賢者、智慧之光;額外掉落金幣的符文之語包括掠奪、掘金者、賞金獵人)(溫馨提示:生活相關符文之語效果都蠻不錯的,核心符文大多也比較接近,可以比較方便的切換不同的生活類符文之語乃至部分戰鬥符文之語) 17、符文之語效果優化(二):我們收到很多玩家的反饋,符文之語神眷者額外掉落的物品缺乏驚喜,為了優化神眷者的體驗,我們增加了部分可能額外掉落的物品,但為了對沖神眷者的高收益,我們限制神眷者只能生效一套,不然產出太龐大(溫馨提示:生活相關符文之語效果都蠻不錯的,核心符文大多也比較接近,可以比較方便的切換不同的生活類符文之語乃至部分戰鬥符文之語) 18、VIP特權優化:VIP特權-增加副本免費次數的VIP等級要求分別自V13和V17降低至V9和V14(溫馨提示:VIP經驗可透過分解裝備、通關關卡和完成任務等途徑免費獲得哦!)19、抗性機制優化:為了優化打BOSS的體驗,我們對BOSS的抗性機製做了調整,略微削弱了BOSS的基礎抗性(包含基礎防禦和基礎生命),增強了BOSS對某些過於不平衡的單次巨額傷害的抗性,從而使得使用不同英雄打BOSS的玩家不至於有差距特別大的體驗,也不會顯得戰勝BOSS過於容易,毫無樂趣可言20、隱身狀態機制優化:持續隱身時,新增的隱身Buff將衰減持續時間。此調整是為了避免多種隱身狀態持續生效導致英雄持續無法被攻擊(這也是導致PVP超時的最大原因) 21、免控狀態機制優化:持續處於免控狀態時,新增的免控Buff將衰減持續時間。此調整是為了避免英雄處於無限免控的狀態22、提升單次對【世界魔王】玩法的BOSS造成傷害的上限23、新增成長基金24、支持繁體中文25、優化部分較為模糊的資源26、修復了部分情況下無法看廣告的BUG(未完全解決,我們會繼續排查修復,非常抱歉) 27、其他BUG修復及優化------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 【3月11日第1次更新內容】 1.修復部分情況下可能造成玩家變異技能觸發異常的問題2、修復部分情況下可能造成女神等級壓制計算異常的問題。之前增加主線越級挑戰功能時,增加了一個新的參數,但是沒有對女神PVE作兼容處理,導致挑戰女神PVE時的傷害結算出現異常,某些高層數打小怪可能會出現不掉血。本次更新已修復上述BUG,女神PVE已恢復正常。 3.修復極少數情況下可能會導致戰鬥卡頓的問題4、部分已知BUG修復和功能優化PS:本次更新僅為客戶端更新,不涉及伺服器,無需停服維護------ -------------------------------------------------- --------- 【3月10日第1次更新內容】 1、修復極少數情況下事件戰鬥挑戰結束後依然一直顯示「挑戰中」的問題(已經出現此問題的可以等待事件倒數結束自動消失,也可以聯絡客服幫助人工清除) 2、部分已知BUG修復和功能優化--------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ 【3月9日第2次更新內容】 1 、修正血統技能書合成介面的機率公告中,保底剩餘次數顯示異常的問題(只是顯示異常,保底次數實際是正常生效的) 2、修復了查看技能書獲取途徑可能會導致報錯閃退的BUG 3 、修復了活動小紅點顯示異常的問題4、部分已知BUG修復和功能優化PS:本次更新僅為客戶端更新,不涉及伺服器,無需停服維護---------- -------------------------------------------------- ----- 【3月9日第1次更新內容】 1、新活動:春暖花開。主線和所有PVE的魔王均有機率掉落活動材料2、新增活動勳章:踏青者係列勳章(提升治療加成) 3、結束「新年快樂」活動。活動結束後將不可繼續使用鞭炮驅逐年獸,但仍可兌換、領取活動獎勵。 「新年快樂」活動將在3月14日上午10:00正式關閉獎勵領取和兌換通道,屆時將自動銷毀所有的鞭炮道具和年獸精魄,請及時使用,避免不必要的損失4、新增5~8級的血統魔石。開放5~8級的血統技能槽位。血統魔石將在近期將推出的PVP玩法中投放5、新增主線越級挑戰機制(第9章開啟)。越級挑戰主線時,因為己方等級比怪物低時會受到極強的壓制,所以關卡的難度會大幅超過相同等級時挑戰的難度,建議在達到對應的等級前不要輕易挑戰哦。 (越級挑戰難度非常大,並非常規玩法) 6.女神PVE無限模式越級挑戰增加相關提示。先前的女神模式中本身已帶有較強的等級壓制,因此之前在挑戰時可能會遇到極高難度的情況,本次更新只是增加了相關的提示,並沒有調整難度7、副本消耗優化1 :根據不同的vip,每日可額外獲得一定的免費副本挑戰次數(每日能挑戰的總次數不變)(vip可以免費透過分解裝備、做任務等各種途徑獲得) 8、副本消耗優化2 :根據不同的vip,可獲得一定的副本挑戰費用折扣(vip可以免費透過分解裝備、做任務等各種途徑獲得) 9.新增唯一聖物及對應的限時禮包:副本票證(降低挑戰副本的消耗費用) 10.增加每日可免費領取的小型超值禮包11、超值禮包調整為固定顯示所有類型和所有已解鎖的檔位(原來的一次只顯示4個禮包,且需要消耗鑽石刷新) 12.超值禮包首次購買、非首次購買將分別贈送一定數量的鑽石(之前已購買的將會自動返還) 13、鑽石充值非首次購買將贈送一定數量的鑽石(之前已購買的將會自動返還) 14.超值禮包優化:隨機幻石禮包和隨機魔瓶禮包開出的幻石和魔瓶最低品質調整為稀有品質(開出史詩和傳說品質幻石、魔瓶的概率不變,僅是將開出普通品質的機率給了稀有品質) 15、修復小怪關卡在線衰減沒有正常生效於增益掉落的問題(不影響任何符文之語、聖物等,僅是小怪關卡增益掉落的問題,就是在戰鬥介面設定的增益掉落) 16.部分已知BUG修復和功能優化------------------------------ -----------------------------------【2月28日第1次更新內容】 1.修復了在極少數情況下,在載入介面可能會卡頓的問題2、部分已知BUG修復與功能最佳化PS:本次更新僅為客戶端更新,不涉及伺服器,無需停服維護------- -------------------------------------------------- --------【2月26日第1次更新內容】 1、優化慶典協助戰鬥,增強表現2、優化慶典搶奪戰鬥:限制搶奪戰鬥時間最長3分鐘,超時將搶奪失敗。此舉是為了避免無限制的拖時間影響體驗3、向符合條件的玩家自動發放雙線衝級活動獎勵,具體條件和獎勵見雙線衝級活動公告4、修復可能引起天賦技能界面顯示異常的問題(相關生活屬性可能顯示異常也是因為這個原因,此問題僅為顯示問題,不影響相關生活屬性正常生效) 5、修復可能引起客戶端生活屬性顯示可能異常的問題6、優化血統技能書職業要求顯示7.修復了部分可能引起客戶端崩潰、點擊按鈕沒反應的問題8、伺服器效能優化9、部分已知BUG修復和功能優化----------------- ------------------------------------------------ 【2月25日第1次更新內容】 1.新增互動玩法活動:【魔王慶典- 附近慶典】。包含【區域魔王】、【協助挑戰】、【採集】、【搶奪】等玩法。其中【搶奪】玩法為休閒PVP玩法,後續會盡快推出正式的PVP玩法哦~ 2、新增【魔王慶典- 附近慶典】相關的唯一聖物及對應的限時禮包:典禮魔石(通關主線或魔王BOSS關卡機率掉落慶典籌建石)、貴賓券(增加參與他人慶典的次數)、時光沙漏(減少採集慶典耗時) 3、降低130級之後的人物升級經驗需求,此前升級時多消耗的經驗將會直接返還4、新賽季:S2 - 遠古血統。將於S1賽季結束時自動切換至S2賽季。屆時,S1金券任務將不可繼續完成,S1季卡包將不再繼續在商店中出售。賽季結束時,已完成但未領取的金券獎勵將自動通過郵件發送考慮到部分玩家購買了較多的星光經驗,導致S1賽季期間星光經驗溢出較多,本次更新後將會增加金券等級上限(補充一些普通的循環獎勵)。更新前已在S1賽季中溢出的星光經驗,將自動消耗並提升S1的金券等級5、下調了部分金券任務的完成難度,完成任務時可獲得的獎勵不變6、新增SSS英雄:恐懼之龍(遠古,群體控制、附帶減速) 7.新增S2賽季限定聖物:解縛貓像(降低己方被控制時長) 8.新增S2賽季專屬勳章系列(法攻加成、傷害減免) 9 、新增S2賽季專屬英雄卡包:開出SSS英雄時,有更高的機率獲得英雄- 恐懼之龍。 S2賽季卡包可在S2金券獎勵中獲得或在S2賽季期間在商店中購買10、新增S2賽季專屬聖物卡包:有概率開出賽季限定聖物- 解縛貓像11、新增收集、養成玩法:血統進化。可以使用【血統技能書】使英雄獲得血統技能。已進化的血統技能可重新退化為血統技能書供其他英雄進化(退化後原英雄將失去該血統技能) 12、新增養成玩法:血統技能書合成。可以消耗2個同品質的【血統技能書】進行合成,隨機獲得同品質或更高品質的【血統技能書】。合成一定次數後,必定獲得更高品質的【血統技能書】(因為沒有彩虹血統技能書,所以兩個傳說血統技能書合成僅能獲得隨機傳說血統技能書) 13、新增超值禮包:隨機血統禮包14、部分已知BUG修復與功能優化

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Lord of the Rings War (test server) is updated at 2021-05-28.

what's new in the latest version of Lord of the Rings War (test server)?icon

[The first update on May 27th] 1. In order to optimize the daily task experience, we have optimized the daily task mechanism and added weekly tasks. Specifically: Daily task optimization: Removed 5 tasks that are randomly refreshed every day, with a maximum of 5 tasks. The mechanism that can store 10 tasks has been changed to a fixed refresh of 12 daily tasks every day. At the same time, the rewards related to the original daily tasks will be integrated and upgraded to new daily task rewards and daily activity rewards. The overall rewards will be more generous than before. At 0 o'clock every day, it will be reset to the daily tasks and daily activity for the new day. Point rewards for daily tasks that have been carried out but not completed will be sent directly to everyone via email. New weekly tasks: 10 weekly tasks will be refreshed at 0:00 every Monday. Completing weekly tasks will receive generous weekly activity rewards. Warm reminder: The comprehensive rewards of the optimized daily and weekly tasks are much higher than the original daily tasks! Everyone, go and participate enthusiastically! 2. Optimized the battle experience of the Guardian Goddess. During the battle of the Guardian Goddess, players will be able to freely switch to other interfaces and perform operations such as training and mutation. 3. Some known BUG fixes and function optimizations -------------- ---------------------------------------------【5 The first update on June 25] 1. "War of the Ring" will be launched on various channels in the near future. In order to unify the season time of each channel, the "Mysterious Challenge" of the S4 season will be postponed to the end of 16:00 on June 2. The new season will also start simultaneously. We apologize for any inconvenience caused to you! Affected by the postponement of the season, this season you can complete the gold coupon tasks for a few more days and receive more gold coupon rewards. 2. The Childlike Sweetness event will also be extended to end at 9:59 am on June 10. 3. Monster drops will be added during the battle. Dropping notice 4. The VIP upgrade interface will pop up when you upgrade the VIP level (warm reminder: VIP can be obtained for free by disassembling equipment!) 