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Warbands: Bushido - Tactical M
Warbands: Bushido - Tactical M - DehaWee's Posts - TapTap

946 View2022-03-08
Didn't expect it but... good card game. Notbad fights system (positioning > random), cool graphycs. It is not even p2w, cause currency is farmable (and not limited daily). Just hope devs dont stop on asian fighters only and add some other countries too. Also items drop too late, usually fight ends in less than 10 turns (at my 7 lvl). Not much players, bots mostly (even though they are bots, some op heroes make fights difficult sometimes).
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Do u even know what "BUSHIDO" means? the game is about Japanese shogunate era. Also check their new upcoming games on steam. And if u want face againts players reach atleast lv(20) to unlock rank mode. Every units have counter. The game is balanced enough. Also they are not a big developer so dont expect to much. Last update on 2018


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I think this is one of most badass card game (turn-base) on the market for now. Stunning graphics, amazing ost dan f2p friendly, been playing since day 1 and i have very great experience playing the game. The only downside of it was the lack of content but that's what brought me honestly, as busy person now i only like play games for two hours a day. Story is great because the dev using realtime event/history as reference, so its rich with potential.
Overall really good game but not balanced
The game ui looks similar to ALCHEMY STAR (NOT BATTLE). Packs are really expensive. After paying 5$ you don't have right to choose ur favourite 5⭐ it'll be a random which is disappointed 😞. Games work really smooth on my phone but it crashed ones idk why. Wifu is lifu so characters are really good 😊 hope I get one on real lifu🤣 The healer (hearin) is not optimised it heal full ho hero which should be low ho one
Isolated Irl1K2022-06-16
I've been playing for a few days now. So far it's been pretty good. The combat system is really dynamic. You can combo the skill to fight more effectively, giving a strategic gameplay even in 1v1 PvP, making it not too much stat based when you are fighting. The server is also verg stable (Despite being in Asia, playing a US region game). I really like the career system too. Not just that, you can also just explore the world and find some collections to get rewards, so despite just looking around you can make some progress. The storyline is also interesting.
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