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T3 Arena
A T3 ARENA REWORK - Slight changes that can make the game and space more enjoyable!

A T3 ARENA REWORK - Slight changes that can make the game and space more enjoyable!

232 View2024-05-28
SPAWN POINT GAS REWORK- The days of staying in spawn and shooting outwithout recieving damage should be put behind us. Its too much of an advantage in higher lvl play. There should be a gas mechanic or a dmg mitation applied to fire that is produced from spawn. Once out, you should not have the ability to go back into spawn. There should be a 5 sec 0 dmg mechanic on heros leaving spawn to make up for this change.
FULL GAME MODE CATALOG- The full gaming catlog should be in ranked mode. The point of ranked is to have a well rounded competitive experience, not to play two game modes over and over again. It woukd make people have to adjust pmay style and use a large array of heroes.
SPECIFIC ROLE SELECTION- Role selection should be avaliable for causal mode, but should be a must in ranked mode. We are having a hard time convincing players about the importance of having atleast 1 tank and 1 support. It would force players to learn more tgan just dmg output. It should be required to have 1 tank/1 support every match, for most game modes (TDM is the only mode I can see not needing these changes).
SUPPORT GETS ITS OWN RATING- There are players that are support mains that should get their own rating system. AVG healing per match should be a factor they get, since there K/D will be naturally affected by this choice.
NO DOUBLE SNIPER- Double and Triple sniper should not be an option. Either the one shot potential is too much for the enemy team, or the snipers are not effective and put there team at an unneeded risk of lose.
POWER-UPS- There should be “power ups“ added to ranked mode to make the mode more entertaining and fun for diehard fans of the game. Nothing over the top but just more complex of a gaming experience (e,g, giving neon the ability to scan, or having an dmg multiplier for a short duration of time).
NO EXCLUSIVITY- the asset catalog of T3 Arena has some size, but there is no justifiable reason they are locked or “unavaliable“ assets newer players shouldn’t get chance to earn or purchase. If you want, you can even make skins or asset selection apart of the hero road if youd like, the player base would enjoy that (I specifically would love to earn the Quantum Knighthood Jabali Skin🤔😏).
RANKED STORE IMPROVEMENTS- Update the ranked store to include all assets from previous seasons and battlepasses. Youve already done that in the past, so keep those opportunities avaliable for all.
DOUBLE SNIPER DMG MITIGATION- The same way that you give tanks a dmg multiplier for being the only one on a team, the same shoukd apply to snipers. The more snipers you have the less damage you should be able to dish out. It just seems to be a more balanced option.
HERO ROAD UPDATES- We really need to complete the hero roads for a couple of our current standing heros (Ruby,Tigris,Vincent,Lacia).
RANKED IN GAME TOURNEYS- Creating in game touraments would be a massive change from the clan created tournaments. It would create player engagement, and get more people interested in getting into the competitive nature of the game.
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Looks great, unfortunately the game is dying and its seems no future for T3 unless they sold the game to other developers


Bacon Cat's Gaming News
Bacon Cat's Gaming News

They should match players that haven't played in a long while with players that aren't higher ranked but are thoroughly used to the game.



also want a better adjusted match results cause not every ranked mode is about kd, thats mainly tdm. so maybe a better adjusted meant for that would show the team how everyone played better then just seeing kills and nothingn else. like objtive time and showing the heals only real;y makes since for healers that doesnt need to be shown for everyone.


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Some QoL changes I would like to see: - an inventory system so that we can claim rumble boxes and power cores without using them up right away. Useful for saving rumble boxes for trying to get future heroes from the gacha and saving power cores for heroes not unlocked yet. wanted to save 1200 power cores for diggy but couldn't because i didn't have her yet so i had to give them to someone else - more quick chat options like "Retreat", "Attack", "Wait" / "Wait for me"
T3 arena was to be so fun and exciting, before the latest, SS0. Now the match ups are very bad. Too many bots in the ranked matches. Reporting player is there just for the show, it never do anything. The heroes damage, durability and abilities are changed so drastically that you have to completely change your play styles. My main complain is the too many bots and cheaters in ranked matches.
Tammoy Patra1K2023-05-28
My experience of T3 Arena from S1 to SS0.
First T3 was fun. Ranks were terrible I agree but now the game is completely hectic and full of bugs. 1. Sometimes 2nd skills doesn't work . 2. In the middle of the match, game freezes unable to move for the entire game. 3. When I get to a certain rank ,for example gold 1 3star, and notice that few my teammates are same when ever loose a match. They always have similar play style ,like standing in the corner for no reason , either firing straight up in the sky or the ground, going straight in to enemy line just to die and my favourite one never focusing on the objective and doing everything else. So STOP SENDING BOTS IN THE RANKS.
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