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Craftsman Story 3-Synthesis and Magic
Smith Story 3: Pessie Run - Ayzlyn's Posts - TapTap

127 View2024-03-14
SS2 is way better so far.. this game was released in only a very few select countries AND it was so buggy. They've been patching and fixing issues every day or every other but it's just causing more each time. Vendor license is blocked behind a paywall so far, or I've heard rumors of the AD shop having one but it's 80 tickets(Maybe watch 10 a day) and it's only a small chance of showing up, while the shop refreshes only once a day. Just play and you'll realize this is not the sequel a lot of people were hoping for. 3☆ because I'm still having(trying) fun for now.. but class locking weapons will make me quit before long.. getting characters rely on gacha.
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Brilliant game. Waiting for ss2
Nguyên Thảo192024-02-27
👍 Pros: The gameplay is better and everything is improved 👎 Cons: physics of the game sucks 🤼 Combat Mechanics:  after a beating a player by combo the opponents and if it is fall to ground he/she automatically stand up and is ready to fight without showing the way sf2 used to show movement 📖 Storyline: it is based sf2 Suggestion - make movement like sf2 🎮 Gameplay:  it is also same as sf2 but only with survival option which was also in sf2(it was a mode) but in shades it is the only we can play
Harsh Raj5052023-11-11
When it comes to SF series, it's only a wonder how far the game has come since its first installment which was merely a simple 2d game back then in the days of Facebook games. However, what I first played was SF2, and that made me fall in love with its ambience, pleasing music, shadow styled graphics, amazing gameplay and engaging storyline. I didn't uninstall it until I got to the end of it, that's how addictive it became.
Ryu Tenzo1K2022-09-11
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