First Impressions: Battlefield Mobile beta - Is it worth downloading?
In it's current state if you live outside of South Asia no. I live in the US and playing on servers all the way in Asia causes unbearable lag. The graphics definitely need polishing. The biggest complaint I have is the fact that controller support for the game currently is terrible and should be worked on in 2023 there is no excuse for a fps to lack full controller support outside of laziness on the dev side. Also they need to work on the AI of the bots especially if they allow conquest matches to start with only 2 human players.
I'll be more direct with my idea of what the game needs overall. The fps is super unstable alot and the resolution needs a slider to comp to all phones with the game looks blurry. I definitely gave it's high review with it being battlefield on a phone and overall having the feeling of battlefield good enough to think it is with the maps being pretty large overall for a mobile game and not to large to feel out of place from battlefield with also having a very low standard for mobile wise games. Overall the game has its combat done well enough to be pretty fun and the fps I didn't really put any review on since it's a beta with a lot of issues overall. My input on the gameplay is that it's better than most fps mobile games played with how the bugs are not to alarming currently and having a high feeling that at least half will be fixed by release. Everything could use a lot more to make people stay on the game longer but has a bit currently for its beta. Basically my review was just very low standards for mobile games and that the game is in beta being the fuel.
who are you aiding with supporting this garbage. I've played this for three alpha's and yeah it's come leaps and bounds. this game needs criticism and ideas of improvement not shallow praise for what is otherwise trash with a battlefield sticker on it. C'mon if it didn't say battlefield on it you'd never praise it the way you are now.
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