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Games Similar To Lushida Origins for Android

Games Similar To Lushida Origins for Android

Banner of Ex Astris

Ex Astris Global

When the first satellite passes through the atmosphere, we believe we shall conquer the universe someday. Now I realized, humans are solely extending the boundaries of the earth left the kaleidoscopic...
Banner of 異世界的埃涅阿斯


Banner of Cross Core

Cross Core TW

"Cross Core" is a mecha science fiction theme of the two-dimensional style of mobile games.In the game, you will be the protagonist of the story, as the "general captain" of the galaxy exploration t.....
Banner of Duet Night Abyss

Duet Night Abyss

In an era that is vast yet fading,A harmony of joy and sorrow sings.In a time where wisdom and folly entangle,Both humans and demons co-exist.When the gods forsake us,And the demons' pleas ...
Banner of 我の意外江湖


Banner of Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves

ActionRPGOpen WorldMultiplayerAnimeEditors' Choice
Wuthering Waves is a story-rich open-world action RPG with a high degree of freedom. You wake from your slumber as Rover, joined by a vibrant cast of Resonators on a journey to reclaim your lost memor...
Banner of Reverse: 1999

Reverse: 1999 Global

StrategyRPGTime TravelEditors' ChoiceStory RichCard
Reverse: 1999 is a 20th Century Time-Travel Strategic RPG developed by Bluepoch.On the last day of 1999, the "Storm" fell upon the world. You witnessed an era reversed beneath the rising raindrops....
Banner of Arknights

Arknights TW

Dear Doctor, our server is now open! Thank you so much for your patient waiting and continuous support. We wish you enjoy the brand new journey in Arknights!Take on the role of a key member of Rho...
Banner of 神隱之子

神隱之子 TW

《神隱之子》是一款創意獨特的雙世界解謎RPG。遊戲巧妙融合了推理解謎、策略戰鬥等玩法。你將以事務所「代理人」的身份接受各種委託案件,與並肩作戰的伙伴們相遇,共同抵禦危險,探索異世界的真相。【公測福利】用戶登入遊戲免費領取四星神覺者-諸羽【重返街頭】限定時裝;完成七日簽到獲得五星神覺者-北條南都、四星神覺者-鳶等更多好禮。【遊戲特色】✦異世冒險 超自然!從零開啟異世人生✦一場起因不明...
Banner of Nautical Apocalypse

Nautical Apocalypse

Welcome to the land of Sudamia, the birthplace of human civilization's journey towards a bright future, and the initial battleground against evil!A chaotic world is in need of heroes, and you will be....
Banner of 忘卻前夜

忘卻前夜 TW

Banner of Arknights: Endfield

Arknights: Endfield

Welcome to Talos-II, a dangerous planet rife with catastrophes and risks. The first pioneers toiled for years to establish a foothold. Settlements and nomadic cities sheltered by massive walls formed ...
Banner of Zenless Zone Zero

Zenless Zone Zero Global

ActionRPGAnimeEditors' Choice
Don't go into Hollows.I know, I know, there are Ether resources in the Hollows, bizarre creations, even ruins of the old civilization — all invaluable treasures.But don't forget about the spatial di.....
Banner of Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery

Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery

StrategyRPGAdventureAnimeStory Rich
"Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery" is an orthodox strategy game developed by the MICAteam mica group. The game background takes place in the near future, and the world is split into two sides due to...
Banner of 千年之旅:ELF

千年之旅:ELF TW

StrategyRPGEditors' Choice
Banner of Eversoul


Collect beautiful Souls and enjoy a stunning visual RPG![ FEATURES ]◌ SUMMON UNIQUE SOULS ◌■ Summon myriads of beautifully crafted Souls from 6 different factions, each with their own exclusive ...
Banner of 雷索納斯

雷索納斯 TW

RPGAdventureEditors' Choice
Banner of 我想成為影之強者!Master of Garden

我想成為影之強者!Master of Garden

Banner of 鈴蘭之劍:為這和平的世界

鈴蘭之劍:為這和平的世界 TW

【鈴蘭之劍×迷宮飯】聯動開啟! 「舌尖上的伊利亞」正式上線!地下的迷宮,百轉千迴終有盡頭。心中的迷宮,出口又在何方?集結吧,冒險者們!為奪回珍視之物而戰……等等,別忘了先吃飯!《鈴蘭之劍:為這和平的世界》以中世紀架空世界為背景,是一款具備戰棋要素、精緻像素風格和宏觀史詩故事的本格派日系RPG。遊戲將經典的像素風格透過全新的3D技術升級再現,讓您可以享受到全新引擎渲染下的新世...
Banner of Afterimage


Lore-RichMetroidvaniaSide ScrollerDifficultAction RPGActionRPGSouls-like
◆Explore mystic EngardinOne of the supreme deities created this vast world called Engardin, upon which natural wonders lie everywhere: gigantic volcanoes, steep canyons, deep seas and a tower that so....
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