What HBO's The Last of Us adds to the game's lore
At long last, the wait is over! Since June 2020, I've been on the edge of my seat waiting patiently and hoping the gaming gods, Naughty Dog and HBO, wouldn't f*$% up the Last of Us TV series and provide us with a video game adaptation worth watching.
It's no secret that, by and large, sitting through video game adaptations is the equivalent of cleansing your eyes with sulfuric acid. Often filmmakers take a story that's already perfect and translate it directly to a medium it wasn't intended for initially. So, of course, the film will be lacking compared with the source material. Then there are those times when they do the opposite and completely rework it so that there's so little of the game in the movie it's barely recognizable.
The last of Us was a very very bad PlayStation game nobody really wanted to play the first one was somewhat okay the second one sucked horribly. Hopefully they give up on everything with this dumb game series that they've destroyed. I would say out of all the gaming series in the world The last of Us was the biggest one to fail worse than cyberpunks release lol
Was one of PlayStations best games, they ruined the series with the second one, and milked the first one as much as they could.
I love The Last of Us, it's a very good game and the series is great too, while I wait for season two I'll play Pokemon Go!, Aarupolis and Crystal Fruits Deluxe because I follow to the expert slots streamer DiceGirl Egle. I really have high expectations for the second season, I hope it surprises me even more than the first one. :)
Nice I love that it’s kinda good with the taking the box off theirs photos form the game or not but it’s cool