
Games worth discovering

Shadow Fight 2


1K View2022-09-11
When it comes to SF series, it's only a wonder how far the game has come since its first installment which was merely a simple 2d game back then in the days of Facebook games. However, what I first played was SF2, and that made me fall in love with its ambience, pleasing music, shadow styled graphics, amazing gameplay and engaging storyline. I didn't uninstall it until I got to the end of it, that's how addictive it became.
I couldn't wait to try other sequels of the game as soon as I got done with it, but I had to wait it out cause of my potato phone back then. I really liked SF3 as well, although I couldn't continue with it as much as I would've wanted to, not that the game wasn't worth it or something. One noticeably big change was the overall aesthetics redone with the 3d graphics finally coming into play which had its own feel. Only recently, I tried to go with SFA, it didn't disappoint me at all. It's an epitome of how far the game has come and evolved itself throughout all these years, and it continues to do so. I still cannot stop playing it every now and then, not only because of the great, top notch graphics, but also because of the PvP mode that we as SF fans waited for so long. For a fighting game, I would always recommend it to someone who loves to play the genre.
Talking about So2, I've always deep memories associated with this game, so it's really close to me in many ways. The way I used to play with my friends and mates and enjoy every bit of it while it lasted. That feeling is unforgettable and irreplaceable. I started off the game with it's prequel which was way back in 2016. I was hesitant to give a try to the second installment of the game when it eventually released in 2017, but when I actually did, it just couldn't make me stop playing it. I've never actually played CSGO on PC before playing this game, so I couldn't tell if it was close to it at first, but now when I see it differently, I would say it's one of the top 5 games that are closest ripoffs to that game, if not the closest.
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I played sfg 2 since i was like nine years old and it was awesome and after many years later i saw sfg 3 the graphic are awesome and i was blown by other new charcters this game is so nostalgic 
Reymund Gallenero6242023-01-28
I miss the sfg 1 but when this came out I was so hyped and excited to download this me and my brother have memories playing this awesome game, the game sfg 2 was kinds awesome too had a nice graphics gores aand etc
SS2 is way better so far.. this game was released in only a very few select countries AND it was so buggy. They've been patching and fixing issues every day or every other but it's just causing more each time. Vendor license is blocked behind a paywall so far, or I've heard rumors of the AD shop having one but it's 80 tickets(Maybe watch 10 a day) and it's only a small chance of showing up, while the shop refreshes only once a day. Just play and you'll realize this is not the sequel a lot of people were hoping for. 3☆ because I'm still having(trying) fun for now.. but class locking weapons will make me quit before long.. getting characters rely on gacha.
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