After a long time of waiting,my time has come,with the chance to play this game.
While others complaining about how good the game looks,i would love to point out of the different direction.
Lights,visuals are "okay".
But i did not got mindblowed of the looks of it.
Some of the movement animations are junky,and felt like,its just another mobile copy paste with same movements,like 1-2year old survival games had before.
samu robbert hardwell1K2023-05-24
but I'd rather tie in IDV or even lose rather than FC a player out ... now yeah if 3ciphers pop b4 1stvdown then yes a proxy camp is needed but instantly downing a survivor interacting with another is too strong as well that's like slugging .... in certain cases one or 2 slugs I can understand but 4k slugging to a bleed out is just toxic
it's all about your killer/hunter their abilities ect to not have to face camp locate your 3 cipher/gen and try to focus on that I mean in IDV the reptile can literally jump on top of shack and coalwinds main building roof and locate any survivor
That happens to hunters too. Hunters need to camp 'cause cipher rush.
no they don't I'm actually a killer main and ONLY time I seat (hook) is if endgame to insure a 1 or 2 k if you play like dbd both sides have a fair advantage