Yo, adventurer! Welcome to your first edition of Emiko’s Adventures~
Things have changed quite a bit around here. Fortunately, I've documented every adventure that my business has brought me! Here, have a look before you head out, I won’t be held responsible if you get into trouble because you missed some information!
The first country you're likely to visit in your travels is the Kingdom of Gevalon, ruled by the illustrious King Faren of House Alexander. Its Valiant is the Knight Master Darrion Aldred!
Sprawled across the beautiful greenlands of Westpine, Gevalon is a prosperous monarchy and the capital, Kingstead, is a cultural melting pot that welcomes citizens from all walks of life.
Nevertheless, there are still a few things you need to watch out for if you want to have a smooth journey in this part of the realm.
Firstly - steer clear of druid territory, unless invited. Although they're peaceful forest folk, they've had their fair share of squabbles with the Gevalic people. They’re quite protective over their land, so approach with care!
And secondly - do not use Princess Theia's name in vain.
According to King Faren, she has been kidnapped by Leon Godric, The Hero of Arathos. It's a touchy subject around here.
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