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Screenshot 3 of Apex Legends Mobile
Screenshot 4 of Apex Legends Mobile
Screenshot 5 of Apex Legends Mobile
Apex Legends Mobile

Apex Legends Mobile Global

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Initial release May 17, 2022
Lanciati nell'immersivo universo di Apex Legends™! Unisciti a un gioco sparatutto battle royale strategico che presenta un gameplay leggendario basato sui personaggi, battaglie di squadra migliori della categoria e combattimenti frenetici. Unisci le forze con un massimo di due amici e competi con altri giocatori mobili. Combina le abilità uniche di ogni leggenda per padroneggiare i ruoli della squadra, creare sinergie di gioco e dominare gli Apex Games. Le partite di Battle Royale, l'Arena e il leggendario gioco di squadra ti aspettano. Scarica Apex Legends Mobile oggi! CARATTERISTICHE MOBILI DI APEX LEGENDS Gameplay strategico con leggende iconiche: strategia, gioco di squadra tattico e Battle Royale sono il fulcro del nostro DNA! - FPS, TPS e azione di combattimento con un arsenale di armi, equipaggiamento e abilità tattiche esotiche - Spara con una pistola adatta al tuo stile di gioco! SMG, fucile d'assalto, LMG o fucile a pompa - Le partite nell'arena richiedono scelte strategiche frenetiche per sopravvivere - Le leggende ti aspettano! Scegli tra un cast di amate leggende e personaggi esclusivi per la versione mobile del gioco - Padroneggia ogni personaggio con abilità e personalità uniche per trovare una leggenda che si adatti a una serie di stili di gioco Sparatutto multigiocatore a squadre - Fai squadra con altri due giocatori in giochi di battaglia a squadre PvP competitivi - Le squadre leggendarie sono formate combinando le abilità uniche di ogni compagno di squadra - Gioco di squadra multigiocatore con combinazioni strategiche e tattiche in evoluzione - Combatti e unisci le forze con amici e giocatori allo stesso modo in epici giochi battle royale Competizione Battle Royale ad alto numero di ottani - PvP FPS e TPS Hero Shooter Combat Gameplay, ora più veloce e innovativo - Shooting Gunplay e movimento più fluidi che mai - Battle Royale amplificato da un'azione esilarante - Radicato in un universo Apex Legends coinvolgente e in continua evoluzione - Combatti per sopravvivere condizioni e sfide imprevedibili - Nuove leggende vengono continuamente introdotte per testare le abilità dei giocatori Mobile First Adattamenti e Innovazioni - Un titolo Apex Legends autonomo su dispositivi mobili - Interfaccia utente ottimizzata e controlli personalizzati per dispositivi mobili - Contenuti e modalità di gioco unici solo per dispositivi mobili - Nuove leggende, mappe, modalità di gioco, modalità, progressione ed eventi dal vivo Hero shooter, combattimento innovativo, e altro ancora. Fai squadra e scarica oggi stesso per diventare un Apex Legend! Questa app: richiede l'accettazione della Politica sulla privacy e sui cookie e dell'Accordo con l'utente di EA. Richiede una connessione a Internet (potrebbero essere applicati costi di rete). Include pubblicità all'interno del gioco. Si applicano limiti di età. Raccoglie dati attraverso la tecnologia di analisi e pubblicazione di annunci di terze parti (consultare l'Informativa sulla privacy e sui cookie per i dettagli). Contiene collegamenti diretti a Internet e ai siti di social network destinati a un pubblico di età superiore ai 13 anni. Consente ai giocatori di comunicare. Include acquisti in-game facoltativi di valuta virtuale che può essere utilizzata per acquisire oggetti virtuali in-game, inclusa una selezione casuale di oggetti virtuali in-game. L'app utilizza i servizi di gioco di Google Play. Esci da Google Play Game Services prima dell'installazione se non desideri condividere il tuo gioco con gli amici. Accordo con l'utente: terms.ea.com Politica sulla privacy e sui cookie: privacy.ea.com Visita help.ea.com per assistenza o richieste. Non vendere le mie informazioni personali: https://tos.ea.com/legalapp/WEBPRIVACYCA/US/en/PC/ EA può ritirare le funzionalità online dopo un preavviso di 30 giorni pubblicato su ea.com/service-updates. ATTENZIONE: visualizza importanti immagini lampeggianti e altre informazioni su salute e sicurezza su www.ea.com/legal.
What’s new

Nuova leggenda: Ash
L'Incisive Instigator è arrivato.

Nuovo pass battaglia
Vestiti come un campione, campione.

Arma distintiva: costellazione
È arrivata la prima arma esclusiva per Fade!

Nuovi Eventi
Second Shot Blitz, eventi di Halloween e altro.

Aggiornamenti mappe
World's Edge ritorna, ora in rotazione con Kings Canyon!
Visita il nuovissimo PDI Coliseum che è apparso su Kings Canyon.

Leggende e armi selezionate hanno ricevuto un Balance Pass.