5. The timing of unlocking some functions in the early stage has been slightly adjusted 6. Some known bugs have been fixed and functions optimized ----- -------------------------------------------------- ---------- [First update on May 22] 1. Integrate the original novice tasks, bounty tasks and hero dungeons and upgrade them to growth activities with more generous rewards. The growth activity is unlocked after clearing levels 1-2 and is completely free to participate. The growth activity starts from unlocking, and activity tasks and rewards will be rotated every 7 days as an activity cycle. Each activity cycle has 7 stages, and 1 stage can be unlocked every day. Complete the tasks in the stage to receive the task rewards. Complete any 8 tasks in each stage to receive the stage prize and enter the next stage. After completing the 7th stage of each issue, you will receive the highest value final prize. After removing the hero dungeon during this integration, you will no longer be able to enter the new hero dungeon level to challenge. Characters who have entered the hero dungeon before will be able to continue to complete the previously entered levels. They can receive rewards normally if they win the battle. If they fail in the battle or escape, the corresponding tickets will be refunded accordingly. After the novice tasks and bounty tasks are removed in this integration, the original novice tasks and bounty tasks will no longer be completed. 2. Some known BUG fixes and function optimizations. -------------------------------------------------- --------------- [First update on May 21st] 1. In order to optimize everyone’s experience of collecting and developing rainbow heroes, we have made a lot of optimizations: Optimization 1: Increase the probability of rainbow heroes from various hero card packs. Among them, the probability of rainbow heroes from colorful hero card packs (including seasonal colorful hero card packs) is increased to 30.22%, the guaranteed number of times is reduced to 5, and the overall yield rate is increased to 36.21 % (about 2.5 times the original) Optimization 2: Added the mechanism of opening hero card packs to obtain additional hero energy, saving hero energy to receive rainbow heroes Optimization 3: Significantly improving the acquisition of rainbow heroes through treasure chests, drops, etc., and related to rainbow heroes The probability of props (about 3 times the original) Optimization 4: The initial star rating of Rainbow Hero is adjusted to 8 stars, and the star level will start from 8 stars. Based on the above 4 points of optimization, the average emergence rate of Rainbow Hero will reach the previous 3 Times! The comprehensive cost of upgrading stars has been reduced by about 1/3 compared to the original (the cost of upgrading to 10 stars remains unchanged) 2. Compensation for veteran players of Rainbow Hero optimization: Compensation 1: Rainbow Heroes and Rainbow Hero-related props previously obtained will be replaced in this version Each update will be automatically converted according to the ratio of 1:3! After the conversion, the costs for new and old players to draw cards and upgrade stars are basically the same. There will be no favoritism between them. The Rainbow Heroes that have already been upgraded will also be converted at a ratio of 1:3. For example, the original Rainbow Hero with 11 stars and 0 experience used a total of 6 When upgrading old rainbow cards, they will be converted into 18 new rainbow cards according to 1:3. They will automatically be upgraded from 8 stars to 11 stars and there will be 6 more rainbow cards (as its star upgrade experience). It turns out that there are more rainbow heroes. The star-rising experience will also be converted according to 1:3 but the Rainbow Hero will not be automatically upgraded. Compensation 2: Since the guaranteed number of colorful hero card packs (including season colorful hero card packs) has been reduced from the original 11 times to 5 times, Random rainbow heroes have been automatically distributed via email to players who have accumulated a certain number of guaranteed times as compensation and the corresponding number of guaranteed times has been deducted. 3. Since the original 13-star rainbow heroes will exceed a lot of experience after conversion, in order to avoid this part of the experience Waste, open to 14 stars. Heroes of all qualities can be trained to 14 stars. 4. Optimization of the supply card pack drawing mechanism: Added a mechanism to open supply card packs to obtain additional supply energy. By accumulating supply energy, you can receive rainbow sacred objects and legendary runes. 5. The random event gameplay is adjusted to be unlocked after clearing 1-5 levels (originally unlocked characters will not be affected) 6. Some known BUG fixes and function optimization---------------- --------------------------------------------------【 The second update on May 18] 1. The lollipop exchange rules are displayed on the "Childlike Sweetness" activity interface: synthesizing lollipops can increase the activity progress at the same time, and the lollipops can be used in the backpack to exchange for sweet hearts. 2. Fixed In some cases, the progress of the "Sweet Childlike Heart" activity may be displayed abnormally (this problem does not affect the actual progress, it is only a display problem) 3. Fixed the problem that in some cases, the Android platform may not be able to click to open the reward advertisement 4 , Fixed the problem that the icon may display abnormally on the iOS platform in some cases 5. Some known BUG fixes and function optimizations ----------------------- ------------------------------------------【1st update on May 18th Content] 1. New activity: Childlike sweetness. Demon kings in the main line and all PVE have a probability of dropping event materials 2. New event medals: Sweetener series medals 3. The "Glory of Labor" event is over. After the event, you will no longer be able to consume energy biscuits to participate in labor, but you can still redeem and receive event rewards. The "Glory of Labor" event will officially close the reward collection and redemption channels at 10:00 a.m. on May 24. All physical cookies and labor stars will be automatically destroyed at that time. Please use them in time to avoid unnecessary losses. 