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Top 6 puzzle RPG games

Top 6 puzzle RPG games

Banner of 10000000


10000000 is a Dungeon Crawling Puzzle RPG Matching Game. Run the dungeon, match tiles and run for as long as you can“This game is so good it makes me want to cry” - TouchArcade- Monsters blockin...
Banner of Call of Antia: Match 3 RPG

Call of Antia: Match 3 RPG

💎🐲 Welcome to Call of Antia world!Call of Antia is a brand new type of match 3 RPG puzzle game. In this unique RPG game, the classic match 3 puzzle gameplay is mixed with battle, magic, and dragons .....
Banner of Puzzle & Dragons

Puzzle & Dragons US

Multiplayer Mode has arrived in Puzzle & Dragons, the go-to choice for the mobile Puzzle RPG experience. Team up with your friends and tackle all new enemies!Puzzle & Dragons is both an addictive an.....
Banner of Fortnite

[Weekly HIT] GRAND CROSS : Age of Titans, FireFront Mobile FPS, Dawnlands and more August 11

Banner of SoulInverse: Match3 Puzzle RPG

SoulInverse: Match3 Puzzle RPG

在滅亡的世界,守護最終留存的都市吧!與靈魂行者角色們一起描繪出的益智RPG!▶方塊與靈魂行者的組合方塊與靈魂行者的奇幻結合需要以戰略守護都市的時代休閒三消及靈魂行者的完美組合▶ 故事模式在滅亡世界的最後希望!為了守護最終的都市—Ark City請一同參與靈魂行者們的旅程吧!▶開發最終的都市吧!為對抗虛空,需要研發新技術!為研發新技術,請先開發都市吧!▶ 募集化身!為了...
Banner of Legendary: Game of Heroes

Legendary: Game of Heroes

Legendary is a gripping puzzle card game in which you need skill, strategy and teamwork to succeed. Epic heroes, terrifying monsters and mind-blowing magic await you in this hair-raising dark fantasy ...
Banner of Stranger Things: Puzzle Tales

Stranger Things: Puzzle Tales

Dive into supernatural mysteries and immerse yourself in brand new, original storylines starring your favorite characters from the Netflix series while you explore a new Puzzle RPG experience!Gam...

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