The Ultimate "How-to" for GLORIA
Hey guys! I have noticed that a lot of new and returning players are having a hard time mastering this very versatile hero. Gloria in most cases can be very oppressive in battle if utilized correctly and effectively. Here I will be breaking down all of her quirks and abilities, some tips and tricks, and give you the information needed to squeeze as many kills from this hero as possible. I'll be covering basic information, but also more advanced technics so you can get a better understanding of gloria in a more "big picture" sense of the hero. I personally love Gloria and think she is by far one of the best, but also one of the most misused heroes in game.
This is will be my favorite game! Please make a tournament and humble with community!
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New tps game
Author likedI love how Gloria's kit sounds. Seems like you guys put a lot of time and effort into creating heroes that feel unique and have different play styles. Can't wait to play this game!
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