Additional information
Apex Legends Mobile Discord
In-app Purchases
Last Updated on
Network Connection
System Requirements
No System Requirements
Content Rating
Rated for 16+
out of 10


The Sad Truth About Apex Legends Mobile!!
👎 Cons: 🎮 Gameplay: Apex Legends Mobile arrived on the scene with much anticipation, promising to deliver the exhilarating experience of its PC and console counterparts to the palm of your hand. However, beneath the surface of this highly anticipated mobile adaptation lies a disappointing reality that fails to live up to the hype.Clunky Controls: One of the most glaring issues plaguing Apex Legends Mobile is its control scheme. While it attempts to replicate the fluidity and precision of its PC and console versions, the mobile controls feel clunky and unresponsive. Maneuvering your character and aiming your weapons become frustrating tasks, often resulting in missed shots and clumsy movements. This lack of fluidity significantly diminishes the competitive aspect of the game, leaving players feeling handicapped in the heat of battle.Technical Troubles: Beyond the control issues, Apex Legends Mobile is riddled with technical problems that hinder the overall experience. Server lag plagues matches, causing frustrating delays and inconsistencies in gameplay. Additionally, frequent crashes disrupt the flow of the game, forcing players to endure frustrating interruptions and potentially losing progress in their matches. These technical shortcomings not only detract from the immersion but also erode the enjoyment of what should be fast-paced and seamless gameplay.Predatory Monetization: Perhaps the most disheartening aspect of Apex Legends Mobile is its monetization model. The game employs aggressive microtransactions and loot boxes, preying on the wallets of unsuspecting players. In-game purchases are pushed heavily, tempting players with exclusive skins, characters, and other cosmetic items. However, the exorbitant prices and randomized nature of loot boxes often leave players feeling exploited and frustrated. It's a stark reminder that, for some developers, profit takes precedence over player satisfaction.Conclusion: In conclusion, Apex Legends Mobile falls short of its potential, failing to deliver the polished and immersive experience that fans had hoped for. Despite its flashy graphics and familiar gameplay mechanics, the game is marred by clunky controls, technical troubles, and predatory monetization practices. What could have been a groundbreaking addition to the mobile gaming landscape is overshadowed by its numerous shortcomings. For now, Apex Legends Mobile serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us that even the most anticipated releases can fall short of expectations.
The Sad Truth About Apex Legends Mobile!!
Apex Legends Mobile Reviews
The Sad Truth About Apex Legends Mobile!!
Ability powered Battle Royale, Apex Legends Mobile, a review
Apex Legends Mobile: A Comprehensive Guide to Improving Your Skills and Ranking Up
*NEW* APEX LEGENDS MOBILE GLOBAL LAUNCH (Hyper Legends) Become a member of my channel and support me below! :) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCud8gcXlIb-X65sjG5exDAg/join Follow me on Social Media: Twitter - https://twitter.com/ImOwFromYT Discord - https://discord.gg/cDCWfY3 Music Provided by - Epidemic Sound Business - [email protected]
Ability powered Battle Royale, Apex Legends Mobile, a review
1. Introduction: Following the fame and popularity of its console  variant, it got ported to mobile. Due to several reasons, EA decided  to shut it down, though currently still alive under a different name/ company. 2. Graphics and Visuals: Stunning graphics, though it requires abit powerful device for it to run smoothly.     3. Gameplay: Battle Royale, so same old, drop, loot, kill, be the last one standing. Or is it?
Ability powered Battle Royale, Apex Legends Mobile, a review


The newest Legend Ash, Battle Pass, Halloween Skins and Signature Weapon!
With Apex Legends Mobile updated Season 3 Champion, there're so many spicy things added to the game. I will then bring you a detailed review in four parts. New Legend Ash Here's a video of me using Ash in a battle. Ash is a Offensive Legend that is locked from the base game. She can be purchased using Syndicate Gold 750 or 10 Ash Fragments. Her passive ability can help you to mark surviving attackers by pressing on a deathbox. Also, Ash's map shows the location of recent deathboxes. If you use her tactical ability, a spinning snare would be throwed that damages and tethers the first enemy that gets too close. The first enemy to enter the radius will take 10 damage and is snared for almost 3 seconds.
The newest Legend Ash, Battle Pass, Halloween Skins and Signature Weapon!
Apex Legends Mobile Guides
The newest Legend Ash, Battle Pass, Halloween Skins and Signature Weapon!
Best Solo Play Strategy & Character?
Apex Legends Mobile: A Comprehensive Guide to Improving Your Skills and Ranking Up
Apex Mobile Character Tier List For Beginners!
Best Solo Play Strategy & Character?
I’m a 2 finger player on my iphone 12, and I’m surely seeing more player are obviously 3-5 fingers players, so I am not sure if 2 finger can even climb further, but anyway I want to try. But there’s one problem, I don’t have fixed group, I’m always queuing with pubs, and 80% of the time there’s always one guy decided to roam on his own and never care about teaming. I’m so fed up and lose so many fight because it’s always 2v3. So I’m looking for tips to maximize my chance of winning more points in this situation.
Best Solo Play Strategy & Character?
mmante Kunjutty
mmante Kunjutty
Apex Legends Mobile: A Comprehensive Guide to Improving Your Skills and Ranking Up
Apex Legends Mobile is a battle royale game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. It is a spin-off of the popular Apex Legends game that was released for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in 2019. The mobile version of the game features many of the same elements as the original, including a variety of characters with unique abilities, weapons, and loot to collect. Players must use strategy and teamwork to outlast their opponents and emerge as the last team standing.
Apex Legends Mobile: A Comprehensive Guide to Improving Your Skills and Ranking Up


What is the latest version of Apex Legends Mobile? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of Apex Legends Mobile is 1.2.886.103, updated at 2022-10-18.

what's new in the latest version of Apex Legends Mobile?icon

New Legend: Ash
The Incisive Instigator has arrived.

New Battle Pass
Dress like a Champion, Champion.

Signature Weapon: Constellation
First Ever Signature Weapon for Fade has arrived!

New Events
Second Shot Blitz, Halloween events & more.

Map Updates
World’s Edge returns, now on rotation with Kings Canyon!
Visit the brand new Coliseum POI that has appeared on Kings Canyon.

Select Legends & Weapons have received a balance pass.

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Apex Legends Mobile is ELECTRONIC ARTS.

Can I play Apex Legends Mobile on Android/iOS?icon


What languages are supported by the game?icon

Apex Legends Mobile supports 1 languages including English etc.

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