🌟 We are approaching the ~Thanksgiving~🌟Xendra wants to thank players with the content YOU want! Voice your WISH on the voting channel in Xendra's Discord. TOP 2 will get into the next update! 1️⃣ NEW Spellbook VellaPassive allows you to wield 6 Spells at once.
2️⃣ Smuggler-exclusive aurasLearned Illegal Auras will continue to show up in your regular level-up pool for the rest of the run, and have their own unique evolutions.
3️⃣ Cursed ChestsObtain powerful and valuable rewards in exchange for surviving a temporary challenge or penalty.
4️⃣ Aura MutationUpgrade Auras to unlock their Mutation, an alternative to Evolution.
5️⃣ Final Malice ModifierMax out the difficulty to 77 Malice for the ultimate challenge & rewards.
6️⃣ New Elite & Shrine EffectsNew types of threats, new types of powers to steal away.
7️⃣ New SpellsDestroy demons with new types of magic.

Steam Community :: Spellbook Demonslayers