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Torchlight: Infinite
Torchlight: Infinite - kail's Posts - TapTap

1K View2022-05-14
it's a good game with cool characters and many skill tree to choose, smooth control and only need a multiplayer mode to make it even better
but what i hate is the power and def of the enemy. you can just kill normal enemy from lv 1 to lv70 easily with one shot them and so boring to play with that it make you dont even remember what they look like. elite enemy is tougher (you can still one shot) but they can also just one shot you back. i try to upgrade all the defend skill tree and best armor defend in the same lv as the elite enemy but still got cut like paper
From chapter 3 and above, few boss fight need to use a portal to get to the boss area but when you die in the area, you get send to the middle of map before you use the portal and have to walk back
Iteam bonus stats should be put in a special stats arrangement so you can check the iteam easier
the exp systems need a bit change. Any one can just get to lv 99 in 5-7 days which make the game kinda boring and not rewarding
this one is just a nitpicking but can skill (unlocked and locked) show how it work so player can already decided their skill built even before getting to lv 50
I'm not very good with english so sorry about that
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The game started scared me because I thought I needed level 70 to play 4v4 but nah, translation problems, at level 6 you unlock the mode (which left me a little cold). The game is Modeled on Apex Legends, it offers pleasant graphics, with a not so generic and colorful world (with a large room for improvement), and it goes without saying how comfortable and how good the mobility of the game is.. The menu is simple and does not bother the eye (not like COD Dogshit), and above all Very intuitive, for someone who only knows Spanish/English, everything is understood. My problem starts with the character design, which is not bad, but all the boys/girls have the same face with a reskin basically (Chinese face I guess), then there are the skills. These do not break the game, and many noticed that they do not contribute anything, or for example the one with the robot that throws a hook to provide mobility is a good concept but nothing is used due to the limited range. Finally, the 4v4, 6v6, conquest... I noticed the weapons in the game were very boring and monotonous. They all feel almost the same annoying recoil and where I notice the differences the most is with the submachine gun, francs and shotguns (there are only 2).. and the weapon rotation is not implemented, you can buy the weapon what you want without any progression. I hope the game reaches Global soon, and obviously improves regarding these problems, it is the best there is right now in 4v4 (better than Ace Force),  until Valorant or the beloved Operation Apocalypse  arrives. 🍷🗿6/10 🤓☝️
Game is great early on til you hit a brick wall paying money cant solve. At a certain point the game expects you to have 14k attack and 200% crit damage roughly around the end of chapter 10 in hard mode which is absurd. Im level 62 and nowhere near that with a 5 star scythe dimensional broken and a 1 star fire weapon ssr level 93. Max is 100 mind you. Yet recommended is 60 but that is bs. They expect you to have EVERYTHING 5 star full dimensional enhanced, all your skills maxed with paid coins and every shadow maxed, every hunter of that type of weakness maxed. But thats impossible. You dont get anywhere near that amount of resources. Environment effects are also overtuned to hell to the point the stage hits you harder than the boss. Cant recommend for f2p at all. Unless you dont care about progressing for 2 months straight on the same fight. My gear is good too. Cant imagine what its like for someone who cant get enough offense stats. The timer will ALWAYS run out. Bosses become the biggest bullet sponge you cant get past and youre offense barely increases at a certain point. I dont even want to know how difficult the rest of the story is going to be if this is just the start. Holy f this game is unbalanced. Burning demon is the most broken enemy in the game. Lifesteal on hit and 100 health bars that translate to 200 if you use your shadows at all. Also dont ever get hit once or he will repair minimum 2 health bars on the lightest hit. Some enemies are so broken they should be nerfed to hell. Dying in 2 seconds to 20 enemies throwing range hit attacks is absurd. Dodge everything 100% of the time and sweat or you will hate this game.
nick shades2062024-04-29
After getting to level 100, I realized this game was exactly like a museum. Decent to look at, but DO NOT TOUCH. Extremely boring combat mechanics and God AWFUL sound effects and animations. I've tried all the weapons, and their animations and sound effects are completely off sync and poorly animated in general. Skills you use that look intense, have almost no sound effect. For example, the sword skills all sound the same, as if your character is using a cheap stick. The gun has 1 or 2 decent sounds, and the flamethrower skill you cant even hear it. The fairies voice overs are all louder than all your skills.
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