4. New chapter The second batch of exclusive equipment (a total of 23 heroes). After the second batch of exclusive equipment is added, all heroes already have the corresponding exclusive equipment. 5. The victory condition of the secret level level is adjusted from "Stay alive for 90 seconds" to "Stay alive for 60 seconds" , while improving the monster's output capability. 6. Fixed the problem that clicking "Go to the next level" after the battle will cause the currently open interface to close. 7. Some known BUG fixes and function optimizations ---------- -------------------------------------------------- ----- [The first update on May 9] 1. Optimization of the difficulty of the secret realm (1): Reduce the difficulty of the secret realm in the early stage, and reduce the attributes of the secret realm monsters in the early stage level and layer. The Elite, Silver BOSS, Gold BOSS, and Diamond BOSS are adjusted to be spawned after the 3rd, 10th, 15th, and 20th floors respectively. The level mode "Stick to Survive" is adjusted to be spawned after the 15th floor (it will not affect the already existing ones). level) 2. Secret Realm Difficulty Optimization (2): Reduced the difficulty of "Quick Casting" and "Continuous Poisoning" in the season mode. In this mode, monsters will suffer more damage. 3. Repairs that may cause The effect of the exclusive skill "Fear Spread lv4" of the Dread Dragon's exclusive equipment "Dread Wings" does not take effect normally. 4. A special gift pack for epic growth-type equipment of your choice has been added. A new "Equipment Special" tab has been added to the special gift pack interface, which is related to equipment. The special discount package has been moved to the "Equipment Special Offer" 5. Some known BUG fixes and function optimization--------------------------------- ----------------------------------【First update on May 1st】 1. New addition Activity gameplay [Secret Realm Challenge]: In the secret realm, players will randomly encounter multiple level types and monsters of different rarities, and may also encounter diamond-level BOSS! The Secret Realm Challenge will be settled at 24:00 every Thursday and Sunday night and a new season will start. At the settlement, certain rewards will be distributed based on the layer rankings; when entering the new season, some layers and layer rankings will be reset and randomly assigned. Refresh new season features. The secret level itself has a high level of difficulty, and as the levels continue to advance, the difficulty will increase significantly. You need to properly match the lineup according to the season and level mode! Unlocked after clearing levels 4-10 of the Secret Realm Challenge, you can enter 2 in the [Activity] interface. New exclusive equipment gameplay: you can collect, develop, and wear unique exclusive equipment for each hero! Bring two new skills! Wearing exclusive equipment will increase the hero's attributes to a certain extent. Upgrading the level of exclusive equipment will improve attributes, unlock additional effects and hero-specific skills, allowing heroes to be greatly improved. When the exclusive equipment is obtained, affixes will be randomly attached. You can also consume props to add more affixes to the exclusive equipment or refresh the existing affixes. (Due to the heavy workload, the exclusive equipment of some heroes is still being produced. We will not be able to meet you until later. I am very sorry!) 3. Optimization of some value-for-money gift packages: In order to make it easier for everyone to obtain satisfactory props, magic bottles, The value-for-money gift packs of Magic Stones and Magic Stone Crystals have been optimized from random to optional (Huan Stone Crystals can be exchanged for random or designated crystals, and the consumption of redeeming designated crystals is higher). Players who have purchased before the update can contact customer service (QQ: 411161803) Receive 1/4 of the previously recharged corresponding props as compensation. The deadline for collection is 21:00 on May 14, 2021. Please contact customer service in time to receive it! 4. Adjustment of conditions for opening the goddess gameplay: Considering that the goddess gameplay is more complicated, the operation is more cumbersome, and it is not friendly enough to new players and friends, we have postponed the unlocked chapter by one chapter. Players who have already unlocked it will not be affected. 5. Fixed the issue where the hero cannot release active skills in a very small probability. 6. Some known BUG fixes and function optimizations------------------------------ ------------------------------------- [Second update on April 27th] 1. Fixed the problem that the quantity of content may be displayed incorrectly in the illustrated book. 2. Fixed the problem that the card currency cannot be exchanged for heroes of the old season. 3. Fixed the problem with the display of arena rules. 4. Fixed the problem that the details of the magic bottle swallowing interface are abnormal - -------------------------------------------------- --------------- [First update on April 27th] 1. A new season will be launched soon: S4 - Mysterious Challenge. It will automatically switch to the S4 season at the end of the S3 season. At that time, S3 season tasks will no longer be completed, and S3 season card packs will no longer be sold in the store. At the end of the season, gold coupon rewards that have been completed but not claimed will be automatically sent via email 2. New hero will be launched soon: Potion Mage 3, S4 season limited sacred object will be launched soon: Energy Magic Book 4, S4 season exclusive medal series 5 will be launched soon , The exclusive hero card pack for the S4 season will be released soon: When you open an SSS hero, you have a higher probability of getting the hero - Potion Mage 6. The exclusive sacred object card pack for the S4 season will be released soon: There is a chance of getting the season limited sacred object - Energy Demon Book 7. Task Optimization: In order to reduce the difficulty of completing gold coupon tasks, starting from the S4 season, the gold coupon task [Daily Task - Practice any attribute 3 times] will be replaced by the Gold Voucher Task [Daily Task - Use attribute potion to refresh the hero's attributes once]. The rewards that can be obtained after completion remain unchanged. 