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Screenshot 1 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 2 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 3 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 4 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 5 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 6 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 7 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 8 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 9 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 10 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 11 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 12 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 13 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 14 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 15 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 16 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 17 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 18 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 19 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 20 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 21 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 22 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 23 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
Screenshot 24 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War 0.1.7
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War

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Pre-register to claim free SSR character!
Available on iconicon
Initial release Jan 31, 2024
The number of pre-registered users has reached 500,000! To celebrate, we are giving away “SSR Ellie McDowell”! In the release commemorative campaign, you can get "up to 100 free gachas, SSR Tio Plateau" In "The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War", the story unfolds from Northumbria Autonomous Province located in the northwestern part of the Zemuria continent, and the original "Heroes" The ``Northern Campaign'' that took place between ``The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II'' and ``The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III'' is depicted from the perspective of Lavi, a female hunter who belongs to the ``Jagers of the North'', a character from the TV anime version. To go. Year 1205 of the Seventh Calendar. Ravi is a girl born and raised in the Northumbria Autonomous Province located in the northwestern part of the Zemuria continent. In order to protect her homeland and prove that she is different from her grandfather, Vlad, who was once worshiped as a hero but betrayed her homeland, she joins the North, known as the continent's largest Jaeger corps. She volunteered as a hunter and carried out her mission. Lavi is so absorbed in her mission that she repeatedly violates her discipline, and one day, she is forced to form a platoon with Jaeger Corps members Marty, Iselia, and Talion, and is ordered to conduct a reckless spy mission into the Erebonia Empire. Her purpose was to obtain information about the ``Hero of the Empire'', an unknown entity that threatens Northumbria. [Dream collaboration of Kiseki characters from the past] Supervised by Nippon Falcom Co., Ltd., the world setting and story of "The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War" are recreated, and the player becomes the main character, Ravi, and the character of this work + the past "Kiseki series" characters. A classic RPG masterpiece in which you explore a vast continent with a profound world view with unique friends. [Recreate that excitement with a gorgeous voice actor team] In this work, Rean Schwarzer (CV: Kouki Uchiyama), Martin S. Robinson (CV: Yuichi Nakamura), Lloyd Bunnings (CV: Tetsuya Kakihara), Alfyn Reise Arnor (CV Satomi Sato), Fie Clausel (CV Hisako Kanemoto) and other gorgeous voice actors fully voice the story of a new adventure on the Zemurian continent seen from Lavi's perspective! [Explore the mysteries of the world with your friends and experience a highly flexible adventure] Providing a new game experience with the new "map exploration" play, travel through the continent of Zemuria and explore the main story, sub-stories, and even more vast and mysterious stories. Explore dungeons. Let's go on an adventure to Zemuria continent with Ravi! [Customization with orbments] With the classic orbment system of the "Trajectory series", characters can use various magic and strengthening skills by combining quartz and master quartz! You can create skill effects equal to the number of quartz combinations. [Seize victory with free formation! ] Highly strategic formation battle! Develop your strongest team in various formations, such as battles based on formations that make use of the character's occupations (tank, ranger, caster, supporter, etc.), formations that combine the original characters of the Kiseki series and anime original characters, and become rivals. Take on the challenge! [Various events and systems] Challenge various quests such as martial arts tournaments, infinite towers, forests of trials, limited raids, dungeons, etc. with freely customized characters and highly strategic formation battles, and earn luxurious rewards. ! ◆App price App itself: Basic play is free *Some paid items are available Please be sure to check the terms of use before using. ◆Latest information Please check the game information and campaigns below. official . (2)Depending on the customer's usage situation, operation may be unstable even with the recommended model. *The process may not proceed normally on devices that are used in unusual ways, such as acquiring administrator privileges. ◆Supported languages ​​This app only supports Japanese. Please note that other languages ​​cannot be selected. ◆For inquiries regarding this game, please contact [email protected] ◆Terms of Use Please check the "Terms of Use" before using. https://www.userjoy.com/jp/eula.aspx?lan=ujeula ©︎2023 Nihon Falcom/“Sen no Kiseki NW” Production Committee
What’s new

[New system] ・Attribute challenge ・Star board system ・Ranking ・Mirror castle

Additional information
Userjoy Technology Co., Ltd.
Last Updated on
System Requirements
No System Requirements
Content Rating
7 歳以上
out of 10


