Been playing this on n off since JP launch. While it's fun changing strategy/eq pushing story battles when you are under recommended power level and the graphic looks amazing, the daily grind that is required to power up is what killed it for me (unless you're willing to whale ofc). When I was going hard, I just gotta keep this game running on my PC almost 24/7 to farm ability/wep level up mats/wep affinity/etc. Another thing is how they handle adding new characters in this game. New characters just join you. Like, after patch, you log in and voila they're in your party now. Ofc, there's usually story event about how we met them but it's all side stories. If you do not do them, you'll be hey who r u!? They have little to none (mostly none) impact on the story. Basically non-existent. I'd rather they'd be gated behind MSQ