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Battlefield Mobile Gameplay

Battlefield Mobile Gameplay

2K View2022-03-24
Battlefield Mobile is still in Alpha testing so it's not going to be the best, but it's not too bad for Alpha testing. And I recommend to set your Graphics on medium because the Frame rate is a little sluggish it's not your phones fault it's just the game.
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The game of battlefield Mobile works well overall and the visuals overall are very nice. The fps has issues but it's normal for a beta and the quality settings don't seem to change way to much. Hope to eventually see a resolution slider to get a more crisp image and get more potential out of my phone.
Soccer Zombies1K2022-11-16
Lol what did I just play
If you have ever played Battlefield on PC, you will be highly disappointed with what this mobile version offers. The graphics seem like a rushed, cartoonish affair. The mechanics are weird, and the controls - are awry. There is not much to say, honestly, as the game seems to be in the pre-pre-pre alpha stage from the gameplay. We can wait and hope the mobile version follows suit with the PC series and gives us stunning visuals and 'only in battlefield' moments.
Battlefield Mobile Beta: I'm getting accustomed!
When this game releases globally with access to more local servers, full controller support (hopefully), As well as The finer details polished; Battlefield Mobile will be a powerhouse and staple in the mobile FPS genre. This game is definitely worth the wait. I'm using The Mantis Gamepad Pro Beta App (Google Play Store) To address lack of full controller support.
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