
Games worth discovering

Games Similar To Ni no Kuni Cross Worlds for Android

Games Similar To Ni no Kuni Cross Worlds for Android

Banner of Naruto: Slugfest

Naruto: Slugfest US

The first Naruto global mobile 3D MMO RPGNaruto: Slugfest is calling all Ninja, an SS rank mission approaches!At the beginning of Shippuden, Naruto returns to Konoha from his training with Jirai...
Banner of Earth:Revival

Earth:Revival Global

FPSActionRPGEditors' Choice
The post-apocalyptic sci-fi survival RPG game Earth:Revival is set in an alien-invaded world and centers around the core experience of open-world survival. It has undergone significant industry innova...
Banner of Coromon

Coromon Global

Pixel GraphicsRetroDifficultStrategyTurn-basedCreature CollectorJRPGRPG
PLEASE NOTE: Coromon is a “try before you buy” title. A portion of the early game is free to enjoy, but a single purchase of $4.99 is required to unlock the full narrative.CLASSIC MONSTER COLLECTING.....
Banner of ZOZ: Final Hour

ZOZ: Final Hour Test SEA

ActionCasualTactical ShooterShooter
"ZOZ: Final Hour is a Third-Person Shooter game for your extreme shooting delight.Zombie City, San Yager.Including you, a group of mercenaries infiltrates into the City to collect Blood Crystal--...
Banner of Blood Strike - FPS for all

Blood Strike - FPS for all Global

Fast-pacedBattle RoyaleActionRealisticShooter
Gather your friends and dive into the action-packed Battle Royale, Squad Fight, or Hot Zone like there's no tomorrow! Blood Strike offers a wide range of playable Strikers, each with a unique active ....


Created with Unreal Engine 5, the 13th-century European continent where magic exists invites you to a huge war of chaos.▣Creation of the World▣In 13th-century Europe where magic still exists, we cr...
Banner of Honkai Impact 3

Honkai Impact 3 SEA

Lore-RichPost-apocalypticMechsActionRPGAction role-playingThird PersonAnime
v8.1 Drumming in New Resolutions now available! Celebration login events grant S-rank Battlesuit Option x1, Supply Card x20, 10x Carnival Battlesuit Supply Card x2, and more![New Battlesuit] KianaN...
Banner of Lost in Play

Lost in Play

Lost in Play is a journey through childhood imagination with thoughtfully crafted puzzles and colorful characters. Play as a brother and sister duo on an adventure to find their way back home. Between...
Banner of REC.O.R.D


Demo version (work in progress): Experience the atmosphere of intense warfare in a visually captivating shooter. Engage in strategic battles, face intelligent enemies, and make crucial decisions. Imme...
Banner of League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift TW

League of Legends: Wild Rift brings the fast-paced PVP action-strategy of the LoL PC game to mobile and console!Welcome to the Wild Rift! Featuring the same skill-based 5v5 PVP gameplay you expect...
Banner of JUMP:群星集結


ActionRPGEditors' Choice
【遊戲簡介】《JUMP:群星集結》是一款集結了由集英社發行的《週刊少年Jump》上連載的多款知名漫畫IP所打造的5V5 MOBA遊戲,由集英社授權並全程監製。遊戲內包含了多款知名漫畫作品,包含大家耳熟能詳的「七龍珠」、「ONE PIECE~航海王~」、「火影忍者」、「BLEACH死神」、「鬼滅之刃」、「咒術迴戰」、「不死不運」、「肌肉魔法使-MASHLE-」、「HUNTER x HUNTER .....
Banner of Assassin's Creed Jade

Assassin's Creed Jade

The first open-world Assassin's Creed made exclusively for mobile devices, Assassin's Creed Codename Jade is an RPG action-adventure game is set in ancient China.
Banner of Wizard of Legend Mobile

Wizard of Legend Mobile

ActionRoguelikeAdventurePixelEditors' Choice
Humble Games just announced a mobile port of the indie roguelike Wizard of Legend. Wizard of Legend developed by Contingent99 debuted on PC and consoles back in 2018. It has you playing as a wizard tr...
Banner of Farlight 84

Farlight 84 Global

ActionCasualTactical ShooterMultiplayerShooterEditors' Choice
Catching pets in a Battle Royale? Absolutely! In Farlight 84, you get to play as heroes with unique skills to outsmart your enemies, unleashing special abilities to catch them off guard... AND you get...
Banner of CarX Street

CarX Street

SportsMassively MultiplayerRacingOpen WorldMultiplayerEditors' ChoiceSimulation
Embrace the freedom of being a street racer in the dynamic open world of CarX Street. Accept the challenge and become the legend of Sunset City. Realistic races on highways and city streets, plus top-...
Banner of Revelation: New World

Revelation: New World SEA

RPGCasualCharacter CustomizationFantasyAnimeMMORPG
Decision approving the content script for online G1 electronic games, No. 2100/QĐ-BTTTT, issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications on November 16, 2022.A New World, A New JourneyIn...
Banner of Gunfire Reborn

Gunfire Reborn Global

Ready for the next「Reborn」?Gunfire Reborn is an adventure level-based game featured with FPS, Roguelite and RPG. Players can control heroes with various abilities to experience diverse build gamepla.....
Banner of Cat Fantasy:PH

Cat Fantasy:PH SEA

《Cat Fantasy PH》Instructions for Suspension and TransfersFUNGO GLOBAL (hereafter referred to as “the Company”) will cease operations for two servers, 「Quince」 and 「PTR Server」, under Cat Fantasy PH .....
Banner of The Division Resurgence

The Division Resurgence Global

ActionCasualPvETactical ShooterPvPShooter
The Division Resurgence is a free-to-play third-person shooter RPG set in a shared MMO open-world. It takes place in a contemporary post-crisis New-York city, after a virus outbreak has created chaos ...
Banner of CookieRun: Kingdom

CookieRun: Kingdom Global

◼︎ EVERYONE'S FAVORITE TINY HEROES: THE COOKIESMeet our Cookies, all voiced by an amazing cast of voice actorsWitness their epic skills, fall in love with their voices, and dress them into new chic ...
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