Finding Paradise is an HEARTWARMING adventure FULL of HEART
From Paradise is out on Closed Beta access once more, and I had the privilege to playing it once more. Now, I did cover this game in the last Closed Beta, but I thought it would be good to touch back on the game and see how its going this time around.
From Paradise is the 2nd episode of the "To The Moon" Series, but this is a standalone game and does not require the first game to be played, to understand how this one works. The game is about two doctors who work for a company that give their dying patients the chance to live out their final wish, but only inside their head. In order for them to pass on feeling fulfilled. With the latest patient Colin, they find themselves in a very interesting mission which is full of ups and downs, and some very, very entertaining and heartwarming moments.
Sonata Dawnstar3K2022-11-14