8. Optimization of arena points rules (1): In the original mechanism, points will be lost when the active challenge fails. In order to reduce players' concerns about challenging other players, the mechanism has been adjusted so that players who fail to actively challenge will receive certain points, and players who fail to challenge low-scoring players will not receive points. PS: Points will still be deducted if you fail to defend when being challenged. 9. Optimization of Arena Points Rules (2): The overall points gained by players who actively challenge with higher points have been improved when they win. The maximum points awarded for a single challenge are 50 points! The overall points that can be obtained when the defense is successful have been reduced by 10. PVP battle mechanism optimization: In order to reduce the possibility that the PVP battle may take too long when the output is insufficient, in PVP, the energy recovery rate of the spell cards of both sides is 150 seconds remaining in the battle. It will become 1.25 times, 1.5 times and 2 times respectively at 120 seconds and 60 seconds (skills related to the God Envoy can be effective at the same time!) 11. Added simple special effects when wearing wings and magic core during battle and on the hero backpack interface ( It can be turned on or off in the settings interface) 12. Some known BUG fixes and function optimizations-------------------------------- ----------------------------------【First update on April 16th】 1. Arena defender Optimization of points rules: In the previous arena, the passive defender lost and gained the same points as the attacker. Some players have reported that this may lead to the defender being deliberately targeted or being given points, causing an unfair situation in the arena. As a result, we have adjusted the points lost and gained when defending the arena, reducing them to half of those lost and gained when attacking. 2. Optimization of the difficulty of gold coupon tasks: the task [Practice any attribute 5 times] is adjusted to [Practice any attribute 3 times], completed The rewards available will remain unchanged. This golden ticket mission may be replaced with another mission next season. 3. Fixed the problem of abnormal decimal display in some cases. This problem will cause the display values ​​of equipment attribute values ​​to be abnormal, but it will not affect the actual effect. 4. Added a new special gift pack, including free special gift packs and paid special gift packs. 5. Added a new experience scroll, which can gain experience bonus within a period of time after use. 6. Added a combat experience bonus prompt interface, where you can view different sources. Experience bonus 7. Some known bug fixes and function optimizations--------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- [The third update on April 13th] 1. Some combat BUG repairs and optimizations 2. Fixed and optimized the bug of diamonds remaining in the backpack after decomposition----------------------------------------- ----------------------------- [Second update on April 13th] 1. Some interface display BUG repairs and optimizations PS: This This update is only for the client and does not involve the server, so there is no need to stop the service for maintenance. -------------------------------------------------- --------------- [First update on April 13th] 1. The arena is adjusted to a points ranking system: you will get certain points when you challenge or defend and win. If you fail, you will lose a certain amount of points. After the points change, you will be ranked according to the points. Daily and weekly settlement will be based on points ranking. When unlocking the arena, players will receive an initial score of 0 and a ranking. After this update, characters who have reached level 30 before the server is stopped and have unlocked the arena gameplay will receive a certain amount of initial points based on the character level before the server was stopped - level 30, and will receive an initial ranking based on the points (when the points are the same, the original Those who are ranked first will still be ranked first in the new ranking) 2. New activity: Labor is glorious. Demon kings in the main line and all PVE have a probability of dropping event materials. 3. New event medals: Laborer Series Medals. 4. The "Spring Blossoms" event is over. After the event, you will no longer be able to use harvesting scissors to collect, but you can still exchange and receive event rewards. The "Spring Blossoms" event will officially close the reward collection and redemption channel at 10:00 a.m. on April 19. All harvesting scissors and flower essences will be automatically destroyed at that time. Please use them in time to avoid unnecessary losses. 5. New addition How to play: Attribute potion system (unlocked by clearing level 2-3) 6. Daily free value-for-money gift packs increase the types of rewards that may be spawned: Attribute potions 7. Random events increase the types of events that may be spawned: Attribute potions reward events, unlock attribute potions After the system can be refreshed 8. Anti-cheating system optimization 9. The setting interface adds the option of "switching the blood volume floating characters display mode", which can be switched to: display all floating characters, only display critical hit floating characters, and do not display floating characters 10. Some known bug fixes and function optimizations--------------------------------------------- ----------------------- [First update on April 3 (client update only)] 1. Repair the control-free effect of the Godox Shield There may be a BUG that does not take effect on some controls. 2. Call back the art performance of store props ---------------------------------- ------------------------------- [Second update on April 2 (client update only)] 1. Repair Fixed the BUG that may cause the game to crash when continuously strengthening equipment. 