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Games Similar To Dynasty Warriors 9 for Android

Games Similar To Dynasty Warriors 9 for Android

Banner of Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade

Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade JP

StrategyRPGAnimeEditors' Choice
◆ A blend of the world of the "TV anime" and the unique storytelling of "Jujutsu Kaisen" in a game format ◆The anime's story is faithfully reproduced with new full voice acting. Furthermore, various ....
Banner of Dynasty Heroes: Samkok Legend

Dynasty Heroes: Samkok Legend

Dynasty Heroes is the newest addition to the iconic Three Kingdoms series, celebrating its 10th anniversary! Experience the thrill of 6v6 action-packed strategy card battles!Game FeaturesClassic T...
Banner of Honor of Kings

Honor of Kings

ActionStrategyCasualMultiplayerMOBAEditors' Choice
Honor of Kings: The Ultimate 5v5 Hero Battle GameHonor of Kings International Edition, developed by Tencent Timi Studio and published by Level Infinite, is the world's most popular mobile MOBA gam...
Banner of JUMP:群星集結


ActionRPGEditors' Choice
【遊戲簡介】《JUMP:群星集結》是一款集結了由集英社發行的《週刊少年Jump》上連載的多款知名漫畫IP所打造的5V5 MOBA遊戲,由集英社授權並全程監製。遊戲內包含了多款知名漫畫作品,包含大家耳熟能詳的「七龍珠」、「ONE PIECE~航海王~」、「火影忍者」、「BLEACH死神」、「鬼滅之刃」、「咒術迴戰」、「不死不運」、「肌肉魔法使-MASHLE-」、「HUNTER x HUNTER .....
Banner of Dynasty Warriors: Overlords

Dynasty Warriors: Overlords

Dynasty Warriors: Overlords,licensed by Koei Tecmo, revives the passionate classics. Original hero artwork and iconic actions are provided by Koei Tecmo, creating the ultimate Three Kingdoms superhero...
Banner of Dynasty Legends (Global)

Dynasty Legends (Global)

ActionRPGAction role-playing
3D ARPG game - Dynasty Legends (Global) updates again!Gale's Pride, Blood and Soul Reaver. New Officer - Wei Yan (Demon) is coming! And more new contents await! Explore now to win tons of rewards!...
Banner of Dynasty Warriors: Overlords

Dynasty Warriors: Overlords SEA

ActionRPGCasualAction role-playingAnime
Dynasty Warriors: Overlords is the latest Three Kingdoms Action Role-Playing Game (ARPG) licensed by Koei Tecmo and published by VNG for Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, and Indonesia! Experience the o...


Battle RoyaleActionAdventure
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is a 60-player action Battle Royale offering players insane mobility powered by parkour and grappling hook, a vast arsenal of melee and ranged weapons, and a roster of characters wi...
Banner of Call of Duty®: Warzone™ Mobile

Call of Duty®: Warzone™ Mobile

ActionCasualOnline Co-OpTactical ShooterShooterEditors' Choice
Dive into high-octane FPS action with Call of Duty®: Warzone™ Mobile. Experience real Call of Duty action with exhilarating PvP Battle Royale and FPS Multiplayer gameplay, featuring Call of Duty: War....
Banner of JUMP: Assemble

JUMP: Assemble Global

[Game Introduction]"JUMP: Assemble" is a 5v5 MOBA game that brings together multiple popular manga IPs serialized in Shueisha's "Weekly Shonen Jump." It is authorized and co-produced by Shueisha. The....
Banner of Dynasty Blade 2: ROTK Infinity

Dynasty Blade 2: ROTK Infinity

A new generation MMORPG masterpiece of Three Kingdoms with great graphics is waiting for you! Fun and easy to play! Join the addictive adventure to enjoy the ultimate combat experience! Select powerfu...
Banner of Dynasty Legends:Warriors Unite

Dynasty Legends:Warriors Unite

ActionRPGCasualAction role-playingMultiplayer
3D ARPG - Dynasty Legends updates again! New Officer - Huang Gai (Flame) is coming. Brand new events Soothing Trail and Three Kingdoms Carnival are ready for you! Prepare to join and earn valuable rew...
Banner of Dynasty Legends 2

Dynasty Legends 2

ActionRPGCasualAction role-playingMultiplayer
DYNASTY LEGENDS 2 is a complete evolution of Hack & Slash ARPG game. Thrilling battle experience allows you wipe out thousands of enemies all by yourself, become the overlord of the Three Kingdoms. St...
Banner of Dynasty Warriors M

Dynasty Warriors M Global

New Officers Yueying, Bride Diaochan and Dudou Lu Lingqi have arrived!■ Experience the legendary Dynasty Warriors story in a whole new format!- Collect and develop 50 Officers from 5 factions.- W...
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