Starts great but it gets you stuck after some time. Im lvl 25 on my account, a full team composed of 2 free legendaries and 2 epic characters. All of thrm full gear/sets, all +6 +9 gear, lvl 45 to 50. Tank, healer, dds. And yet I sm stuck on the story mode because I need more power. Grinding for exp pots is tedious even with x3 speed and auto. 10 rounds on xp dungeon lvl 40 will only give 2 lvls on pots for an lvl 45+ hero. Wich will be the equal of consuming your total daily energy points. What about the other stuff you can do? Theyre boring and tedious. I will come back to it in the future. I still want that epic female demoness, you know witch one, the muscle momma.
Guillermo Fernandez2912024-04-13