2. Fixed the BUG that may cause the game to crash when the Guardian Goddess checks the halo skill details. ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------【No. 1, April 2 Update contents] 1. Optimization of some heroes [Divine Beast·Nian Beast] ·Plunder: The damage proportion is adjusted from 25% (13-star breakthrough +10%) to 25% (13-star breakthrough +15%) ·Divine Power: The damage proportion is adjusted from 30% (12-star breakthrough +10%) is adjusted to 30% (12-star breakthrough +15%) · Divine Power: The additional percentage damage is changed to take effect on all targets in a shaking state · Divine Power: The additional percentage damage is changed from 6 of the target’s current life % is adjusted to 6% (12-star breakthrough +3%) · Soul Eater: The shield is adjusted from lasting 1 second to lasting 1 second in PVE and 5 seconds in PVP · Soul Eater: The attribute bonus ratio is adjusted from 20% ( 11-star breakthrough +10%) is adjusted to 20% (11-star breakthrough +20%). The Nian Beast we expected is a powerful spell-based group output hero, but the recent performance of Nian Beast in PVE and PVP is a bit unsatisfactory. To this end, we have improved its output capabilities and combat capabilities in PVP, hoping that it can bring enough deterrence to the enemy in subsequent battles. [Mythical Beast and Divine Ox] · Divine Cow’s Grace: The shield value is adjusted from 25% of the maximum health of the Divine Beast and Divine Ox (13-star breakthrough + 10%) to 50% (13-star breakthrough + 25%) · Divine Cow’s Asylum: The shield value is adjusted from 20% of the maximum health of the sacred beast and the sacred bull (+5% for 12-star breakthrough) to 40% (+20% for 13-star breakthrough) · Exciting Aegis: The proportion of increased attack is from 10% (+5% for 11-star breakthrough) +5%) is adjusted to 12.5% ​​(11-star breakthrough +7.5%) ·Control-free Aegis, Passionate Aegis: Description text optimization The current performance of Aegis is much inferior to other defensive auxiliary heroes, and it cannot be used effectively. own characteristics. This time we have made adjustments to enhance the characteristics and effects of the God Bull. We hope that it can exert its own characteristics and players will have more choices when choosing auxiliary heroes. [Immortal Fire Spirit] · Fire Spirit Blessing: The number of targets has been increased from 2 to 3, and the counter-injury ratio has been increased from 10% (13-star breakthrough +5%) to 15% (13-star breakthrough +10%). Our positioning of the Fire Spirit It is a brand new offensive auxiliary. However, currently Fire Spirit can neither provide protection to teammates like other defensive auxiliary heroes, nor can it effectively threaten the opponent's output hero. Therefore, we have improved the anti-damage ability of the Fire Spirit spell card this time, in the hope that the Fire Spirit can pose a greater threat to the enemy's output heroes. [Rainbow Whale] ·Fixed a bug that may have caused the Rainbow Whale's ejection effect to not work properly. The bug that may have caused the Rainbow Whale's ejection effect to not work properly has been fixed. The Rainbow Whale with its powerful ejection effect should shine in PVP. I look forward to the Rainbow Whale's success. In subsequent battles, it gained more attention and love from players. Other heroes whose strength is significantly lower than that of the same quality will also be optimized one after another. 2. Optimization of some skill books. The critical hit rate increased when [Heart of Fury] is triggered is increased from 8% to 14%. [Magic Barrier] increases the damage rate per second. 0.5% increased to 1%, and the maximum stack limit increased from 10% to 20% [Charged Energy] The proportion of additional damage increased from 10% to 17.5% [Continuous Attack] The probability of triggering a normal attack combo increased from 5% to 10% The actual effects of some skill books are slightly weak in the current battle, so we have increased the strength of some skill books in the hope that they can be valued and used by more players. 3. Fixed the bug that the setting of active skills to restore a certain CD at the beginning of the battle did not take effect normally (this bug will cause the hero to release active skills later). 4. Fixed the bug that the rebound effect may cause the game to crash, and optimized it. Settlement logic of related damage 5. Adjustment of own time mutation effect: time steal (probability to steal the enemy's recovered CD), the minimum interval between two triggers is adjusted to 2 seconds (this is to solve the time mutation and can steal the enemy's CD infinitely, resulting in BUG that the enemy cannot use active skills at all) 6. Optimized the special effects of all buffs, shields, halos and evolutionary glows so that they will not be too dazzling when superimposed together 7. Gift pack interface optimization 8. Other function optimizations and BUG repairs -------------------------------------------------- --------------- [First update on March 30] 1. According to feedback from a large number of players, the attacker has a great advantage in manual operation, and it is too difficult for the defender to defend. . Therefore, PVP is adjusted so that both sides use fully automatic attacks, and manual attacks and manual release of spell cards are not allowed. We deeply apologize for bringing you a bad experience! 2. Fixed the problem that the invincible clone of the protagonist's talent was not destroyed normally after the duration expired. This problem is also one of the reasons why sometimes the protagonist can survive for a long time even though he has no health (of course the protagonist's skill Ice Shield itself can also improve the survivability a lot). 