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T3 Arena
T3 Arena - kaedeharj's Posts - TapTap

48 View2022-06-18
Some QoL changes I would like to see:
- an inventory system so that we can claim rumble boxes and power cores without using them up right away. Useful for saving rumble boxes for trying to get future heroes from the gacha and saving power cores for heroes not unlocked yet. wanted to save 1200 power cores for diggy but couldn't because i didn't have her yet so i had to give them to someone else
- more quick chat options like "Retreat", "Attack", "Wait" / "Wait for me"
- when jumping, you jump in the direction you are already moving. allow changing directions mid-air after you jump. this makes movement in the game much more fluid and less awkward
- allow changing individual layouts to be applied to unowned heroes. for example, i wanted diggy to have the same layout/settings as judex but couldn't because i didnt have her yet
- remove cap on getting battle pass points from tasks/matches and just further decrease the amount gained. some of us like to grind!
- in my opinion, first person gameplay is 4x better than third person because you dont have to do the weird 'lining up your character model and crosshair to your target' maneuver. for example, trying to shoot over the guard rails in the practice range with hua ling when youre right next to it is weird because your arrow is somehow hitting the guard rail but your cross hair is on the viktor ai....
- autofire does not work with hua ling and ossas at all. make it so auto fire releases your charge. this could be good for some players but nobody is forced to do it since its a toggle
- juet wanted to add that I still can't figure out how people have custom profile pictures? is it because their accounts are connected to FB? if that were the case I should see a lot more selfies and family group photos as profile pics...
Mentioned games

1. just like other games of the samw category(3d ish) like brawl stars, flash party, etc. they dont have an inventory system. it depends on luck and not about stacking up on boxes to get whatever hero you want. 2. imo chats aren't even that useful anyways in a random solo match. idk cant explain 3. no, imagine the sweats that will abuse this, jump peak shoot, jump peak shoot, its already fine the way it is 4. no, how can you apply something to a hero you haven't got yet? thats like applying a cosmetic for something you haven't even bought. just apply it when you have it. you never know, you might apply it now and wait 3 more years before getting said hero 5.again, just like brawl stars. They do this so their passes dont get finished in just 3days-1 week. They want to distribute the points in the duration of the pass time. this is to ensure that players play the game all throughout and not just the first week . 6. the games trademark aesthetic is the 3rd person type of gameplay. that way you can see your character and your skins as well as the designs and effects of ur hero. Adding a first person perspective will still have the same point of view just minus ur chatacter 7. the main drawback of these heroes are their charge attack/no auto aim. they can one shot other players adding auto aim is just inefficient making them broken l. to play these heroes u need aim and skill to use them to their full potential. hence, disabling autoaim in justified. 8. are profile pictures really a big issue? i mean when matchmaking ur just gonna see ur tiny little profile picture for around 10 secs. The tap tap profile pictures work so just use them


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