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Things they should Improve on the game to make it better 👍👍

Things they should Improve on the game to make it better 👍👍

4K View2022-09-04
the first thing they should improve is gameplay duh. Cause without good gameplay the game would probably have less players than, Industrial Toys, DICE, and EA might have expected. They should copy Battlefield V’s type of gameplay for more “fluidity” or a more Battlefield 4’s type of gameplay for more of a classic feeling, and Semi-Smooth Clunky Fun gameplay.
To make Good gameplay, is to make the guns Transition really smoothly,
Like when your Running then you see an Enemy and you Quickly move to ADS it needs to look natural or less Robotic y’know? And when your jumping it doesn’t really feel all that good, it makes you stop moving for half a second then you start moving again, please make it When your Jumping it just loses most of its Momentum but it doesn’t have that “Moment”.
Next thing they should improve on is some graphical improvements, like they should just Make the Resolution and Textures a bit less Pixelated and blurry, And Slightly Tweak the Shadows and Lighting to make it Better. And they also need to make The Sound Effects better!
The Next thing that is the most obvious thing that they are definitely going to do is… adding more vehicles!! Like Helicopters, Fighter Jets, Boats, and an APC. Like that’s what most Battlefields have. So on what they have to do is add some more vehicles! And I know that they are finally adding an Air vehicle to battlefield mobile, which is a good thing. But it is not enough. We want Jets, and Boats!
Add some Factions! And make them look Different from one another. Like for Example: American Soldier with Tactical Vest, Cool Tactical backpack, and Camouflage Suit. Vs Chinese Soldier with Magazine Vest, Pistol Holster, and Tactical Vest. Like we can Differentiate with those so we wouldn’t just panic for a slight moment then wasting some valuable ammo, all just because i thought it was Another Person that looked like the Enemy. 👍
More Map Variety. On what I mean by this is, having more maps with different Map types that have a specific role for different types of gameplay.
For example:  a Map that is Infantry only with Infantry only vehicles, on a Urban Destroyed City! Or a Map that is Sea Vehicles Vs Air Vehicles, Or just a Map that is Infantry only. Like the Possibilities are almost endless! And they need to make that happen! 👍👍
And last but not least! Make the maps a bit Slightly bigger, but not too big because if it’s too big, it’s longer to go to A to B, but if it’s Shorter, It’s too fast to Go to A to B, but if it’s Balanced Enough, It’s Balanced Enough to go to A to B. 👍👍👍
So if you are Reading this Industrial Toys and Electronic Arts! Please listen to my Concerns and Advice on how to Make the Game fun and Amazing as possible! 👍👍👍👌👌👌😎😎
I hope when your game finally enters Beta Testing phase, you listen to my and others Advices, Complaints And Concerns for your game. 👍👍👍👍😎😎😎😎😎👌👌❤️❤️❤️
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come on wtf how to get to play this game lol 🤣



decent on the beta woop woops ✌️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿👍


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