3. Fixed the problem of incorrect calculation of damage formula in PVP. (This is also the reason why everyone feels that the arena will be much more damaging and faster than the previous snatching gameplay) 4. Some known bug fixes and function optimization PS: We will continue to combine your feedback on the arena Optimize and optimize some heroes whose strength is lower than expected; if you have more suggestions for the arena or some heroes whose strength is too low, please feel free to give feedback to the exclusive customer service - Wenwen (QQ: 2247304228) ----- -------------------------------------------------- ---------- [First update on March 27] 1. Added one-click reading function for emails, which can set all emails as read with one click (you will not receive email rewards. Rewards need to be claimed with one click) 2. Fixed some issues that may cause the client to display abnormally (if there is an issue with the client displaying abnormally, you can try quitting the game and re-entering) PS: This update is for customers only Terminal update------------------------------------------------ ------------------ [First update on March 26] 1. New PVP gameplay: [Arena]. In the arena, you can use competitive lineups to challenge each other and compete for rankings. Rewards will be distributed daily and in each competitive season based on the ranking at settlement, and the rewards will be distributed via email. (PS: The arena season and the gold ticket season are independent of each other) 2. Optimization of PVP victory and defeat judgment: The rule of victory for the defending side when PVP times out is optimized to the side with more surviving heroes winning (if the number of surviving heroes on both sides is the same, the defending side wins) 3 . Optimization of PVP combat performance: Optimized the positions of PVP skill floating characters and blood buckling floating characters so that they do not completely block the character and the character's health bar (there is still the problem of a large number of superimposed BUFF special effects causing the character to be unclear, we will try to Methods to optimize) 4. Support separate formations for competitive lineups: Competitive lineups will be used to fight in [Nearby Celebration - Snatch] and [Arena] gameplay, and players can configure their own competitive lineups for confrontation 5. A new season will be launched soon :S3 - Battle for Glory. It will automatically switch to the S3 season at the end of the S2 season. At that time, the S2 gold coupon mission will no longer be completed, and the S2 season card packs will no longer be sold in the store. At the end of the season, gold coupon rewards that have been completed but not claimed will be automatically sent via email 6. New hero will be launched soon: Immortal Fire Spirit 7. S3 season limited sacred object will be launched soon: Cursed Mask 8. S3 season exclusive medal series will be launched soon 9. An exclusive hero card pack for the S3 season will be launched soon: when you open an SSS hero, you have a higher probability of getting the hero - Eternal Fire Spirit. S3 season card packs can be obtained from S3 gold coupon rewards or purchased in the store during the S3 season 10. The S3 season exclusive sacred object card pack will be launched soon: there is a probability of releasing a season-limited sacred object - Cursed Mask 11. Season opening and end time Optimization: In order to perform each season switch safely, the start and end time of the season will be adjusted from 24:00 to 16:00 the next day. The end time of the S2 season will be adjusted from 00:00 on March 28, 2021 to March 28, 2021. At 16:00 on the same day, subsequent season switches will be performed at 16:00, which also means that each 30-day season can actually get 31 days of missions. 12. Mission optimization (1): Some gold coupon missions and bounties have been reduced The difficulty of completing the task and the rewards you can get when completing the task remain unchanged. After a certain level, tasks that consume gold coins will no longer appear in bounty tasks. When the dropped holy objects and equipment are automatically decomposed, they will be adjusted to be able to complete the corresponding holy objects and equipment collection tasks 13. Task Optimization (2): New gold coupon task types have been added, and some gold coupon tasks that are difficult to complete in the middle and late stages have been removed. . After adjustment, the total experience gained from gold coupon tasks is higher than before. 14. Optimized countdown instructions for purchasing gold coupons: When the remaining time of the current season is less than 3 days, a prompt will be displayed when purchasing gold coupons. 15. Optimized text prompts for equipment decomposition income bonus: highlight equipment decomposition. The VIP obtained will be subject to a bonus (in fact, the diamonds and gold coins obtained from decomposition are still affected by the bonus from decomposition) 16. Optimization of the effect of Rune Language (1): We have received feedback from many players that additional experience will be dropped. A single set of Rune Words is too weak, and bringing multiple sets wastes Rune Word slots. Taking all things into consideration, the effect of Rune Words for additional dropped experience is increased to 3 times its original value. At the same time, in order to avoid extreme values, only one set is limited to take effect. The effect of the rune words that drop additional gold coins is already too strong (may even exceed the gold coins dropped by the level itself), and having multiple sets too affects the numerical balance, so it is adjusted to only take effect in one set, and the additional gold coins dropped are reduced. The quantity is half the original amount. (The rune words that drop extra experience include Wisdom, Great Sage, and Light of Wisdom; the rune words that drop extra gold coins include Plunder, Gold Digger, and Bounty Hunter) (Warm reminder: The effects of life-related rune words are quite good. , most of the core runes are relatively close, and it is easier to switch between different life-type rune languages ​​and even some combat rune languages) 17. Rune Language effect optimization (2): We have received feedback from many players, and the Rune Language God's Blessed One has additional The dropped items lack surprises. In order to optimize the experience of God's Favored, we have added some additional items that may be dropped. However, in order to hedge against the high returns of God's Favored, we limit the effect of God's Favored to only one set, otherwise the output will be Too huge (warm reminder: the effects of life-related runes are quite good, and most of the core runes are relatively close, so it is easier to switch between different life-related runes and even some combat runes) 18. VIP privilege optimization: VIP privileges - The VIP level requirements for increasing the number of free copies are reduced from V13 and V17 to V9 and V14 respectively (warm reminder: VIP experience can be obtained for free by disassembling equipment, clearing levels and completing tasks!) 