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Priority in Talent Upgrade

Priority in Talent Upgrade

1K View2022-01-11
What are the talents to prioritize especially when you already have your team? There are times that it can be confusing which talent to level up first since you have 4 characters in your team.
Here are some of the things you can consider whenever you want to level up your talents. This will also help you consume your resins wisely.
1) Daily Domain Schedule - The talent ascension materials have their own schedule. For example, the Teachings of Freedom is scheduled every Monday, Thursday and, Sunday. Make sure that you will prioritize your Main DPS if you have 2 characters with the same schedule.
2) Character Role - If the character that you're about to level up is your Main DPS, usually, these characters are elemental-dependent characters. For example, Diluc. Diluc's normal attack doesn't really need to be upgraded since his Elemental Skill will automatically infuse your weapon with PYRO Damage same goes with his Elemental Burst. and Elemental Bursts. Since they will only be used whenever their skills are in cooldown.
Pro Tip: If you will upgrade a talent of your Burst DPS, let's say, Bennett, prioritize upgrading his Elemental Burst rather than upgrading his Elemental skill. The same goes with other healers, think of the skill that you really need on that certain character before you upgrade its talents.For Elemental Skill characters such as Kaeya, where you will only swap to him whenever you need CRYO Particles or Triggering an elemental reaction.
Any thoughts about the talent upgrade?
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