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Banner of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 1 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 2 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 3 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 4 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 5 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 6 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 7 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 8 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 9 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 10 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 11 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 12 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 13 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 14 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 15 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 16 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 17 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 18 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 19 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 20 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 21 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 22 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 23 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Screenshot 24 of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories 1.0.11
Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories

Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories

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Initial release Aug 07, 2023
Why, hello there. Welcome to Hungry Hearts Diner.

This place has been around for years now, and we've got our fair share of new visitors and regulars alike. Pull up a chair, grab a menu, and give me a holler when you know what you'd like to order.

Now, most folk come for the food, but stay for the stories.
I've got a bit of a gift for gab, as they say, and a cabinet full of fine tales about the good old days, if you're willing to hang around and lend me an ear. Oh, but look at me ramblin' on. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your visit.

Hungry Hearts Diner is a narrative-focused restaurant sim set in the retro age of Showa era Japan. Help an old couple of diner owners run their cozy little business by cooking food, making deliveries, and interacting with a unique cast of varied customers. They'll need all the assistance they can get.

Granny, you see, is as busy as a bee running errands, taking orders, and chatting with customers who are drawn to her no-nonsense manner and good-natured charm.

Meanwhile, Grandpa scowls in the kitchen, grumpy as ever. Gruff though he may be, his food is simple and scrumptious, and everyone who tastes his cooking always comes back for a second helping.

This diner's got its fair share of regulars, and they're an odd bunch, let me tell you. The only things they've got in common are voracious appetites and troubled tales to tell. They'll get to talking, too, as long as their bellies are full. A good meal always loosens the tongue, I say, and certain dishes do the trick better than most. Everyone's got that one meal they just can't forget, after all, and a hungry heart needs filling just as bad as a belly does.

The fourth entry in the hit diner sim series is here!
Whether old fan or newcomer, this game comes with a healthy helping of enjoyment, surprises, laughter, and tears.
We hope you like it!

On a tiny side street in a nameless little neighborhood sits an old Japanese diner. Things are quiet here; old-fashioned you might say. But of course they are. It's Showa era Japan, and the television is just starting to come into vogue.

Come on in, have a seat, and close your eyes.
Thunk thunk goes the steady beat of a knife chopping veggies. Hisss; the sound of meat sizzling in a pan.
Getting hungry? Good, 'cause the food here's sure to warm your belly and leave you feeling nice and full.

Besides, the kindly old granny who runs the place needs all the business she can get. She just opened the diner's doors the other day, and she's busy as a bee trying to stay afloat. Managing a successful eatery's no easy task when
you're all by your loneso—huh?

Wait a sec, who's that helping her out in the kitchen?

Welcome to Hungry Hearts Diner!
It's a cozy place, a place where regular folk gather 'round worn wooden tables for a bite—and maybe some friendly conversation, too. Here, you'll find food to fill your belly and stories that'll warm your heart.

Thanks for coming, and we hope you enjoy your meal!
So, let me guess. The question you're asking yourself right now is "is this game for me"? Well, maybe it is.
-Do you like casual/idle games?
-Do you like games where you run a shop?
-Are you looking for a nice, relaxing story?
-Ever played any of our other games, like Oden Cart, Showa Candy Shop, or The Kids We Were? (If so, thanks a bunch!)
-Are you hungry?*
*Warning: This game is not edible. Please don't try to eat your phone.

If you answered "Yes!!!!" to any of the above, well,
maybe this game's for you. Give it a download and a shot.
It's free, so it won't cost you a dime!
We very much hope it brings you a smile, and along the way,
perhaps even some tears as well.
Additional information
GAGEX Co.,Ltd.
Last Updated on
Content Rating
out of 10

What’s happening

為了這個假期,我準備了四個遊戲列表,第一個給宅在家裡快樂打遊戲的人,第二個給滿懷憧憬外出旅行的人,第三個給渴望和更多人產生交集發生碰撞的人。這是第四篇,我想寫給其他人。 其他,是所有人闔家團圓時他在外漂泊,是所有人追逐快樂時他兀自沉靜,是所有人相擁取暖時他孑然獨立,是偶爾的不合時宜,是意外的擦肩而過,是無奈的身不由己,是無法被分類只能匆匆掃入的,其他。
遊戲名:懷念的食堂故事 〜感動人心的昭和系列〜 平臺:Android  iOS 類型:模擬經營 ✨昭和食堂系列新作,全新的外賣系統! ✨快節奏模擬經營,爺爺做飯奶奶洗碗根本停不下來! ✨113種菜品可供研發升級,可玩內容非常充實! 沒想到這個系列都出到第四部了! 和小賣鋪系列相比,食堂系列在玩法樂趣和休閒治癒中找到了平衡 玩家要經營一家人流密集的餐廳 制定銷售策略,提升顧客的消費欲望,同時增加翻台率 還要觀察顧客喜歡什麼菜、通常星期幾會來 然後在這一天排上能提升好感度的菜單 來推動劇情發展 同時還要練習必備的菜品來研發新食譜 這次增加了外賣系統,點外賣的人會持續對菜品提出新要求 研發速度要能跟上,否則就只能沒完沒了地拒單了😥 遊戲節奏非常快,集中精力玩的話一天就能通關 這一代有113種菜品 內容還是相當飽滿! 喜歡餐廳經營的玩家快點玩起來吧~


When was this game updated?icon

Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories is updated at 2024-01-13.

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories is GAGEX.

Can I play Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories on Android/iOS?icon

Now Hungry Hearts Diner: Memories is available on Android.

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