看到軌跡系列出新作了第一反應就是“錢包已經準備好了”!打開商店頁面才發現,啊,竟然是免費的遊戲……只能再把錢包收好了😂 可能玩過軌跡系列的玩家都會有類似的感受,比起免費手遊大家更偏愛付費單機。但在仔細研究了這作的資料後,我感覺它可能是更面向新玩家的一部作品。 遊戲名:英雄伝説 閃の軌跡:Northern War 平臺:Android  iOS 類型:二次元 卡牌養成 Northern War不是基於軌跡系列某一部作品的改編,而是與同名動畫一起推出的配套作品,用來補充閃之軌跡2和3之間的故事。 北方戰役在閃之軌跡裡只是臺詞中一筆帶過的故事背景,這就給了編劇很大的發揮空間,可以創作全新的主角和全新的故事。新玩家無需去瞭解龐大的軌跡系列也能直接入坑,老玩家則可以將本作當做對世界觀的補完,讓閃之軌跡的故事更加厚重。 遊戲的玩法也是同樣的定位。它並沒有採用軌跡系列最拿手的SRPG玩法,而是做成了有點像自走棋的自動戰鬥。
Wang Yue (Moon Gaze) Reviews
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel - Hype Impressions/Mini Banga
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel - Hype Impressions/Mini Banga
Watch More Reviews On My YT Channel A masterpiece of an orthodox RPG that recreates the world setting of ``The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War'', and lets you explore a vast continent with a profound world view together with characters from this work and previous ``Kiseki series'' characters. Subscribe to the channel it's free!! https://rebrand.ly/drv74aa -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel - Hype Impressions/Mini Banga
開服前沒有預料到的是,軌跡系列的新手游會拋開SRPG的傳統,做成AFK類的放置遊戲。這樣一來遊戲體驗就和它的玩法機制無關了,主要是看數值卡不卡以及福利發的怎麼樣。 遊戲名:英雄伝説 閃の軌跡:Northern War 平臺:Android  iOS 類型:放置  卡牌養成 目前玩了一天半,我個人還是挺滿意的。這遊戲保留了AFK品類上手體驗極度美好的特點。遊戲的第一天可以從早到晚不斷解鎖新的玩法功能,包括但不限於肉鴿爬塔、迷宮尋寶、天梯挑戰、單陣容/多陣容pvp等等。玩到現在感覺就是琳琅滿目,有太多的內容可玩,只恨自己時間不夠用! 遊戲不同玩法系統的解鎖主要依賴主線推進。通常AFK類遊戲每一章主線所需的陣容都不一樣,這款遊戲也不例外。 它主線起始幾章常見水屬性的怪物,適合地屬性陣容戰鬥,開服UP池給的也是地屬性的英雄。但是到了第六章開始,就轉變為地屬性怪物為主,需要用風屬性的英雄去戰鬥。


《閃之軌跡 北方戰爭》手遊確定12月6日上線,預約即送SSR角色等豪華虛寶!
USERJOY Technology CO.,LTD.宣佈,《英雄傳說》系列最新手遊《英雄傳說 閃之軌跡 北方戰爭》確定將於12月6日正式上線,玩家可在App Store、Google Play和TapTap搶先預約本作。 目前遊戲預約人數已超50萬,為了慶祝這一里程碑達成,官方將向所有玩家SSR『艾麗·麥克道爾』,100000金幣,300七耀石的特別獎勵。 同時,官方也公佈了遊戲的更多情報,有關『地下迷宮』與『試煉之森』的情報現已解禁。 地下迷宮 的各個地方都有魔獸在等著玩家,另外還有隱藏在各個階段的各種機關。 通過解開謎語和陷阱,玩家可以從寶箱中獲得各種獎勵! 試煉之森 試煉森林由Roguelike的關卡組成,每次挑戰的內容都會隨機變化,玩家需要通關森林,而森林又分為不同的層級。 每個階段都有兩到三個強化分歧點以供角色分配等,可以用來給隊伍加各種buff和恢復,試用未持有角色以測試技能等。此外,在試煉森林中獲得的金幣還可以在試煉商店兌換召喚票、稀有強化材料等!
《閃之軌跡 北方戰爭》手遊確定12月6日上線,預約即送SSR角色等豪華虛寶!
Wang Yue (Moon Gaze) News
《閃之軌跡 北方戰爭》手遊確定12月6日上線,預約即送SSR角色等豪華虛寶!
👉🏻一款角色扮演冒險遊戲。 🪄以動畫《英雄傳說 閃之軌跡:北方戰役》為背景,承襲動畫壯大的世界觀,故事從位於塞姆利亞大陸西北部的諾森比亞自治州開始,可體驗到《閃之軌跡 II》及《閃之軌跡 III》以「北方戰役」為核心的主要故事。 ⚠️所用畫面素材為官方宣傳片,期待上線後的最終品質呀! - 🎮遊戲名:英雄伝説 閃の軌跡:Northern War 🕹️平臺:iOS/Android ✅二次元|動漫|角色扮演|冒險 🪄 🎬 章節式的劇情故事,關卡分觀看劇情互動和戰鬥兩類型。 🌀 戰鬥陣容策略編隊,優先攻擊目標和S-Craft激活時間成為改變戰鬥進程的關鍵。 🌟 通過將石英和大師石英與「軌跡系列」的經典導力器系統相結合來打出獨特的技能效果! 💗 除了動畫登場的角色之外,閃之軌跡系列中人氣角色也會出現並參與到故事中。 🎙️ 華麗的聲優陣容,演繹全新主角和故事。
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel - Northern War
Gameplay: Categories: RPG Language Supported: Japanese Status: Official Released JP Platform: Android & iOS
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel - Northern War


When was this game updated?icon

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War is updated at 2024-01-31.

what's new in the latest version of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War?icon

[New system] ・Attribute challenge ・Star board system ・Ranking ・Mirror castle

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War is Userjoy Technology.

Can I play The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War on Android/iOS?icon

Now The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War is available on iOS.

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