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Banner of Penggalian Hob's Barrow (PC)
Screenshot 1 of Penggalian Hob's Barrow (PC)
Screenshot 2 of Penggalian Hob's Barrow (PC)
Screenshot 3 of Penggalian Hob's Barrow (PC)
Screenshot 4 of Penggalian Hob's Barrow (PC)
Screenshot 5 of Penggalian Hob's Barrow (PC)
Penggalian Hob's Barrow (PC)

Penggalian Hob's Barrow (PC)

icon 9.3
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow adalah petualangan berbasis narasi horor rakyat. Jelajahi padang rumput terpencil di pedesaan Victoria Inggris saat Anda mengungkap misteri Hob's Barrow. Jawabannya ada di tanah... Ahli barang antik Thomasina Bateman sedang menulis buku tentang gerobak Inggris, mendokumentasikan harta karun yang dia temukan terkubur di dalamnya. Ketika sebuah surat yang menarik memanggilnya ke desa kecil Bewlay, yang terletak di pedesaan terpencil, dia berangkat dengan kereta api bersama asistennya sehari sebelumnya. Namun, setelah kedatangannya, pria misterius yang memanggilnya tidak ditemukan. Asistennya tidak pernah datang. Seorang pemilik tanah yang keras kepala menolak akses ke barrow, dan penduduk setempat mewaspadai wanita yang bepergian sendirian dan (terkesiap!) Mengenakan celana panjang. Penggalian Hob's Barrow dimulai dengan awal yang sulit. Dan kemudian Thomasina mulai mengalami mimpi aneh…
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Cloak and Dagger Games
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out of 10

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The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
Thrilling Victorian point and click adventure Is this game a masterpiece? It is a damn good example of an accessible point and click adventure. As long as you are not looking for a difficult game, this is a masterpiece. The story is thrilling and well-presented, you really want to know what is inside the mysterious barrow. It is also (relatively) easy and (rather) short, I finished it without any cheating in 2 days (about 8 hours playing time). All puzzles are logical and make sense (maybe apart from the final part in the barrow, where I used a bit of trial and error). It has a goat (or two), but the puzzles to get around are not that hard. The story has a happy ending... there were two men laughing and going to church in the end, so what?
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When was this game updated?icon

The Excavation of Hob's Barrow (PC) is updated at 2022-10-11.

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of The Excavation of Hob's Barrow (PC) is Cloak and Dagger Games.

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