Nice to meet you!
We are going to release the 2nd closed beta test in 12th May,
In CBT-2 Project Winter Mobile will have 3 servers :
North America & Europe
South America
What's new in CBT-2 ?
1. You can matchmaking by specific language
2. Matchmaking by single player or team with 2 players
3. Create private game room and play with your friends
How to download client?
We had create testing product page and you can follow
download will opening in 11th May

《Project Winter Mobile》Rating in TapTap: 7.3 95 Reviews - TapTap
Also you can join our Discord :

Join the Project Winter Mobile Discord Server!
Hope you can enjoy in Project Winter Mobile!
Will there be high ping issue in India?
Asia server in Singapore, game can working well if ping is less than 200ms if ping is very high, please let me know, thank you
Will this beta have data reset?
yes, its not official release.
What about MENA (middel-east and north africa) we like those types of games :((((
We plan to add battle server in middle-east (on open beta) North Africa should connect to server in Frankfurt if you have any issues, please contact with me, thank you!