CBT2 Closure Notice
Greetings, Chief!
CBT2 testing for this game will officially end on 12/13 5:00 (UTC). All of your game progress will be deleted after the test is over, but OBT is drawing closer so we'll meet again soon!
You can continue to follow our Discord server where we will keep you updated with the latest game news, launch notifications and more game tips!
Join Official Discord now:
Thank you for participating in this CBT2 test, and thank you for helping to develop this game! Your enthusiasm gives us more confidence for the future release of the game and we look forward to rewarding you with the best game experience!
Viking Rise1K2022-12-14
What time does the CBT starts?
10 mins later
Can't start the game keeps saying reconnect! 😔
server will opening after 3.5 hours