19. Resistance mechanism optimization: In order to optimize For the BOSS fighting experience, we have made adjustments to the BOSS's resistance mechanism, slightly weakening the BOSS's basic resistance (including basic defense and basic life), and enhancing the BOSS's resistance to some excessively unbalanced single huge damage. , so that players who use different heroes to fight the BOSS will not have a particularly different experience, nor will it appear that defeating the BOSS is too easy and no fun at all. 20. Optimization of the invisibility state mechanism: When continuously invisible, the new invisibility Buff will Decay duration. This adjustment is to avoid multiple invisibility states that continue to take effect and the hero continues to be unable to be attacked (this is also the biggest reason for PVP timeout) 21. Optimization of the control-free state mechanism: when the control-free state continues, the new control-free buff will decay duration. This adjustment is to prevent the hero from being in a state of unlimited control22, increase the upper limit of damage to the BOSS in the [World Demon King] gameplay in a single time23, add a new growth fund24, support Traditional Chinese25, optimize some vague resources26, Fixed the bug where ads cannot be viewed in some cases (not completely resolved, we will continue to investigate and fix it, we are very sorry) 27. Other bug fixes and optimizations ------------------- --------------------------------------------------【March 11 Contents of the first update on the same day] 1. Fixed an issue that may cause abnormal triggering of player's mutation skills in some cases. 2. Fixed an issue that may cause abnormal calculation of goddess level suppression in some cases. When the main line skipping challenge function was added previously, a new parameter was added, but it was not compatible with the goddess PVE. As a result, the damage settlement when challenging the goddess PVE was abnormal, and some high-level players may not lose blood when fighting mobs. This update has fixed the above BUG, ​​and the goddess PVE has returned to normal. 3. Fixed an issue that may cause combat lag in rare cases. 4. Fixed some known bugs and optimized functions. PS: This update is only for the client and does not involve the server, so there is no need to stop the service for maintenance ------ -------------------------------------------------- --------- [First update on March 10th] 1. Fixed the problem that in rare cases, "Challenging" is still displayed after the event battle challenge ends (if this problem has already occurred, you can wait for the event It will disappear automatically when the countdown ends, you can also contact customer service to help clear it manually) 2. Some known BUG fixes and function optimization--------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- [Second update on March 9] 1 , Corrected the problem that in the probability announcement of the bloodline skill book synthesis interface, the remaining number of guaranteed times is abnormally displayed (only the display is abnormal, the number of guaranteed times is actually in effect normally) 2. Fixed the BUG 3 that may cause an error to crash when checking the way to obtain the skill book , Fixed the problem of abnormal display of active red dots 4. Some known BUG fixes and function optimization PS: This update is only a client update, does not involve the server, and does not require downtime for maintenance ---------- -------------------------------------------------- ----- [First update on March 9th] 1. New event: Spring flowers bloom. Demon kings in the main line and all PVE have a probability of dropping event materials. 2. New event medals: Traveler series medals (increased healing bonus). 3. End of the "Happy New Year" event. After the event, you will no longer be able to use firecrackers to drive away the Nian Beast, but you can still redeem and receive event rewards. The "Happy New Year" event will officially close the reward collection and redemption channels at 10:00 am on March 14th. All firecracker props and Nian Beast spirits will be automatically destroyed at that time. Please use them in time to avoid unnecessary losses. 4. New addition Level 5~8 bloodline magic stones. Open bloodline skill slots for levels 5 to 8. Bloodline Materia will be used in the PVP gameplay that will be launched in the near future. 5. A new mainline skipping challenge mechanism will be added (Chapter 9 will be launched). When challenging the main line by leapfrogging, because you will be extremely suppressed if your level is lower than the monster, the difficulty of the level will be significantly higher than that of the challenge at the same level. It is recommended not to challenge it easily before reaching the corresponding level. (The level-up challenge is very difficult and is not a conventional gameplay) 6. Added relevant tips for the level-up challenge in the Goddess PVE infinite mode. The previous goddess mode already had strong level suppression, so you may have encountered extremely difficult situations when challenging before. This update only adds relevant tips and does not adjust the difficulty level 7. Copy consumption optimization 1 : According to different VIPs, you can get a certain number of additional free dungeon challenges every day (the total number of daily challenges remains unchanged) (VIPs can be obtained for free by disassembling equipment, completing tasks, etc.) 8. Optimization of dungeon consumption 2 : According to different VIPs, you can get a certain discount on the cost of the dungeon challenge (VIP can be obtained for free by disassembling equipment, completing tasks, etc.) 9. Added a unique holy object and the corresponding limited-time gift package: dungeon ticket (reduces the cost of challenging the dungeon) consumption fee) 10. Added small value-for-money gift packs that can be received for free every day. 11. Value-for-money gift packs are adjusted to display all types and all unlocked levels (originally only 4 gift packs are displayed at a time, and diamonds are required to refresh) 12. A certain number of diamonds will be given to you for the first time purchase and non-first time purchase of the super value gift package (previous purchases will be automatically returned) 13. A certain number of diamonds will be given to non-first-time purchases of diamond recharge (previous purchases will be automatically returned) ) 14. Optimization of value-for-money gift packs: The minimum quality of magic stones and magic bottles from random magic stone gift packs and random magic bottle gift packs is adjusted to rare quality (the probability of opening epic and legendary quality magic stones and magic bottles remains unchanged, but the The probability of opening ordinary quality is given to rare quality) 15. Fixed the problem that the online attenuation of the mob level does not affect the gain drop normally (it does not affect any rune words, holy objects, etc., only the gain drop problem of the mob level, It is the gain drop set in the battle interface) 16. Some known BUG fixes and function optimization--------------------------------- ----------------------------------【First update on February 28th】 1. Fixed In rare cases, the loading interface may freeze. 2. Some known bug fixes and function optimizations. PS: This update is only for the client and does not involve the server. No need to stop the service for maintenance ------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- [The first update on February 26th] 1. Optimize the celebration assistance battle and enhance performance 2. Optimize the celebration snatch battle: limit the snatch battle time to 3 minutes at most, and the snatch will fail if it times out. This move is to avoid unlimited delays that affect the experience. 3. Automatically distribute dual-line level-up activity rewards to eligible players. For specific conditions and rewards, please see the dual-line level-up activity announcement. 4. Fix the issue that may cause the talent skill interface to display abnormally. Problem (the related life attributes may display abnormally for this reason. This problem is only a display problem and does not affect the normal effect of the related life attributes) 5. Fix the problem that may cause the client's life attributes to display abnormally. 6. Optimize the occupation requirements of the pedigree skill book Display 7. Fixed some issues that may cause the client to crash and click buttons to not respond. 8. Server performance optimization. 9. Some known BUG fixes and function optimizations ----------------- ------------------------------------------------ 【2 The first update on March 25th] 1. New interactive gameplay activities: [Devil Celebration - Nearby Celebration]. Including [Regional Demon King], [Assist Challenge], [Collect], [Snatch] and other gameplay methods. Among them, the [Snatch] gameplay is a casual PVP gameplay, and the official PVP gameplay will be launched as soon as possible ~ 2. Added the only sacred object related to [Demon King Celebration - Nearby Celebration] and the corresponding limited-time gift pack: Ceremony Magic Stone (clear the main line or Demon King BOSS levels have a probability of dropping celebration preparation stones), VIP tickets (increase the number of times you can participate in other people's celebrations), and time hourglass (reduce the time spent collecting celebrations). 3. Reduce the experience requirements for character upgrades after level 130. The extra experience consumed during previous upgrades will be Will be returned directly 4. New season: S2 - Ancient Bloodline. It will automatically switch to the S2 season at the end of the S1 season. At that time, the S1 gold coupon mission will no longer be completed, and the S1 season card pack will no longer be sold in the store. At the end of the season, completed but unclaimed gold coupon rewards will be automatically sent via email. Considering that some players purchased more starlight experience, resulting in more starlight experience overflow during the S1 season, the upper limit of gold coupon levels will be increased after this update ( Supplement some normal cycle rewards). The starlight experience that has been overflowed in the S1 season before the update will be automatically consumed and upgraded to the S1 gold coupon level 5. The difficulty of completing some gold coupon tasks has been reduced, and the rewards you can obtain when completing the tasks remain unchanged. 6. New SSS hero: Fear Dragon (ancient, group control, with slowing down) 7. Added S2 season limited sacred object: Unbound Cat Statue (reduces the duration of being controlled) 8. Added S2 season exclusive medal series (magic attack bonus, damage reduction) 9 . Newly added S2 season exclusive hero card pack: when opening an SSS hero, there is a higher probability of obtaining the hero - Dread Dragon. S2 season card packs can be obtained from S2 gold coupon rewards or purchased in the store during the S2 season. 10. Newly added S2 season exclusive sacred object card packs: There is a probability of releasing a season-limited sacred object - Unbound Cat Statue 11. Newly added collection , development gameplay: bloodline evolution. You can use the [Bloodline Skill Book] to enable heroes to acquire bloodline skills. Evolved bloodline skills can be re-degenerated into bloodline skill books for other heroes to evolve (the original hero will lose the bloodline skills after degradation) 12. New development method: bloodline skill book synthesis. You can consume 2 [Bloodline Skill Books] of the same quality to synthesize, and randomly obtain a [Bloodline Skill Book] of the same quality or higher. After synthesizing a certain number of times, you will definitely get a higher quality [Bloodline Skill Book] (because there is no rainbow bloodline skill book, so you can only get a random legendary bloodline skill book by combining two legendary bloodline skill books) 13. New value-added gift pack: Random Bloodline Gift Pack 14, some known bug fixes and function optimizations

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